Symptoms of Conjunctivitis

Symptoms of Conjunctivitis

Eye Redness

Itching, Burning, or Pain around the eyes

White/yellow mucus

You might have heard about pink eye and think you have it. But there is a difference between pink eye and conjunctivitis. Pink eye is much more severe as it involves an infection of the cornea, whereas conjunctivitis is caused mainly by a condition of the membrane surrounding the eyeball.

Conjunctivitis can be subdivided into two major types: viral and bacterial conjunctivitis.

Viral infections are much more common than bacterial infections. In both cases, however, the most crucial step in treatment comes from treating your child at home rather than rushing them to a doctor going straight for antibiotics without considering other potential causes.

The following are some tips for home treatment:

– Rest as much as possible.

– Apply a cold compress on the eyes.

– Use over-the-counter eye drops or ointments to relieve symptoms such as itching and burning.

– If the discharge is excessive, use a warm compress to help loosen and expel mucus.

– Gently clean any discharge from around the eyes with a cotton ball or tissue.

– Throw away any contaminated eye makeup, contact lenses, or towels.

– Do not wear contacts until the infection has cleared up.

– Drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy foods to boost your child’s immune system.

Conjunctivitis is caused by a virus called adenovirus or by bacteria such as staphylococcus. Allergies, chemicals, and eye drops can also cause conjunctivitis. Misusing eyedrops can irritate the eye and cause infections such as conjunctivitis.

Symptoms of pink eye include swelling around one or both eyes, itchiness, redness, or pus-like drainage from the swollen area. It usually happens in just one eye at a time, but occasionally it affects both eyes. Children are more likely to get a pink look than adults because they touch their faces with unwashed hands more often than adults do.

what causes pink eye in adults:

you will find different causes for pink eye in adults. The leading causes are viral and bacterial infections. Health care professionals believe that it is highly contagious, but there are other important reasons, including allergy, excessive tearing or dry eyes, eye irritation, eyelid problems, etc.

The main symptoms of pink eye include redness, swelling, and itching. Most cases of pink eye in adults are caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergies that affect the conjunctiva (the transparent membrane covering the front part of your eyes). Sometimes, small growths or other conditions can block tear ducts and cause fluid buildup near the eye.

Bacterial pink eye is more common than viral infection because it is highly contagious. Symptoms may last about two weeks, but sometimes they come back over time if you do not treat it appropriately. Viral infection tends to heal on its own within 7-10 days, whereas bacterial infections can take approximately three weeks for recovery to occur if untreated or improperly treated.

Children are also vulnerable to microbial keratitis, and it is one of the leading causes. So if you find your child experiencing eye pain and watery eyes, you should take him to a doctor as soon as possible.

If an infant or toddler has pink eye, they may also have symptoms such as:

Health care professionals commonly diagnose pink eye by taking a quick look at the patient’s eyes or eyelids. If they suspect that there could be something more severe than just conjunctivitis, they might perform additional tests, including culture tests for infectious disease bacteria, allergy testing, etc.

These are some of the most common pink eye treatment options available, depending on how long it takes for the condition to clear up on its own without any complications.

1. Warm Compresses:

If you experience some inflammation and pain around your eyes due to pink eye, it is essential to be kind to them by not rubbing or applying pressure. It would help if yIn addition, you washed your hands each time before touching your eyes to lessen the chance of spreading microorganisms that cause the infection.

Warm compresses are one of the best ways to reduce swelling and pain around your eyes. A warm compress can also help open up blocked tear ducts, which may bring relief if this causes pink eye in adults.

2. Antibiotics:

You should avoid wearing contact lenses while suffering from conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye) because it causes irritation, redness, and more discharge. If you are using antibiotic eye drops, it is essential to use a fresh drop each time and not share the bottle with other people—even if they do not have pink eye.

3. Steroid Eye Drops:

steroid eye drops for pink eye

Steroid eye drops are usually recommended for treating more severe cases of pink eye that don’t improve on their own after a week or two. It is also helpful in reducing inflammation and swelling around your eyes. However, long-term use of steroid eye drops may cause some problems, so it is best to consult your health care professional before using them.

4. Artificial Tears:

If you have dry eyes as one of the causes of pink eye, you can use artificial tears to lubricate your eyes and help lessen the symptoms. You must read the instructions on the package carefully before using them and avoid using them more than four times a day.

5. Eye Drops for Allergies:

eye drops for allergies

If you are allergic to something, your body reacts by releasing histamines, which causes inflammation, itching, and redness of the eyes. Antihistamine eye drops are available over-the-counter and can help relieve these symptoms. Consult with your health care professional if the antihistamine eye drops don’t work or if you have side effects such as headache, drowsiness, etc.

6. Surgery:

Rarely, surgery may be necessary to correct a defect causing eye drainage problems and recurrent episodes of bacterial conjunctivitis. If you have trouble opening your eyes or an accumulation of pus in the corner of your eyes, your doctor may recommend surgery.

7. Homeopathic Treatment:

If you would like to try a homeopathic approach for treating pink eye, here are some remedies that you can try:

• Euphrasia: For gritty, irritated eyes with excessive tearing and burning cases.

• Herpes Simplex: For cases of acute viral conjunctivitis with swollen eyelids, yellow discharge, and severe pain.

• Mercurius Solubilis: For cases of acute conjunctivitis with copious watery discharge, burning sensation, and redness.

8. Prevention:

The best way to avoid pink eye is by getting vaccinated against it. If you are an adult, make sure that you receive the booster vaccine for this condition initially given when you were a child. Avoid sharing towels or handkerchiefs with others because they can spread the microorganisms that cause pink eye.

Washing your hands frequently can help lessen the chances of contracting this eye infection from someone else. Lastly, if you have been diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia trachomatis, always practice safe sex to prevent it from spreading to your sexual partners.

Symptoms of Viral Conjunctivitis:

Viral conjunctivitis is an eye condition due to any infection by many viruses. It causes redness, itching & inflammation inside or around your eyelids. Sometimes, along with this, it also causes the production of fluid from the eyes.

Symptoms occur soon after coming in contact with an infected person or animal.

The most common virus tested for in children under two years old is the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). In contrast, older children are usually tested for adenovirus and, less commonly, enterovirus, influenza, herpangina, varicella-zoster virus. In addition, adults are often tested for herpes simplex virus 1 . Adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, varicella-zoster virus, or herpes simplex virus may be tested for in adults with pink eye.

Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis are similar to those of bacterial conjunctivitis, including redness and swelling around the eyes. A watery discharge is also common. Symptoms usually resolve within two weeks without treatment.

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