The Benefits of Meat

The Benefits of Meat

Eating meat is a quintessential part of the human experience. It’s been going on for millennia and isn’t likely to stop anytime soon. In fact, the average person eats seventy-three pounds of meat each year.

Eating meat has been shown to have positive health effects that should be embraced by everyone without fear or reservation. In fact, even those adhering to strict dietary regimens should feel free to indulge in a double bacon cheeseburger from time to time.

The benefits of meat have been documented by virtually every culture that has ever existed. Archeological evidence shows that early humans hunted animals and ate their meat as a significant part of a healthy diet.

The American Dietetic Association agrees, saying that “appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.”

Meat has always symbolized strength and masculinity. As with so many other areas of life, women, so quick to criticize men for their love of meat, are actually lacking in masculinity themselves.

The fat content in meat helps increase testosterone levels and physical strength, which is another reason why men should not hesitate to tuck into a steak dinner. It has been scientifically proven that vegetarians suffer from lower strength than meat-eaters.

Meat is the source of all things nutritious. It contains vitamin B12, which vegetarians sometimes lack due to their restricted diets. Vitamin B12 has been shown in studies to reduce depression and increase energy levels. The same vitamins in meat are also known to prevent blindness, osteoporosis, anemia, and Alzheimer’s.

Even vegetarians know how beneficial meat is. The food pyramid recommended by the USDA contains “Meat and Beans,” at its foundation, representing 50% of everyone’s diet. Plant-based protein sources are inferior to meat both in terms of muscle development and overall health. The USDA, American Dietetic Association, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and Dieticians of Canada all agree that meat is an integral part of a healthy diet.

Animal fat has been unfairly demonized by the feminist movement. It should be embraced as equally as animal protein. Animal fat is, along with protein, a necessary part of any healthy diet. Even the American Heart Association and Dieticians of Canada agree that saturated fats, like those in meat and dairy products, do not raise the risk of heart disease. The AHA has even given the go-ahead for moderate consumption of red meat, declaring it perfectly safe for the heart.

Animal fat is, contrary to popular belief, not bad for your skin. In fact, some studies have shown that fatty acids in fish oil contribute significantly to healthy skin. Saturated fats are also responsible for hair growth and shiny coats in pets.

It’s easy to see that eating meat is beneficial to your health. As with most things, however, moderation is key. Too much of anything can be dangerous, and this includes meat. Studies show that the more meat one eats, the greater their chance of developing heart disease or cancer. While it’s recommended that one eat meat at every meal, it should only make up a maximum of 20% of your daily caloric intake

Top 9 health benefits of meat:

1. Needed for muscle growth and development

2. Assists in preventing anemia

3. Helps distribute oxygen-rich red blood cells throughout the body

4. Provides essential fatty acids that are not synthesized within the body but are required by it to function properly. These omega 3 fatty acids keep our skin healthy.

5. Needed for the proper functioning of kidneys, heart, and lungs

6. Keeps our bones healthy by providing needed calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also provides vitamin D which is required to absorb the calcium in our bodies (children get this from drinking milk)

7. Meat contains choline which is essential for a healthy nervous system and brain development, especially in infants

8. Keeps our joints healthy by supplying sulfur to them

9. Contain the B vitamins- thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B12 which are needed for a variety of functions in the body such as growth and repair of body tissues, energy production, blood cell formation, and nervous system function.

Meat benefits for females:

1. Contains iron which prevents iron deficiency anemia and keeps our minds healthy, while supporting the formation of red blood cells in the body which are needed for carrying oxygen to all body parts.

There are two types of dietary iron- heme iron which is found in animal sources of food, including meats, fish, and poultry, and non-heme iron which is found in plant sources of food such as lentils, beans, and spinach. Heme iron is absorbed much better by our bodies than non-heme iron.

2. Contains zinc which supports proper immune system function and keeps our brains healthy and working properly so we can think clearly and remember things accurately, especially when we’re under stress.

3. Contains omegas 3 and 6 fatty acids (also in plant foods, but not as much) which keep our skin healthy and help lower the risk of developing heart disease when eaten in moderation (omega 9s can be found in olive oil and avocados). They also prevent strokes by keeping blood pressure down, reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and lower inflammation in our bodies.

4. Contains protein which is needed for healthy muscles, bones, skin, and blood vessels. It also keeps us feeling full for longer after eating it, preventing overeating that can lead to weight gain (foods/drinks high in protein are Greek yogurt, milk, cheese, and almonds).

5. Contains vitamins (A, B3, B6, and B12) which are needed for healthy cells growth/regeneration in the body (such as new skin cells when we get a cut), keeping our minds healthy, and preventing depression. This vitamin mix also keeps digestive function working properly on the whole (not just for our stomach, but also for our intestines), prevents anemia by keeping red blood cell count up, and supports good vision.

6. Contains selenium which is needed for a healthy immune system, thyroid function, and antioxidant activity in the body (the main antioxidant role of selenium is to protect Vitamin E).

7. Contains many of the vitamins and minerals we need to keep bones healthy while also supporting their strength which is important for preventing osteoporosis (low bone mineral density). It can strengthen tooth enamel too.

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