Benefits of MCT oil and How to Use MCT Oil?
MCTs are beneficial for people who suffer from any digestive disorder, immune system deficiency, or diabetes. MCTs can also help in reducing the risk of heart diseases and provide relief in arthritis and asthma threat. MCTs also help in improving athletic performance and reducing fat.
What is MCT Oil?
MCT or medium-chain triglycerides are types of saturated fats that have numerous healthy effects on the body. It has various medicinal uses from aiding weight loss to preventing disease.
MCTs are also known as medium-chain fatty acids derived from palm or coconut oils. MCT oil is a natural chemical-free supplement that provides numerous health benefits for the user. It is a type of fat, not oil because it does not contain any glycerin in its chemical structure.
MCT oil is composed of fatty acids which are easily digested by the body and are sent directly to the liver to produce energy. As compared to other fats, MCTs are more efficient in providing long-lasting energy for an individual.
What are the Health Benefits of MCT Oil?
Here’s a list of the numerous health benefits of MCT oil:
MCTs, help in reducing weight.
MCTs act as an antibacterial agents that aids in destroying harmful bacteria that cause infections and diseases.
MCTs, provide relief from Alzheimer’s disease by improving memory function.
It also helps to prevent age-related mental decline like dementia.
MCTs are also beneficial for improving athletic performance. These fats give athletes the strength to exercise rigorously without tiring them out quickly. MCTs provide physical endurance and decrease recovery time between exercises.
How to use MCT Oil?
Diffusion: Diffusion is one of the most common ways to use MCT oil. The user can simply apply it topically on the affected area and allow it to dry.
Inhalation: MCT oil can also be diffused into the air by putting a few drops of oil in a steamer or vaporizer. The vapors help in relaxing muscles and provide relief from congestion.
Taken as Dietary supplement: MCTs are available in the form of dietary supplements that can be used to obtain energy. There are numerous applications where users can ingest MCT oils like yogurts, smoothies, and shakes.
Side Effects of MCT Oil?
The most common side effects reported with MCT oil were nausea, stomach ache, or upset stomach. Sometimes, an individual might feel dehydrated or dizzy because of the MCTs.
Some people might be allergic to oil derived from vegetables and nuts like coconut oil. The symptoms include itching, rashes, hives, or swelling near the affected area. Other side effects can be throat closing up or difficulty in breathing which is a sign of anaphylaxis.
Besides these common side effects, there are also some rare cases reported with MCT oil use. These include dizziness, vomiting, fever, and elevated heart rate.
An overdose can result in diarrhea or even vomiting so it is advisable to start the dosage with small amounts until the body gets used to it.
Consulting a doctor or physician before using MCT oil is highly recommended.
Are there any Contraindications for the use of MCT Oil?
Patients who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and people diagnosed with pancreatitis and gallstones should avoid using MCTs or at least consult a doctor before using MCT oil.
MCT oil is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding because sufficient research has not been done in this area.
People who have had an organ transplant should avoid using MCTs or consult with a doctor to prevent any possible side effects. Lastly, it is best to discontinue use when diagnosed with any kind of kidney disease.
MCT oil for skin:
MCT oil is a great source of healthy fats and can be used to treat many health concerns. MCT oil for skin is one such aspect that has been long misunderstood until very recently.
Research points out that healthy fats might not just help you boost your metabolism, but also play a vital role in the process of collagen production within the body. When it comes to the best MCT oils for the skin, there are many factors that need to be considered.
Here are some of the things you must be aware of while buying an MCT oil meant for skincare:
1) Cold-pressed oil is always better than chemically extracted or refined oil – Chemical refining consists of high heat and harsh chemicals which end up stripping away the important nutrients that your skin needs. Since MCT oil is sensitive to heat and can quickly become rancid, it is best to opt for cold-pressed oils instead of refined ones.
2) Make sure there are no additives in the form of solvents or preservatives in your MCT oil – Even though MCT oil is mostly made up of good-for-the-skin fatty acids, it could contain other additives including preservatives which can cause skin irritation. To avoid this problem, opt for products that are 100% pure and natural.
3) Choose an MCT oil with a higher concentration of capric acid – When choosing an MCT oil for skincare, make sure the product you pick has a higher concentration of capric acid as opposed to caprylic or lauric acid. Since those acids break down at higher heats, they pose the risk of becoming rancid.
4) Make sure your MCT oil is raw and cold processed – If you want to be on the safe side, make sure your MCT oil is raw and cold processed. The product should be pure with no additives or artificial ingredients added to it.
Taking all these points into consideration, you will be able to pick an MCT oil that works great for both your skin as well as overall health.
MCT oil nutrition facts:
MCT oil is derived from medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). It’s a form of saturated fat that has numerous health benefits.
All fats are made up of chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached to them. But in the case of MCTs, the carbon chain is only 6 to 12 links long and most of the carbon atoms are in the middle part of the chain.
Since MCTs are smaller than LCTs (long-chain triglycerides, or fats), they’re more quickly and easily digested. They also go directly to your liver from your digestive tract, where they’re used as a quick source of energy. This makes MCTs a great source of fuel for your body and brain.
MCTs are also more easily absorbed by your body. This means they’re better at helping you absorb fat-soluble nutrients, including vitamins A, D, E, and K.
You can find MCT oil in some foods, including coconut oil. However, this form of MCT oil isn’t as potent as the concentrated version, so you don’t want to use coconut oil as your primary source.
MCT oil dosage:
You can use MCT oil as cooking oil, salad dressing, or in smoothies. Because of its mild flavor and odor, it is also an excellent oil for stir-frying vegetables or other food items that are hard to cook with oils that have stronger tastes.
Just one tablespoon contains about 14 grams of fat. One teaspoon contains about 5 grams of fat. Opt for this oil in baking, cooking, and salad dressings.
MCT oil side effects:
Side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in some cases when taken in large doses. Some studies suggest that frequent use can cause a deficiency of essential fatty acids and other lipids and may even compromise the functioning of the immune system.
It is also suggested that frequent use may cause decreased appetite or cravings for other foods by suppressing the secretion of hunger hormones Ghrelin and Leptin, which contributes to deficiencies in macronutrients, micronutrients, and other essential dietary components.
Due to some concerns about the toxicity of MCT oil, consult your physician prior to using it.
Usually, MCT oil is safe when taken under the supervision of a physician or dietitian. As with any medication or supplement, there are possible side effects and adverse reactions.