How to Treat Stomach Cold

How to Treat Stomach Cold

1. Green ginger:

Crush green ginger with water and drink it two times a day. After 24 hours, the pain of stomach cold will go away.

2. Mint leaves:

Grind mint leaves with water and add some salt to paste from them. Apply this paste on the stomach and wait for 5 minutes, then wash it with fresh water. Do this 2-3 times daily to get fast relief from stomach pain caused by cold or flu virus infection [viral gastroenteritis].

3. Turmeric milk:

Add one teaspoon turmeric powder in one glass of milk and drink it twice a day after a meal to control digestive disorders that can cause stomach aches or abdominal cramps during viral fever.

4. Ginger juice:

Take a piece of ginger and make a paste from it. Now add one teaspoon of honey to this paste and mix it well. Drink this mixture twice a day to cure stomach pain caused by cold or flu virus infection.

5. Mint leaves drink:

Boil mint leaves in water, add some sugar to it, let it slightly cool down, and then drink when the mixture becomes lukewarm. This is an effective home remedy for stomach aches [stomach pain] that can be caused due to viral fever.

6. Bitter gourd juice:

Mix a cup of bitter gourd juice in a cup of buttermilk and drink it twice a day to get relief from stomach pain [stomach ache] associated with cold or flu virus infection.

7. Curry leaves:

Boil curry leaves in water, strain the mixture and drink it twice a day after meal to relieve stomach pain caused by cold or flu virus infection.

8. Apple cider vinegar:

Mix one teaspoon apple cider vinegar in half a cup of honey and consume this mixture twice daily to treat stomach aches that can occur due to cold or flu virus infection.

9. Banana smoothie:

Adding some black pepper powder to the banana smoothie consumed during breakfast will give quick relief from a stomach ache that is caused due to cold or flu virus infection.

10. Ginger juice with black pepper:

Ginger juice mixed with black pepper can be consumed twice a day for 4-5 days to relieve stomach pain due to cold or flu virus infection.

11. Lavender tea:

Blending two teaspoons of lavender flowers in one glass of lukewarm water, strain the mixture, and drink it 2-3 times daily for getting relief from a stomach ache that happens due to cold or flu virus infection.

12. Lemonade:

Mix half teaspoon lemon juice in one cup of warm water and drink it two times a day after meal for quick relief from stomach pain due to cold or flu virus infection.

13. Carrot juice:

Drink carrot juice with lukewarm water twice a day to cure stomach aches due to viral fever.

14. Coconut water:

Mix some salt in coconut water and drink it thrice daily to eliminate stomach pain caused by cold or flu virus infection.

15. Watermelon rinds:

Prepare tea from fresh watermelon rinds, strain the liquid, and have 4-5 cups daily to stop vomiting, loose motion, and stomach ache associated with viral fever.

16. Ginger with honey:

Consuming one teaspoon of ginger with honey twice a day can ease stomach pain caused by cold or flu virus infection.

17. Fennel seeds decoction:

Prepare fennel seed decoction by boiling 25 grams of fennel seeds in one cup of water for 10 minutes, let it be a slight cool down, and drink thrice daily to calm the irritation caused in the stomach due to cold or flu virus infection.

18. Asafetida tea:

Boil half teaspoon asafetida in one cup of water until it remains only a quarter part. Then mix some salt in this decoction and consume it once every day to reduce the stomach’s acidity level and stop vomiting to viral fever.

19. Seedless dates:

Consuming 6-7 seedless dates two times daily will be very effective for stomach pain due to cold or flu virus infection.

20. Lemongrass leaves tea:

Prepare tea from lemongrass leaves by boiling it in water, strain the liquid, and have it thrice daily to get rid of stomach ache caused by cold or flu virus infection.

what food is good for stomach infection:

Stomach infection is usually caused due to the intake of spoiled food or eating something which does not suit your body type. It can be either diarrhea-based or vomiting-based, and the symptoms include nausea, headache, and uneasiness in the stomach.

Though such infections are not very serious, they still make you feel terrible as it affects the digestive system, causing indigestion. This article will help you discover some foods which can help you beat these stomach infections fast. Go through them below:

Available at your nearest health store, this fruit contains anti-bacterial properties that fight against bacteria, successfully killing up all their chances to cause any further damage to your body’s bacterial population. So next time, whenever you have a stomach infection, have a glass of watermelon juice, and it’ll calm your stomach for sure.

Available at your nearest health store, this fruit contains anti-bacterial properties that fight against bacteria, successfully killing up all their chances to cause any further damage to your body’s bacterial population. So next time, whenever you have a stomach infection, have a glass of watermelon juice, and it’ll calm your stomach for sure.

Also known as ginger root, this herb has been used for centuries because of its excellent medicinal properties. It is anti-inflammatory, which helps ease the inflammation process and cures ulcers due to its soothing effects on the digestive system. You can either make ginger tea or raw pieces by chewing them slowly and then swallowing them.

what kills stomach virus:

What Kills Stomach Virus Bacteria

Stomach flu, also known as ‘gastroenteritis,’ is caused by bacteria. The most common are norovirus and rotavirus. These viruses can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea that last for one to two days. They’re very contagious and spread quickly from person to person or through contaminated food or objects that people touch…

What Kills Stomach Virus Bacteria What kills the stomach virus altogether is a complete mystery because each virus has its specific way of killing the human cells. Still, some general things kill almost all kinds of these viruses, such as heat, high acidity levels, freezing temperatures, etc. If you want to know what kills the stomach virus as a whole, then read the points below:

It should always be kept in mind that viruses like bacteria have a high pH level, and they also require a lot of fluid intake. So, whenever you’re going to drink something, always choose something with low acidity levels, such as tea or coffee, which will maintain your stomach’s health and kill all the stomach-related viruses causing this infection.

stomach flu antibiotics:

What Kills Stomach Virus Antibiotics

Stomach flu, also known as ‘gastroenteritis,’ is caused by bacteria. The most common are norovirus and rotavirus. These viruses can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea that last for one to two days. They’re very contagious and spread quickly from person to person or through contaminated food or objects that people touch…

Stomach flu antibiotics Although there are different kinds of antibiotics available in the market just for this purpose, however before you go ahead and buy any antibiotic medicine, read this article because here we’ll be discussing some home remedies which you can try at home without buying anything; well except the drugs mentioned below.

As said earlier, stomach flu is caused by viruses, so you should boost your body’s immune system to fight against harmful bacteria with its proper mechanism.

what kills stomach virus:

What Kills Stomach Virus Bacteria What kills the stomach virus altogether is a complete mystery because each virus has its specific way of killing the human cells. Still, some general things kill almost all kinds of these viruses, such as heat, high acidity levels, freezing temperatures, etc.

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