Kidney Stones and Natural Treatment Methods

Kidney Stones and Natural Treatment Methods

I never thought I would write about kidney stones. But I believe it is essential to let others know the truth about these painful medical phenomena. When my wife started having symptoms, I knew that she would have to go to a doctor for treatment.

That’s just how things are done these days, even though other options exist. Don’t be fooled into thinking that your medical system is there to help you! Ultimately, it exists for the benefit of those who profit from keeping you sick or at the mercy of pharmaceuticals.

I will try and be as brief as possible in laying out a little of the information I have compiled on this topic. If you want more information, there is plenty available online. There are also natural non-invasive methods to prevent kidney stones from returning or recurring. You don’t need pharmaceuticals for that!

The kidneys work day and night continuously, removing toxins from your bloodstream, controlling your blood pressure, producing red blood cells, and balancing other bodily functions.

When all goes smoothly, they produce one million new cells every minute that is eliminated through urination or passed into bowel movements that leave the body. The kidneys remove excess water by filtering it through millions of tiny tubes inside them nephrons, which make up around 1millionth of the total.

When something goes wrong with the kidneys, they can form small or large stones in these nephrons or other parts of the renal system. The epidemic rise in kidney stones over the last few decades has been attributed to various factors, including excess animal protein and excess salt intake, which raise pH levels in urine Ph.

High acidic pHs reduce citrate, a natural inhibitor of stone formation, unhealthy gut flora increasing oxalate levels, obesity, dehydration, vitamin D deficiency, and advanced age – but none more so than calcium supplements most people think are safe for long term use.

what dissolves kidney stones fast:

Kidney stones are small, hard deposits of minerals and acid salts that form in the kidneys. Kidney stones can range from a fraction of an inch to two or more inches across.

There are several kidney stones: calcium stones, uric acid stones, struvite (infection) stones, and cystine stones. Kidney stones can be excruciating; they cause burning pain in the lower back and side and nausea and vomiting.

Kidney stone symptoms include severe pain in the area of your back below your ribs and above your waistline that lasts for more than an hour or two. You may also have blood in your urine or fever.

The pain from kidney stones often goes away on its own after a few hours, but sometimes you need to go to the hospital for treatment. Some urinary tract infections can lead to chronic complications such as scarring of the kidneys if not treated correctly.

How to pass a kidney stone fast:

There are some foods that you can eat to help the stones pass. A healthy diet will not only get your kidneys in shape but can also reduce the pain and discomfort associated with giving a stone.

1. Cranberry Juice:

If you have a urinary tract infection or a high amount of calcium in your urine, cranberry juice may dissolve the kidney stones, so they don’t have to pass naturally.

It lowers acidity in the urine, which prevents the formation of various kidney stones, including uric acid, calcium oxalate, and phosphate. In addition, cranberries also work as an antioxidant for our body when we consume them from fresh fruit juices or dried fruits such as cranberries and raisins.

2. Apple Juice:

It seems to be a popular home remedy for kidney stones, likely due to its citric acid content, which may increase citrate levels in your urine. This can help prevent stones from forming and dissolve small existing rocks that haven’t passed yet. Several studies have shown that apple juice contains malic acid, which is an active component that helps dissolve calcium oxalate crystals and reduce urinary tract infections

3. Cranberry juice and apple juice:

Mixing cranberry and apple juices results in a powerful antioxidant blend that fights free radicals and infection-causing germs like E Coli, salmonella, and staphylococcus bacteria. Drinking cranberry juice if you have kidney stones can help dissolve the stones.

4. Yogurt:

According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, people who eat at least one serving of yogurt per day are 40% less likely to develop kidney stones than those who don’t.

The probiotics in yogurt help maintain “good” bacteria in your gut that prevent harmful bacteria from taking over and triggering an immune response, as well as lowering blood levels of calcium which is the leading cause for creating renal calculi or even preventing existing renal calculi from growing larger.

Medicine to break up kidney stones: It is a well-known fact that cranberry juice, apple juice, and probiotics can effectively dissolve kidney stones. However, the question everyone wants to know is whether there are any pharmaceutical drugs available for the same purpose.

Yes, you read it correctly. Some medicines that, if taken regularly, can help dissolve existing renal calculi or prevent them from growing large. However, taking medications does not mean that you don’t have to change your diet. Some of these drugs can have side effects, so please speak to your doctor before taking any kidney stone treatment.

Various types of medicines can be prescribed by your doctor depending on the type of stone you have and its composition:

1. Potassium Citrate:

It is prescribed to people who have high uric acid levels in their blood or urine, calcium phosphate stones, uric acid stones, cystine stones, or struvite stones. Potassium citrate can also be used and other medicines that help reduce the amount of calcium in your urine.

2. Allopurinol:

When combined with a xanthine oxidase inhibitor such as allopurinol, it effectively reduces the level of uric acid in your blood which prevents renal calculi from forming on an ongoing basis. This type of drug medication is anti-urolithiasis medication and treats people with recurring kidney stones by preventing them from forming regularly.

3. Thiazide Diuretics:

These medicines work as anti-urolithiasis drugs by increasing the amount of urine you produce, therefore flushing out any existing renal calculi from your kidneys before they have a chance to grow large enough and cause problems. This type of drug will help prevent renal stones from growing more extensive. Still, it cannot be used alone or without a potassium citrate supplement to dissolve kidney stones already present in the body.

kidney stone pain relief tablets:

The problem with painkillers is that while they do an excellent job of temporarily relieving the pain, they cannot prevent your kidney stones from growing more extensive or recurring. The other downside to taking painkillers is that you risk developing stomach ulcers and even damage your kidneys if taken for an extended time. Some of the most common types of painkillers that are prescribed to people who have kidney stones include

1. Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs):

There are more than 100 different NSAIDs available in the market, and they work by blocking chemicals called prostaglandins responsible for causing pain and inflammation. If you suffer from renal calculi, some of the most commonly prescribed NSAIDs include ibuprofen, ketoprofen, fenoprofen calcium, and naproxen sodium.

2. Aspirin:

It is an effective painkiller that has been around for more than 100 years, and while it was initially used as an antipyretic drug to reduce fever, we now know that it helps reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke preventing blood clots from forming. Since kidney stones can cause blood clots to form, which lead to getting lodged in your kidneys, taking aspirin regularly can help prevent this from happening.

3. Corticosteroids:

These are particular medicines that work as anti-inflammatory medications for renal calculi sufferers. They come with their own set of side effects, however, so please speak to your doctor before you decide on whether to take corticosteroids or not for your kidney stone pain relief needs. The most common types of corticosteroids prescribed include prednisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone sodium phosphate, betamethasone, and triamcinolone.

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