Symptoms of Stomach Germs

Symptoms of Stomach Germs

GERMS IN STOMACH is a prevalent problem in many individuals. There are several reasons which can lead to the appearance of germs in the stomach and intestines, such as poor hygiene or lack of washing hands after using the toilet or before eating, food contamination from raw foods, veterinary practices with animals that have been exposed to disease, contaminated water supply wells and reservoirs from improperly treated wastewater from cities and farms, etc.

With all this information, we can conclude that our daily routine has a significant impact on our health which means each person should always be aware of these facts.

This condition may cause fever, bloating, gas, diarrhea, loss of appetite. The symptoms generated by different people can be very other.

Here we show you the symptoms of stomach germs in a person:

1) Feeling tired because you do not sleep at night. This is because the body must fight these germs, and thus it expends tremendous energy.

2) Another common symptom is a bad smell from your mouth; when you wake up each morning, you could feel his breath stinks when another person touches him.

3) There may be burning in the throat or odor or rattling in breathing in some cases. In addition, sometimes, people experience chest pain when swallowing.

4) People with severe cases were bleeding from the rectum, although this symptom occurs less often.

5) Gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, diarrhea, and nausea are widespread;

6) Some people may show symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis.

7) People with stomach germs usually feel easily irritated because the body is trying to save energy to fight against this disease.

8) Some people might develop fever, but the temperature does not rise above the ordinary in some cases.

9) If you have these symptoms should immediately see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Types of stomach infections:

Stomach infection is a common ailment, which can occur to anyone. It’s not only annoying but also excruciating for the patient. The stomach flu or gastroenteritis occurs when excessive mucus and acid from the stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhea.

This disease has been known to kill more children around the world than any other health-related issue. Some common reasons that lead to stomach infections include contaminated food and tap water, improper hygiene while preparing food for consumption, inadequate handwashing after going to the toilet, poor personal hygiene, etc.

The following are some of the most common types of stomach infections:

The types mentioned above of stomach infections are the most common ones. However, there can be many types of stomach infections depending on causes and symptoms. The type of bacteria that causes the disease affects the kind of stomach infection:-

Salmonella is a bacterium that infects humans from contaminated food items such as meat, poultry, milk, dairy products, etc. The symptoms last for a week or two but can also recur throughout life if not treated properly.

The symptoms of Salmonella infection include fever, chills, diarrhea ( which is bloody and watery ), abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and headache. This type of stomach infection may affect children more than adults.

The E .coli bacterium poisoning is common and affects humans’ digestive tract, which is caused by eating undercooked or raw meat. It can also be spread from person to person especially when sharing the same utensils and towels with an infected person. Symptoms include severe stomach cramps followed by watery diarrhea, fever, fatigue, upset stomach acidity, etc.

Stomach bacteria types:

Vibrio is a bacteria found in brackish water, with salt levels up to 10% or slightly more. It can be contracted by eating raw oysters and other contaminated shellfish. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Campylobacter is another bacteria that infects the digestive system when you eat undercooked meat or juice from infected animals. The symptoms are similar to Vibrio infection but may last longer.

C .difficile, also known as C diff bacterium poisoning, occurs due to excessive antibiotic use, killing all healthy gut bacteria and leading to intestinal infections. Antibiotics are often given for short courses when treating stomach infections, but overuse leads to problems. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, nausea, vomiting, etc., which may be mild or severe depending on the individual’s condition.

Helicobacter pylori bacteria are also known to cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer in some cases. Some of the common symptoms of H .pylori infection include abdominal pain ( upper right area ), bloating, especially after heavy meals, loss of appetite, nausea ( with or without vomiting ), indigestion ( heartburn ), burping due to gas production by swallowed air during eating, etc.

Stomach ache:

Abdominal pain is one of the most common types of stomach infections that affect around 80% of people at least once in their life when they are healthy individuals. The pain is usually felt in the upper right area ( ribs and hip ). In addition, gas, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea ( mild to severe ), nausea, vomiting, along with other symptoms like fever, etc., can occur due to stomach aches.


It must be noted that abdominal pain on its own does not imply stomach infection. It could have been caused by some reasons such as constipation or even menstrual cramps for women. However, if you experience severe persistent abdominal pain, it is advised to seek medical help immediately, especially when accompanied by a combination of the above symptoms.

The causes of stomach flu may vary from individual to individual depending on their and dietary habits. Nevertheless, there are some common causes including:-

Stomach infections are often caused by the attack of bacteria, viruses, or parasites in your digestive system. The symptoms may vary depending on the type of stomach infection you have contracted.

It is essential to seek medical help when required because certain types can be more severe than others. For example, antibiotics treat Salmonella and other related bacterial infections, while parasitic infections require additional treatments for successful recovery.

Gastroenteritis treatment:

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics for uncomplicated cases of bacterial infections due to Salmonella and E .coli. The treatment is administered after a stool test confirms the reason for the stomach infection.

The treatment would also include drinking lots of fluids such as water, tea, etc., to rehydrate your body and flush out harmful bacteria from the system. In addition, narcotic painkillers like Tylenol may be needed when associated with severe abdominal cramps or pains along with other symptoms like fever, vomiting, nausea, etc.

Stomach flu during pregnancy:

Most women who contract stomach flu ( especially in the third trimester ) end up experiencing milder cases only. Still, there exists a possibility of miscarriage if not taken care of properly under medical supervision.


Salmonella infection usually starts with diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps after 1-3 days of consuming contaminated food or drink. However, the symptoms may last up to 7 days. In rare cases ( for children and the elderly ), the infection can be more severe, leading to severe complications like Reiter’s syndrome, arthritis, meningitis, etc., that need immediate medical attention.

Diarrhea causes dehydration which is very dangerous, especially when pregnant because it leads to decreased blood flow, low amniotic fluid levels & increased risk for preterm labor & congenital disabilities. Therefore, it is essential to keep your hydration levels balanced, so it’s best not to take any medications without consulting the doctor first.

Contagiousness of stomach flu:

The number of factors including age, overall health, the severity of the infection, and other related diseases you might be suffering from can determine whether your stomach flu is contagious or not. Generally speaking, most stomach infections are highly infectious, while some may only cause mild illness that goes away in a few days, like viral gastroenteritis.

If you have contracted an infectious disease, there are high chances of passing it on to others, especially when involving vomiting & diarrhea. Therefore, it is advisable to stay hydrated with lots of fluids ( water, soup ) instead of over-the-counter medication for fast relief. They can make your body lose more liquids than necessary.

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