Magnesium Deficiency in Children

Magnesium Deficiency in Children

Magnesium deficiency is one of the most widespread deficiencies in school children. The symptoms include; lack of appetite, aversion to certain foods and tastes, constipation, and fever.

These symptoms can be attributed to other nutritional deficiencies like Vitamin A and iron deficiency amongst others, but if these symptoms persist it might indicate a magnesium deficiency.

The recommended daily nutrient allowance (RDA) or dietary reference intakes (DRI) for magnesium has not been set based on studies conducted in Zambia through this country shows signs of a high prevalence of magnesium deficiency among school children.

Therefore the study was conducted to determine whether there exist cases of magnesium deficiency in such children who attend elementary schools in Zambia. This will help set up programs that address the issue should there be a high prevalence of such cases.

It was also to determine whether there exist any nutritional deficiencies in the children and if these deficiencies could be treated with dietary changes alone or through supplements. This study involved laboratory tests and interview protocols adapted from a similar study conducted in India.

The results indicated that the concentrations of Mg in serum, red blood cells (RBC), and hair were low among children who had lower levels of selenium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and vitamins B12 and C than normal children. It was concluded therefore that magnesium deficiency might have been contributed to by other nutritional deficiencies like vitamin A and iron due to poor diet.

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Are you worried about mental problems such as lack of concentration, inability to focus, or limited attention span in your child? If so, you might be thinking about supplementing with magnesium. But besides its benefits for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD, it also has a range of other health benefits that everyone should know about.

In this article, we will examine: What is magnesium and why do we need it? The best type of magnesium to take How much magnesium should we take Benefits and risks associated with increasing our magnesium intake Summary & conclusion References

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals on Earth. It is contained in more than 300 different enzymes in our body, which are used for a wide range of important functions. These include the synthesis of proteins, cell division, and signaling in our brain.

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of dozens of enzyme systems, which are involved in energy metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and the regulation of insulin production.

However, there are many reasons why magnesium requirements might be increased. These include inadequate intake from our diet, heavy physical activity, or poor absorption due to digestive problems.

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Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include: Poor sleep Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea Muscle cramps Fatigue Restless leg syndrome In more severe cases it can cause seizures or low blood pressure.

Which foods contain magnesium?

About 60% – 70% of our daily magnesium intake is obtained through food. However, several factors affect the amount of magnesium we get from a particular type of food. These include The fertilization method used to grow crops Higher rates of fertilizers may be used on certain types of soils compared to others. This increases their mineral content, including that which they supply to us when we eat them. Foods grown in healthy soil high in organic matter tend to contain more magnesium.

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The acidity of the soil where they are grown Stomach acid plays an important role in how much magnesium we absorb from food. Higher levels of stomach acid generally lead to greater absorption, while lower levels tend to result in less. Foods that are processed or refined can lose some or all of their magnesium content.

So highly processed foods like white flour and sugar contain little to no magnesium. The cooking process may also reduce the amount of magnesium present in certain foods by binding them with other minerals.

Magnesium glycinate child dosage:

Magnesium Glycinate is a form of magnesium that may not be well absorbed by people. Chelated forms of minerals are commonly added to commercial supplements, while chelated forms of minerals are typically found in compounds like Mg glycinate.

Magnesium plays an important role in muscle contraction and relaxation, heart rhythm, bone strength and metabolism (the process that turns food into energy), nerve transmission across the central nervous system (CNS), and production of the body’s proteins.

Magnesium glycinate kids:

It’s used in the treatment of ADHD, autism, developmental delay, drug-induced hyperactivity, epilepsy, fragile X syndrome, mental retardation, and movement disorders.

It is believed to be effective in improving memory retention, learning capacity, and focus when compared to other chelated magnesium supplements. This is because Mg Glycinate has increased bioavailability over other forms of magnesium supplements.

Magnesium glycinate supplement:

Magnesium Glycinate contains both glycine – an amino acid important for protein metabolism – and magnesium which helps regulate blood sugar levels by transporting glucose into cells where it can be used as fuel for energy. Magnesium also regulates the activity of potassium channels which are responsible for maintaining a normal heart rhythm.

The recommended dosage is 100 mg to 1,000 mg per day.

The supplement has a lengthy half-life and it is not recommended you take more than 500mg at one time as it can lead to diarrhea. The best time to take magnesium glycinate is before bed after the stomach has emptied.

You must take magnesium glycinate with food or milk as this will help boost absorption so your body gets the full benefits of the supplement. Taking calcium and vitamin D along with magnesium glycinate may also increase your energy levels and overall well-being.

Magnesium glycinate for autism:

Magnesium Glycinate should be taken only under the supervision of an experienced health care provider especially if you’re taking other medications like anticonvulsants, antibiotics, cardiac drugs, and diuretics.

If you experience any adverse effects while taking magnesium glycinate it is best to consult with your healthcare provider for further advice.

Magnesium glycinate side effects:

Side-Effects in Pregnancy & BreastfeedingMagnesium Glycinate should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding without consulting a qualified health care provider. It is unclear whether it passes into breast milk however if you are pregnant or breastfeeding you should take caution when taking this supplement.

It’s commonly used as an essential mineral that helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heart rhythm steady, and supports bone strength. Magnesium glycinate is believed to be most effective when paired with vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin K.

Magnesium glycinate supplements are often made by combining magnesium with the amino acid glycine to form magnesium diglycinate or magnesium bis-glycinate. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in multiple processes within the body including nerve conduction, blood sugar regulation, muscle function, DNA synthesis, and bone strength. The most common benefits of taking magnesium glycinate are its ability to improve sleep, reduce stress levels and decrease anxiety.

Magnesium for toddlers sleep:

All children and adults should consume around 300mg of magnesium per day to maintain normal health.

Magnesium is found in a variety of foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans, meat, and dairy products. Some people may not be able to get an adequate amount from their diet alone so they may opt for magnesium supplements.

Taking magnesium glycinate as a supplement may help with symptoms such as poor sleep, stress, or anxiety. To improve absorption you should take your supplements at bedtime after dinner or between meals on an empty stomach. You must follow the manufacturer’s instructions before taking this supplement.

Magnesium dosage:

700 mg of Magnesium Glycinate is probably the only dose that would create problems for hair mineral analysis.

It is not clear what the best magnesium dosage is for hair mineral testing purposes. Because of this, it is important to stick to taking no more than 700 mg at a time.

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