What Are The Reasons For Feeling Tired and Exhausted?

What Are The Reasons For Feeling Tired and Exhausted?

When the person is not getting the required sleep, he may feel exhausted. Likewise, being inactive can also make a person feel exhausted. Again, it happens because of a lack of oxygen and blood flow to various body parts.

The common reason for feeling tired and exhausted is due to the stress we are undergoing, mental and physical. However, there could be other reasons, too, such as anemia and electrolyte imbalances.

How to feel energized instead of exhausted:

We can follow some tips or do some homework to feel fresh and active. The first thing we must do is sleep at the right time to get just enough rest. Then, we must also try to be active throughout the day.

There can be several reasons for lack of activity, like doing a tedious job or meeting with boring people at work. This will make us feel exhausted. We should change our lifestyle if that’s the case.

Exercising regularly will also help in keeping the fatigue away. This is for those who are working out from home. People who can afford to go to a gym should do it regularly as the people there will motivate them and make them feel fresh. We must eat nutritious food that has all the minerals and energy-providing nutrients instead of empty calories.

Avoid taking alcoholic drinks because that causes dehydration, which in turn causes tiredness. Stress can also cause drowsiness, so stress management techniques should be learned. When nothing seems to work, the person should consult the physician to rule out any underlying diseases causing this.

Many people have tried these techniques and have experienced a change in their lifestyle after that. So there are high chances that it may work for you too.

If you are still exhausted after trying all these things, please consult your physician without further delay. It is essential to know the cause well to give the right medicines to treat this condition. When people visit any nearby pharmacy, they ask about these medicines to the pharmacist, who is supposed to be a well-wisher of the person.

The pharmacist knows about the medicines and how they will affect a person’s system. He advises people to take particular medications for this tiredness problem. But the pharmacist mentions to people that over-the-counter medicines can help treat this condition.

But after taking these medications, if there is no effect or you are feeling worse, please consult your physician without further delay because it could be due to an underlying disease.

The right medicines will undoubtedly help you in recovering faster and make you feel refreshed like before.

I think it is essential for everyone to know about these things to take appropriate measures when feeling tired and exhausted all the time. So I hope this article was helpful in some way or the other regarding knowing about this topic.

Please share this piece of information with others, too, so that everyone gets to know about different remedies for tiredness and exhaustion problems.

Fatigue Symptoms:

1. Aching muscles.

2. Tiredness or feeling of weakness.

3. Lack of sleep, not feeling refreshed on waking up in the morning.

4. Feeling depressed and irritable all the time! And so on…

low energy levels in females:

Females may feel tired, drained, and exhausted quickly than men. This is because women go through different stages like puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause, where their bodies undergo hormonal changes that make them feel sluggish and low on energy.

Feelings of fatigue can be due to lack of sleep. Women who are in the habit of doing shift work or late-night parties do not get proper sleep. Lack of restful sleep affects their physical and emotional well-being adversely.

Women may also suffer from chronic diseases that cause persistent tiredness, for example, anemia (low blood count), thyroid disorder (underactive thyroid gland), depression, obesity, etc.

Aerobic exercise:

Exercising helps women to burn fat and increase their metabolism rate, which results in energy production. For example, a simple brisk walking routine for 30 minutes daily will make a woman feel more energetic as it gets the heart pumping and lungs working. In addition to aerobic exercise, strength training also builds muscle mass, an essential component of the body’s ability to burn fat.

As muscles use up more calories than fat tissue, it enhances a woman’s metabolic function and reduces her tendency to accumulate excess weight. The strength training can be done using weights or resistance bands at home two times per week.

Exercising on an empty stomach every day, such as doing power yoga early in the morning before eating anything or getting coffee, can give a boost to your energy levels. Also, cardio exercises like running, brisk walking, and swimming will keep you active and your metabolism rate high.

Aerobic exercise is most beneficial for women who haven’t exercised regularly or haven’t exercised. However, they should start with five minutes of warm-up aerobic activity followed by 20-30 minutes of continuous aerobic activity at least three times a week. This is known as the ‘talk test,’ which means they should carry on a conversation while performing their workout without becoming too breathless.

What causes fatigue:

1. Sleeping disorders:

Asleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia, can cause daytime fatigue. For example, sleep apnea is characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during the night that disrupts standard sleep patterns and prevents the complete rest of the muscles, which results in increased levels of tiredness.

2. Anemia:

Anemia is a condition where there are low levels of healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body resulting in an overall feeling of weakness and inability to perform daily tasks or duties, causing poor energy levels. Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common forms of anemia. Symptoms include dizziness, rapid heart rate, headache, pale skin tone, etc.

3. Low Blood sugar Levels:

Many women experience fatigue during their premenstrual days or missed periods. This is due to low blood sugar levels, which occur as the body uses up its stored sugar and causes shakiness, weakness, tiredness, and brain fog, causing a lack of energy and focus.

4. Thyroid Disorders:

Hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid gland is a common cause of poor energy levels and fatigue in females. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate your metabolic rate and how the body uses energy from food to provide power for all your daily activities.

Women who have diabetes, lupus, liver disease, kidney disease are at risk of developing hypothyroidism as these conditions develop over time, requiring diagnosis early on. Symptoms include tiredness, dry skin, raised cholesterol levels, constipation, weight gain, etc.

5. Depression:

Women who are suffering from depression can also suffer from fatigue. A patient of depression typically will describe feeling constantly sad or empty and have trouble getting pleasure out of the activities they once enjoyed in life. Other common symptoms are feelings of guilt/worthlessness or recurrent thoughts of death.

6. Chronic medical conditions:

Many chronic medical conditions such as diabetes increase a woman’s risk of developing severe fatigue that interferes with her daily life and activities, which may be caused by other factors such as anemia, thyroid disease, or low blood sugar levels apart from the actual chronic condition itself.

The good news is that many chronic conditions that cause fatigue are preventable or treatable. For example, diabetes can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices such as getting regular exercise, following a nutritious diet, maintaining a healthy body weight, and avoiding smoking.

How to fight fatigue:

1. Always get enough sleep:

A person should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every day as lack of sufficient and good quality sleep can lead to poor energy levels and fatigue. In addition, people with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes may find that their fatigue is more closely related to how their disease is controlled than the actual process itself.

This means that if they need to take four medications a day, understand that this will require extra effort, leading to feelings of tiredness and excessive daytime sleepiness. Getting regular exercise will also help improve your energy level by releasing endorphins (natural chemicals), enabling you to feel better by protecting against stress and boosting self-confidence, motivation, etc.

2. Eat healthily:

Good nutrition is also an essential factor in your energy levels and fatigue. A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber will help you feel well throughout the day. Including iron-rich food to help prevent anemia can be very helpful for women suffering from tiredness or fatigue.

3. Reduce Caffeine Intake:

People with CFS tend to drink caffeine too much as it helps them stay awake, although this may worsen their symptoms over time. All types of caffeine drinks should be avoided, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate bars, or other caffeinated snacks/foods to reduce tiredness and fatigue because if you are constantly drinking caffeine throughout the day, it could contribute to a chemical imbalance in the brain which will worsen your symptoms of fatigue and tiredness.

Caffeine can be very addictive, so it is best to reduce caffeine intake gradually over several weeks until you are only drinking 2-4 cups of coffee/tea daily rather than having 6-8 cups. This allows your body time to adjust slowly without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, feeling irritable, or nausea.

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