Troll 2: Release Date, Cast, Plot, and More Details

The Netflix original film “Troll” is a fantasy drama directed by Roar Uthaug and written by Espen Aukan. After a huge troll threatens the country from the Dovre Mountains, paleontologist Nora Tidemann is compelled to reconnect with her father. The Norwegian-American film expands upon the traditional monster movie formula while also introducing its audience to a trove of troll-related legends.

Therefore, audiences are left wondering whether the narrative will be continued in a sequel, and if so, whether or not it will provide another exciting experience. The information we have so far on a possible “Troll” sequel is as follows.

Troll 2 Renewal Status

A sequel to the successful Norwegian monster film Troll was announced by Netflix on September 19. Variety reports that the film’s original cast and crew will return for its sequel. Roar Uthaug is resuming his role as director, while Espen Aukan is penning the script. Espen Horn and Kristian Strand Sinkerud are also back on board as producers.

Horn and Sinkerud, the film’s producers, had discussed the possibility of a sequel with What’s on Netflix when the original film was released. Their wish has apparently come true, for production on Troll 2 has begun.

Troll 2 Release Date

Uthaug opted to explore his folklore-inspired notion in the late 2010s after work on Tomb Raider had completed. The filmmaker of Cold Prey wanted to make a movie about trolls, a giant monster that is practically unstoppable, that took place in Norway. Uthaug reportedly spent over twenty years thinking about the concept before teaming up with Motion Blur’s management to bring his ideas to reality. Uthaug finished filming Troll in December 2022, over three years after their first encounter. The film has earned millions of dollars and is considered one of Roar’s finest achievements.

Another mythological spin-off appears to be on the horizon, according to Uthaug’s Godzilla-sized idea for the sequel. According to reports, development on Troll 2 has begun, and the sequel is scheduled for a late 2024 release. Despite the streaming giant’s interest in developing the series further, they have been tight-lipped about any specific plans.

Troll 2 Cast

In ‘Troll,’ Ine Marie Wilmann plays paleontologist Nora Tidemann, who must confront a monstrosity. The Norwegian Prime Minister’s counselor, Andreas Isaksen, is portrayed by Kim Falck. Kaptein Kristoffer Holm, played by Mads Sjgrd Pettersen, is an army captain who aids Nora and Andreas in their struggle against the troll.

Tobias Tidemann, Nora’s father and a folklorist, is the subject of a piece by Gard B. Eidsvold. Statsminister Berit Moberg (Anneke von der Lippe), Defense Minister Frederick Markussen (Fridtjov Sheim), Defense Chief of Staff General Sverre Lunde (Dennis Storhi), and Sigrid Hodne (Karolina Viktoria Sletteng Garvang) round out the cast.

Wilmann, Isaksen, and Pettersen are likely to return for a potential sequel as the majority of the film’s key protagonists survive the conclusion. Similarly, several members of the supporting cast may return for the sequel. Even though his character has died, Eidsvold may make an appearance in Nora’s history flashbacks.

Troll 2 Plot

Nora and her group use sunlight to encircle the troll in the end. Nonetheless, the government and Nora decide to allow the Troll family to live in peace rather than kill the beast and its offspring. The sun rises on the horizon, casting its dazzling rays upon the troll’s flesh, which the troll promptly burns to a crisp in return. Nora is sad and dubious, while the rest of the village celebrates Troll’s death. While she is wondering whether another troll is hiding in the dense woodland, she is stunned into silence by a roar and subsequent ruckus.

Uthaug and Aukan have teased the audience with another believable Troll assault, laying the groundwork for Troll 2. It’s safe to assume that Nora and her crew will face another monstrous monster in the sequel, maybe one with even more destructive potential.

TROLL | Official Trailer | Netflix

Troll 2 Production Status

It is expected that production will begin in 2024. However, a confirmed release date has yet to be announced. We might lose at least three months’ worth of output at this rate. This is how long it took to make the first movie. After principal photography is complete, the production of the sequel should quickly shift to post-production, where most of the time will be spent editing the film to perfection.

Troll Movie Performance

Troll has been seen on Netflix for a total of 178,600,000 hours, making it the most-watched non-English movie in the service’s history. In its first 91 days on the service, the first video allegedly attracted 103,000,000 views. According to reports, it also topped the charts in Norway, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Troll Movie Review

The plot is simple, but as the monster is shown halfway through the film, all the tension and intrigue disappear and are replaced with a plain action movie. There’s nothing wrong with that, and the film does have many similarities with the Godzilla film from the ’90s in terms of tone and style.

All of the characters are likable, yet they lack any real depth. Andreas has a straightforward but rewarding narrative arc, with Nora and Tobias serving as the film’s glue and Captain Kris providing some much-needed testosterone as the gum-chewing military guy.

Troll’s problematic logic and repeated narrative are its two biggest flaws. It borrows heavily from previous monster movies, including ones that I’ve already highlighted. Godzilla is referenced by the discovery of a gigantic footprint; Jurassic Park by the vibrations that cause water to flow; and King Kong by the sight of a monstrous beast fending off helicopters. The film’s 90 minutes are filled with similar moments, and you’ll find yourself making a mental list of all the films it parodies.

This is the kind of film where the logic collapses the moment you give it any thought, guaranteeing a terrible viewing experience. A lot of people have issues with the film since no foreign governments intervene, and it’s even more annoying that Kris doesn’t receive a satisfying resolution.

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