Benefits of One Protein

Benefits of One Protein

A protein shake can be a great addition to your next meal or the perfect way to replace a meal. For people on a high protein diet, it can also be an easy and delicious source of protein when you’re on the go.

But did you know that protein shakes have added benefits? We’ll take a look at what they are so that you can decide whether or not it’s something for you!

To maximize the effectiveness of whey protein, it should be taken at least 30 minutes before exercise and not immediately afterward. The post-workout window is still essential but understands if muscle growth were your goal, you want all the nutrients in place while its peak levels are in the bloodstream &, most importantly, insulin release, which will deliver those nutrients into the muscle.

Benefits of whey protein include:

1) Increased muscle mass and strength:

A study published in a 2012 edition of “Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition” found that bodybuilders who used whey protein as part of their workouts were able to increase their strength more than those who didn’t use it.

It is likely because it repairs muscles, so they grow back stronger than before. This can also increase lean body mass and fat loss for those looking to drop some pounds.

2) Faster recovery after workouts:

If you’re training hard at the gym, you know how important it is to get adequate rest and recovery time between workout sessions. Whey protein can help you recover more quickly, which will allow you to get back in the gym and train harder sooner.

3) Lower blood pressure:  

A study published in a 2011 issue of “Journal of Nutrition” found that women who supplemented with whey protein lowered their systolic blood pressure by 4 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) compared to the non-supplemented group over time.

4) Improved digestive health:

We already discussed how whey protein is easier for your body to digest than other proteins, but it also has some positive effects on your gut bacteria as well. A recent study published in “Nutrition Research” found that mice supplemented with whey protein experienced reduced inflammatory markers linked to intestinal permeability.

These results could mean that using whey protein as part of a total gut health strategy can help to reduce inflammation and bolster your immune system.

5) Improved blood sugar levels:

Many people have turned to whey protein to lower blood sugar levels, which can be especially helpful if you have diabetes. However, even if you don’t have diabetes, research has found that consuming extra protein from whey supplements or food sources after exercise can significantly lower blood glucose levels after eating.

6) Improved athletic performance:

Many athletes swear by whey protein as an integral part of their workout routines, particularly for building strength and improving recovery time after intense workouts. One review published in a 2011 issue of “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise” found that adding 20 grams of whey protein per day to your diet can significantly improve strength and lean body mass, which will directly impact your athletic ability over time.

7) age-related muscle loss:  

Aging is a natural process, but that doesn’t mean it has to be accompanied by the loss of muscle mass. Whey protein supplementation could be one way to help reduce age-related muscle loss when combined with resistance exercise training.

8) Improved bone mineral density:

Our bones become more brittle and susceptible to fracture as we get older. Research suggests that 30% of people over 80 show osteoporosis in their hip bones. As whey protein can increase lean body mass, which helps strengthen your bones, adding this supplement to your diet can be a great way to improve bone mineral density over time.

9) Reduced heart disease risk:

According to a review published in a 2009 issue of “Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism,” whey protein supplementation has been shown to increase insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) levels, an important marker for heart health. In addition, research suggests that those who regularly use whey protein supplements can significantly reduce their risk of heart disease.

10) Reduction in occasional indigestion:

Some people may notice an improvement in their digestion due to taking a whey protein supplement or adding more whey-based foods to their diet due to the more accessible breakdown and rapid absorption of nutrients. However, if you’re experiencing digestive discomfort regularly, it’s best to consult your doctor before adding anything new to your diet.

11) Improved hair health:

Your hair directly reflects your overall health, so maintaining healthy hair can be a vital part of staying in shape. Many people take whey protein as a natural way to improve their overall well-being and boost the strength and luster of their locks.

In addition, research has found that those who have experienced hair loss could experience improvements after using a topical preparation containing active compounds from cow’s milk.

12) Healthy glowing skin:  

As we age, it becomes more difficult for our bodies to build collagen and elastin, resulting in larger pores and wrinkles. Luckily, scientists have discovered that supplementing with whey proteins regularly can help maintain healthy levels of collagen, which will leave your skin glowing and youthful.

13) Improved blood sugar control:

One of the most well-known benefits of whey protein is that it can improve blood sugar levels, making it an excellent option for diabetes or at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

A study published in a 2011 issue of “Nutrition Research” found that those supplemented with whey proteins showed significantly improved blood glucose response after eating compared to those who had not taken any supplements.

14) Reduced high blood pressure:

Many studies have correlated low-fat dairy intake with increased bone mass and lower body fat, as well as reduced stress levels and improved insulin sensitivity, all of which can reduce your risk of high blood pressure.

Research also suggests that whey protein can help lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels, making it an excellent option for those at risk of high blood pressure or dealing with hypertension.

15) A more robust immune system:

Our immune systems become weaker and more susceptible to illness as we get older. However, studies indicate that you can actually strengthen your immune system and significantly reduce your chances of getting sick through the regular use of whey protein supplements.

16) Improved cognitive function:

Recent research has found that various components of dairy foods, such as calcium and whey proteins, in particular, may improve cognitive performance when consumed regularly in the diet. Some researchers believe that this benefit could benefit individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

17) Reduced risk of cancer:  

According to the American Cancer Society, regular use of whey protein appears to be associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Still, more research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be reached. Additional studies have found that whey proteins may also help reduce your risk for leukemia, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

18) Fewer cravings throughout the day:

If you find yourself reaching for unhealthy snacks or treats between meals because you’re hungry, it can be hard to stick with a healthy diet to lose weight. Therefore, if you struggle with sweet tooth cravings in between meals, one of the best ways to stay full and avoid overeating is by adding whey protein shakes to your daily routine.

19) Improved lean muscle mass:

Whey protein can help you build more lean muscle, essential for staying healthy as you age. Muscle loss becomes much more likely as we get older, but regular use of whey protein has been shown to slow the aging process and improve lean muscle growth, even in those who are middle-aged or elderly. Plus, this means that you’ll burn more calories throughout the day, allowing you to lose weight even if you don’t cut back on food.

20) Reduced risk of type-2 diabetes:  

For decades, research has linked milk intake with better blood sugar control, which means that whey protein can be beneficial for improving insulin sensitivity and reducing your risk of diabetes.

However, a study published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” found that those who consumed whey protein daily for 12 weeks experienced improved blood sugar response when exposed to high-glycemic foods than those who did not include whey protein in their diets.

21) Improved mineral absorption:

Because it is derived from milk, whey protein contains all eight essential amino acids —meaning that you don’t need to eat other forms of animal proteins or amino acids to get all your required nutrients. Additionally, consuming dairy products like cheese and yogurt contributes significantly to calcium and vitamin D intake, linked with better bone health.

22) Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease:  

Like the research surrounding whey protein and improved cognitive function, several studies have found that individuals who consume more dairy products on average tend to have a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

A study published in the “Archives of Neurology” found that elderly subjects who consumed at least two servings of milk or cheese each day were 65% less likely to develop senile dementia than those who ate little to no dairy products.

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