Benefits And Harm of Tattoo

Benefits And Harm of Tattoo

(The word tattoo, or tattoo (two syllables, with the stress on the first) as it was originally written, is a Polynesian word used to describe the placing of pigment into the skin to produce decorative and religious designs.

Tattooing has been practiced by many groups of people throughout history and around the world. But it is in Polynesia that tattooing was given the most elaborate expression.

The word tattoo, or tattoo in the English language as it was originally written, is a Polynesian word used to describe the placing of pigment into the skin to alter its appearance.

Tattooing traditions are notably diverse, yet individual patterns are unique in their tribal significance. Tattoos are used for various reasons, among them to identify tribal members with their Gods and the tribe’s history.

Tattooing is found in many cultures worldwide but is most prominently associated with Polynesian peoples. The traditional Polynesian way of tattooing oneself involves cutting designs into the skin along sn lines using a sharpened piece of bone or turtle shell. The cutting is done either by the tattooist or by the person themselves.

Negative effects of tattoo:

on the body can be seen in some areas of the human body. the bad effects is not only seen in the skin surface, but also underneath it. so how is this happening?

there are some kinds of tattoo designs that contain a high amount of toxic materials (chemical) which has a harmful effect on the user’s body. here are some tattoo ink chemical compositions:

1). carbon black pigment – contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

2). phthalocyanine pigment (gold and blue color)- contains copper.

3). cobalt pigment (turquoise color) – containing cobalt metal and ammonia.

4). ferric oxide (red color) – contains chromium.

5). carmine (pink and red color) – the source of industrial lake pigment that is produced by industrial synthesis followed by mixing until they achieve the desired shade.

6). mercury sulfide (yellow color) – derived from inorganic mercury salt.

7). aluminum powder, calcium carbonate, zinc oxide – is used as a white pigment

all the tattoo ink above was found to contain chemicals that are harmful to the human body which can cause cancer, skin irritation, allergic reactions, and mutations. so, those tattoo inks are seen as a bad effect of the tattoo.

but now many tattoo artists and enthusiasts produce their own organic and natural pigment (tattoo ink) that has no harmful chemicals in it. they also use natural oils, plant extracts, and other ingredients needed to make an organic and natural color for tattoos.

Positive effects of tattoos:

can be seen more clearly when we look at its effects on the body. some tattoo enthusiasts use tattoos to heal their injuries and wounds such as cuts, scrapes, burns.

in medical science, tattooing is the process of injecting a pigment under a person’s skin in order to change its color. the human body reacts by sending macrophages to open the pore, which inevitably forms a clot to prevent bleeding. when tattoos are made under the skin, the pigment particles remain in place forever or until removed by laser surgery.

the healing process of tattoos is activated when lymphocytes absorb altered pigment particles in the form of ‘dark’ spots. these macrophages are small white blood cells that can move to any location in the body. after that, it will be brought to an attached lymph node in which the lymphocytes attack the pigment particles with antibodies.

in conclusion, all tattoo inks are not alike! everyone should understand this concept before getting a tattoo.  below is some advice on avoiding harmful chemicals in tattoos:

1). never tattoo inks in capsules.

2). check the ingredients of the ink before buying it!

3). avoid inks that contain parabens or alcohol which are skin irritants.

4). when buying a tattoo, choose an artist who uses high-quality, sterile, and single-use needles.

5). only pick an experienced local artist who can produce perfect art tattoos.

6). when you are in the middle of the tattoo process, stop immediately if you feel any pain or itching.

7). finally, consult your tattoo artist about allergies before getting a tattoo, after all, tattoos are not only made on the skin’s surface, but also underneath it. so how is this happening?

there are some kinds of tattoo designs that contain a high amount of toxic materials (chemical) which has a harmful effect on the user’s body. here are some tattoo ink chemical compositions:

phthalocyanine is a very toxic and carcinogenic compound. it can cause genetic damage, birth defects, or miscarriages when exposed to the body for a long time! this chemical is also easily absorbed by the skin due to its high solubility. you can compare it to other tattoo ink easily.

Can tattoos cause cancer?

there is not yet a clear answer to this question. in an interview with the NPR news, three scientists have discussed this issue with senior health editor dan golenbock.

Prof. Daniel Kruger of the University of Michigan said that “for some cancers, there are connections but they’re not what you might expect.” for example, Kruger’s research shows that people who have tattoos are twice as likely to develop skin cancer than those without tattoos.

but the results of other studies show the opposite! for example, a recent study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found no connection between having tattoos and an increased risk of skin cancer.

the American Cancer Society also said that there is no evidence that tattoos cause cancer. so the answer to this question should be “no” for now.

Long term effects of tattoos on the immune system:

tattoo material enters the bloodstream, and some of it may be toxic. to quote one researcher: “we can see that there’s a potential hazard in creating images with substances that we know are carcinogens.”

when injected into your skin, tattoo pigment particles can provoke an immune response. this means that your lymphocytes (white blood cells) protect your body from a foreign substance by destroying it.

lymphocytes are activated for two to seven days after tattooing, causing swelling and redness around the tattoo area.

the lymph system is an important part of our immune defense. its main job is to remove bacteria, viruses, toxins, cancer cells, and other disease-causing organisms from the body.

when your lymphocytes destroy tattoo pigment particles, this process can cause scar tissue to form in the lymph nodes. tattoo needles inject millions of tiny particles into your skin that remain there for life, producing inflammation at the site.

inflammation is an immune response that may leave you more likely to develop cancerous cells. this is because it can stimulate free radicals, unstable molecules that damage DNA and may play a role in cancer development.

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