October Faction Season 2: Is It Renewed Or Canceled?

Based on the comic book series of the same name by Steve Niles and Damien Worm, October Faction is an American supernatural and horror drama produced by Damian Kindler. Netflix’s Original Series October Faction debuted on January 23, 2020. Excellent comic book images of family strife, parental deaths, and animals come together in October Faction to form a story that has all the makings of a very engrossing read.

There are many Netflix subscribers who look forward to the release of new episodes of horror and supernatural programs. Also, from the mind of creator Damian Kindler comes the American supernatural horror drama October Faction, named after the comic book of the same name. The first season will premiere on Netflix in January 2020, and the second is already in development due to the show’s popularity.

October Faction Season 2 Renewal Status

Many fans are doubtful that “October Faction” will return for a second season because of the show’s uncertain future. In order to clear up the confusion, a clear statement has been made. It’s safe to assume the program has been canceled as there hasn’t been any word of a second season.

In other words, fans shouldn’t hold their breath for Season 2. Season one of “October Faction” is coming to a close. The news may be frustrating to show fans, but it does answer certain questions and close a chapter. It lets fans enjoy the first season as it is without holding to the hope that there will be a second.

October Faction Cast


  • Tamara Taylor as Deloris Allen, a supernatural hunter who is part of a secret organization known as “Presidio”
  • J. C. MacKenzie as Fred Allen, Deloris’ husband and a fellow Presidio supernatural hunter who came from a family of Presidio supernatural hunters
  • Aurora Dawson-Hunte as Viv Allen, Deloris, and Fred’s teenage daughter
  • Gabriel Darku as Geoff Allen, Deloris and Fred’s openly gay teenage son and Viv’s twin
  • Maxim Roy as Alice Harlow, a murderous warlock hunting the Allens after she caused the deaths of her own family and friends, Viv and Geoff’s natural mother
  • Stephen McHattie as Samuel Allen, Fred’s father who is thought dead, but is a prisoner of Presidio
  • Wendy Crewson as Maggie Allen, Fred’s mother, and a retired Presidio archivist
    Megan Follows as Edith Mooreland, the head of Presidio


  • Anwen O’Driscoll as Cathy MacDonald, Viv’s potential friend who betrays her trust first chance she gets
  • Nicola Correia-Damude as Gina Fernandez, the local sheriff of Barrington-on-Hudson and Deloris’ friend
  • Sara Waisglass as Madison St. Claire, a bully to Viv and Cathy’s former friend
  • Praneet Akilla as Phillip Mishra, a closeted jock and initially a bully to Geoff
  • Michelle Nolden as Hannah Mercer, a Presidio agent, and Fred’s mistress
  • Dayo Ade as Moshe, a werewolf who forms a grudging friendship with Fred and Deloris, and later with the Barrington sheriff department
  • Robin Dunne as Woody Markham, a deputy sheriff of Barrington-on-Hudson
  • Charles Vandervaart as young Fred
  • Taveeta Szymanowicz as young Deloris

October Faction Season 1 Recap

After Fred’s father passes away, he and his family—including teenage children Geoff and Viv—return to their home in upstate New York. Despite the seeming bucolic setting of their new village, our heroes soon learn that Fred and Deloris are really members of a secret organization and must keep their membership a secret until the family adapts. Excellent comic book images of family strife, parental deaths, and animals come together in October Faction to form a story that has all the makings of a very engrossing read.

The Allen family—Fred and Deloris, monster hunters, and their high school-aged kids Geoff and Viv—are the protagonists of October Faction. Funeral arrangements for Fred’s dad, Samuel, were made in the family’s former Barrington-on-Hudson neighborhood. Fred is reluctant and ashamed to go back since he misses his brother and because his parents often yell at him about how inadequate he is and how he chooses to spend his time with women. The children begin exhibiting unusual tendencies when Viv has a nightmare during a seance about a hairy creature trapped in the ocean below and desperately attempting to get free.

In addition, Geoff tells his pupils the teacher’s darkest, most mysterious secret concerning his girlfriend. The popular kids make fun of them for being unapproachable since neither of them is great at making friends. Fred and Deloris should keep their identities secret from the locals while living a regular life since they are members of a secretive organization called Presidio charged with defending humanity from the same creatures. Strange occurrences in the seemingly tranquil area make it challenging from the get-go.

October Faction | Season 1 Official Trailer | Netflix

October Faction Season 2 Plot

October Faction season 2 on Netflix will, according to showrunner Damian Kindler, go more into the history of Dante (Calvin Desautels), the strange man-machine.

“I think we didn’t have the time or space in season one to unpack his entire story, but I think he’ll play a very big role in season two. He’s quite a cool and interesting, mysterious figure in season one, but he’s not featured as prominently as he would be in season two.”

Kindler also said that Merle Cope, the primary comics antagonist, will be presented in season 2 of October Faction and would be a “major” part of not just season 2 but everything “beyond.”But first, Netflix has to commit to a second season of October Faction.

October Faction Season 2: Why Did Netflix Cancel It?

Netflix decided not to bring back The October Faction for another season because of low ratings. This is when the tale really begins. In recent days, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Netflix has canceled the sci-fi/fantasy series “V-Wars” and “October Faction.”

Both of these series are adapted from comics published by IDW. The October Faction was a popular program, so it’s puzzling that Netflix chose to pull it. There was probably a large crowd there, but nobody knows how many. The program has a 49% approval rating on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, which is better than the average critical score (33%).

Where can you watch October Faction?

Since it was created by Netflix, October Faction is available to watch on their service.


October Faction was called off after its first season and never returned for a second. Adapted by Damian Kindler from Steve Niles and Damien Worm’s comic book series of the same name. On January 23, 2020, the first season of the show was made available to the public. Due to delays in production, Netflix finally decided to discontinue the program after its first season.

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