Benefits of Blue Cheese

Benefits of Blue Cheese

blue cheese is a kind of cheese with blue or green mold. This type of cheese is different from other types, such as yellow and white cheeses. People usually eat it as the main dish with crackers. However, most people don’t know that it also offers many health benefits for our bodies. Benefits that we offer may include:

1. The role of reducing cholesterol levels in the blood:

blue cheese is good food for those who have a high bad cholesterol level. That’s because blue cheese contains conjugated linoleic acid or CLA, which has been proven to have the ability to reduce LDL levels.  As the result, you will not have to worry about your heart disease.

2. Prevent breast cancer:

I’m sure you know that cheese is full of calcium. As we look at the list of things that prevent or fight against breast cancer, it’s no wonder if dairy products become priority choices. This is because they contain fat and calcium which help in fighting breast cancer.

3. Ease of menstrual pain:

you might not know, but some dairy products can ease the pain during a woman’s period. This is because dairy products contain a lot of calcium which can help reduce muscle contractions and muscle cramps that cause pain.

4. Have an energy boost:

full of calcium in dairy products, including blue cheese. When calcium is absorbed into the body, it helps in muscle contraction and muscle relaxation that can give us an energy boost.  As a result, you will not suffer from fatigue easily throughout the day.

5. Blue cheese contains vitamin K which is good for bone health:

blue cheese is rich in vitamin K, one of the nutrients that are good for bone health.  If there’s not enough vitamin K in our diet, we will suffer from osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures easily.

6. Blue cheese contains high amounts of selenium:

selenium works as an antioxidant that is able to prevent the body from cell damage that might lead to cancer.  As a result, blue cheese can protect our bodies against free radicals.

7. Help reduces stress:

The high calcium content of dairy products is good for calming the nervous system, which reduces inflammation and cortisol levels in our bodies. It also helps us fight against stress easily.

8. Blue cheese benefits for weight loss:

People who want to lose weight should not be afraid of eating blue cheese because it does not lead to an increase in body mass. As a result, people will get the desired results quickly.

We should know that blue cheese does not work alone.  It will be bad for us if we want to lose weight if it is accompanied by unhealthy foods such as processed foods, refined sugars, and less physical activity.

Health Benefits of Cheese:

It is important to realize that not all cheeses are created equal and some contain more blue cheese benefits than others. The benefits of blue cheese in particular include providing a rich source of vitamin K and it also contains plenty of calcium which can help to keep your bones strong. It is also a great choice for those who enjoy eating this type of cheese as it contains less fat than other types of cheese.

What Makes Blue Cheese Special?

The main ingredient which gives blue cheese its special color and taste is a mold called Penicillium Roqueforti. It often has veins throughout the cheese, similar to that of Swiss or Gorgonzola which are also made up of the same mold. Other varieties of blue cheese include Stilton, which is a British variety, and Roquefort, an American version.

What are the Health Benefits of Blue Cheese?

Blue cheese contains a number of essential vitamins and minerals which can be good for your health.

The main benefits include: Calcium – This important mineral can help to keep your bones healthy and strong. Magnesium – This is another important mineral that can help you manage stress, regulate blood pressure and even prevent migraine headaches.

Vitamin K – This essential vitamin helps to keep your bones healthy by regulating the calcium in your body. Selenium – Blue cheese contains selenium which can be good for heart health because it helps to prevent coronary heart disease.

Benefits of Calcium:

As mentioned above, one of the main health benefits of blue cheese is that it contains plenty of calcium. This essential mineral works hard to keep your bones healthy and strong so you can enjoy an active lifestyle without worrying about osteoporosis or fractures. Cheese has long been associated with strong bones, which is actually why it is part of many diets designed to help manage osteoporosis.

Live Longer with Cheese:

Adding just one serving of cheese into your diet each day can actually provide you with enough calcium to keep your bones healthy for life – that’s because the recommended daily intake of calcium is 1000 mg. If you eat a serving of blue cheese, you will be getting a full 300mg of calcium which is 30% of your daily requirement!

What are the side effects of blue cheese?

Side effects of blue Cheese include vomiting, fever, nausea, and diarrhea.

What to Look for in a Good Blue Cheese?

You should always check the label to determine if your blue cheese contains any additives or added calcium as this can often be present in other types of cheese which are not so healthy. Some brands also have a lower fat content, which is an important thing to check for if you are watching your figure.

is blue cheese good for your immune system?

Blue Cheese is a great source of vitamin k which is good for your immune system. It strengthens the body’s natural defenses by helping to make white blood cells stronger and more capable of fighting off viruses and bacteria. So, yes, Blue cheese is good for your immune system.

How do you make blue cheese at home?

You will need 1 gallon of milk, vinegar or buttermilk, rennet or vegetable rennet, salt, and cheesecloth.

Ingredients: 1 Gallon Milk (Whole milk will give you the best results) 1/2 Tablespoon Vinegar or Buttermilk Rennet Cheese Salt Cheesecloth

Procedure: Heat the milk to 77-80 degrees. Add vinegar or buttermilk and stir well. You can add more or less of this to get your desired texture. If you want a very creamy cheese, add a lot, if you want a crumbly cheese, add just a little bit. Stir in the rennet with an up-and-down motion for about 1 minute.

Cover and let sit at room temperature for about 45 minutes to an hour or until the curds have firmed up enough that you can cut into them with a knife. Cut the curd into 1/2 inch cubes by drawing the knife through the curds in both directions. Let this sit for 5-20 minutes while maintaining your room temperature.

If the curds turn into large clumps, you can use a whisk to break them up or just cut them with your knife again. Line a colander with cheesecloth and strain the curds over another pot.

Make sure that you have something under this colander to catch the whey (cheese-making is all about using what you have and reusing it). Salt by sprinkling salt over the curds; this will act as an exFOLIANT on your cheese. Put the colander with its contents into a clean bowl to collect more whey that drains out.

After about 30 minutes, take your cheese out of the colander and put it into a container. If you want to eat your cheese within the next few days, put it into a covered bowl and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

If you plan on storing your cheese for longer than this, wrap it first in wax paper and then place the wrapped cheese into an airtight plastic container or bag and refrigerate it. Blue cheese is best used with roasted meats, fruit, or vegetables.

How long can blue cheese be stored?

Blue cheese will stay fresh in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks. You can also freeze it if you do not plan on eating it within that time frame. It should last about a month but make sure that you wrap it tightly in plastic before freezing.

What is blue cheese dressing?

Blue Cheese Dressing is a condiment made from mayonnaise, crumbled blue cheese, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Some people use sour cream instead of mayonnaise or use buttermilk instead of milk. It’s often used on salads with romaine lettuce and it’s commonly used as a dip for raw vegetables.

Why do you take your blue cheese with roasted meat?

Blue Cheese works well with salty, savory dishes like roasted meats because the two flavors balance each other out and bring out the best in both of them. The saltiness of the meat and the pungency of the cheese are very good together. The fats in the cheese will cut the sharpness of acids in the dressing or marinade.

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