Nightflyers Season 2: Is It Renewed Or Canceled?

The debut episode of the American horror series Nightflyers aired on Syfy on December 2, 2018. The show debuted on the world’s largest streaming service, Netflix, on February 1, 2019. The novella Nightflyers was based on was written by Game of Thrones creator George R. R. Martin.

Nightflyers premiered on December 13, 2018, and its first season finale aired on December 13. It was announced in 2016 that Martin’s novella would serve as the basis for a Syfy television series. In 2017, it was revealed that the tale was inspired by the 1987 film version of the same name. Since George R. R. Martin had already signed an exclusive contract with HBO, he would not be able to actively participate in the development of this series; instead, he would be named the executive producer. The role of co-producer was taken up by Netflix later in January 2018. The show’s creator, Jeff Buhler, also serves as its head writer. Nightflyers has been canceled after only one season as of February 2019.

Nightflyers Season 2 Renewal Status

Deadline reported that Syfy, the American cable channel, had decided not to renew Nightflyers for a second season. The show was subsequently delivered directly to Netflix, where its future is, as of this writing, up in the air. Deadline reports that Syfy decided the show would be better off as a one-and-done. Perhaps the show’s cast was unavailable for a second season because one of them, David Ajala, was just cast as the lead in the CBS pilot Under the Bridge.

Nightflyers Season 2 Release Date

The producers of Nightflyers have decided not to produce a second season. They decided it wasn’t necessary to keep the show going by inserting an unplanned plot. Since Season 2 has been canceled and some people haven’t seen Season 1, Season 1 of Nightflyers should be updated.

This is the update for those who haven’t caught up with Season 1 of Nightflyer. On Sci-Fi, Season 1 of Nightflyer premiered on December 8, 2018. On the other hand, it premiered on Netflix around the world on February 1, 2019.

Nightflyers Storyline

In 2093, in search of extraterrestrial intelligence, a group of scientists boards the cutting-edge spaceship Nightflyer. Terrifyingly violent incidents on board cause the crew to question each other, but they eventually come to terms with the fact that something other than themselves must be on the Nightflyer. The fate of the ship and the success of the mission rests entirely in the hands of the crew.

Nightflyers Cast

  • Eoin Macken as Karl d’Branin, an astrophysicist and leader of the Nightflyer expedition
  • David Ajala as Roy Eris, the reclusive captain of the Nightflyer
  • Jodie Turner-Smith as Melantha Jhirl
  • Angus Sampson as Rowan, a xenobiologist
  • Sam Strike as Thale, an L-1 telepath
  • Maya Eshet as Lommie Thorne, a cyberneticist who communicates with the Nightflyer’s computers via a neuro-port surgically implanted in her arm
  • Brían F. O’Byrne as Auggie, chief engineer of the Nightflyer
  • Gretchen Mol as Agatha Matheson, a psychiatrist who specializes in working with telepaths
  • Phillip Rhys as Murphy
  • Gwynne McElveen as Dr. Tobis
  • Zoë Tapper as Joy d’Branin
  • Miranda Raison as Tessia
  • Bronte Carmichael as Skye d’Branin
  • Youssef Kerkour as Hartley Suczek
  • Joplin Sibtain as Lommie’s father
  • Josette Simon as Cynthia
  • Brielle Olaleye as young Cynthia
  • Daniel Adegboyega as Henry Eris
  • Olwen Fouéré as Connie
  • Ned Dennehy as Captain Judson

Nightflyers Season 2 Plot

Nightflyers Season 2 will never happen because the producers have officially confirmed that it will not be produced. Season 2 of Nightflyers has no plot and no central idea.

The first season finale left a lot of questions unanswered and ended on a cliffhanger, including: what is the Volcryn’s endgame, what precisely does their power entail, and what will occur to the remainder of the crew when they come across the Volcryn? But whether or not those mysteries will be resolved on the tiny screen is still up in the air.

Nightflyers Season 2 Trailer

Check out the preview for Nightflyers down below! Netflix has the complete first season available to watch instantly.

Nightflyers: Season 1 | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Where to watch Nightflyers?

We hope that, because Season 1 of Nightflyers was made available on Netflix, Season 2 will also be made available there.

Nightflyers Season 1 Review

Compared to the political intrigue, widespread death, dragons, and Jon Snows of Westeros, the limited series event seems tame. Nightflyers is not your typical science fiction film; it borrows more heavily from the horror genre and, in particular, the slasher subgenre than it does from the science fiction conventions you might expect.

Nightflyers, despite its narrative emphasis on humanity’s attempts at establishing first contact with alien lifeforms and the queries that such an event raises, is really merely interested in increasing a body count aboard the massive ship in which the show is set. This is not to say that the series, created by Jeff Buhler (writer of the upcoming Pet Sematary and Grudge remakes), doesn’t take its place in the world of science fiction seriously.

I find it fascinating that in Nightflyers’ reality, psychics and telepaths are household names. It’s unfortunate that it contains more mystery than the rest of the plot. The main problem with Nightflyers is that the tale is always leading up to something that never quite pays off. This may be some sort of hidden terror or a terrible power lurking in the depths of space. But as the Nightflyer and its doomed crew draw nearer to the source, nothing seems to matter except that one character after another meets a horrific end.

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