Infertility Treatment

Infertility Treatment

It is the process of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to identify causes of infertility, treat or manage them and restore biological functions that result in pregnancy.


An anxiety disorder is a mental illness defined by excessive rumination and worrying about potential threats, coupled with increased autonomic nervous system activity.


It is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person’s thoughts, behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being. People with depression often feel sad, anxious or empty; they may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable; experience appetite changes; have difficulty sleeping; suffer from fatigue or low energy

feel worthless, guilty or hopeless; think about death or suicide; make inappropriate remarks on the topic of death or suicide; and may have a collection of other physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain.


Depression is treatable but if it is not treated then may lead to infertility in women. And the anxiety disorder worsens depression which leads to infertility at least in women.


Infertility is not to have children when you want them. There are several reasons why people are infertile, including the cause of infertility in women…

Ovulation problems :

Women with PCOS may have an impaired ability to ovulate that is, release eggs from their ovaries into the fallopian tubes where fertilization normally occurs. Impaired egg development would prevent pregnancy even if her partner’s sperm successfully fertilized one of these eggs.

For some women with PCOS, frequently skipping or delaying periods makes it difficult to observe whether they’re ovulating at the right time for conception. Women with PCOS are typically advised to have sexual intercourse every other day during their fertile window.

Uterine or cervical problems:

Any condition that obstructs the free flow of sperm into the uterus may prevent fertilization. A woman’s risk of infertility increases if she has had pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, frequent dilation and curettage procedures for the treatment of irregular menstrual bleeding, uterine fibroids, or surgery to remove a cancerous uterus.

For some women with an otherwise normal fertility potential, scarring within the uterine cavity from endometriosis can make it difficult for an embryo to implant in its proper position.

Fallopian tube damage :

Significant (salpingitis) or repeated episodes of pelvic inflammatory disease are associated with scarring and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This can cause “structure infertility” because sperm cannot reach the egg to fertilize it, or because a fertilized egg cannot travel down to implant in the uterus.

Male-factor infertility:

Infertility in about 50% of cases is due to the male partner’s infertility. Causes include genetic problems, chronic disease, hormonal imbalance or obstructions that prevent the release of sperm.


Anxiety disorder is a mental illness defined by excessive rumination and worrying about potential threats, coupled with increased autonomic nervous system activity…


Depression is treatable but if it is not treated then may lead to infertility in women. And the anxiety disorder worsens depression which leads to infertility at least in women.


The exact mechanism behind how depression affects fertility remains unknown. However, it’s known that stress can negatively impact fertility in women by lowering the levels of sex hormones, namely estradiol and progesterone. Stress can also elevate cortisol levels, which have previously been linked to menstrual irregularities.

Increased anxiety:

Both increased stress hormones and elevated anxiety are known to play a role in infertility at least in women. So if depression is not treated then this will increase anxiety which results in infertility problems…

Female infertility symptoms:

Infertility is regarded as a major problem in men and women. It is defined as the failure of couples to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected intercourse.

Infertility can be due to the presence of any disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid and others, which alter the male and female reproductive system particularly ovaries and uterus. The other infertility factors include sexual problems, the timing of intercourse during the fertile period, age factor for both male and female partners etc.

One out of four couples suffer from infertility globally. In such cases, treatment by drugs or surgery is not required always but there are certain natural ways that help in increasing fertility among couples especially if they just want to delay pregnancy without going for childbirth at this stage.

The following changes in lifestyle and diet definitely help in increasing fertility.

1. Exercise regularly:

It is probably one of the best natural ways to increase fertility, particularly in females as physical exercise boosts up the reproductive system especially if it is light aerobic exercise. On the other hand, intense exercises can reduce your fertility both for men and women by reducing the secretion of hormones that are needed for regular ovulation.

2. Avoid stress:

Staying stressed lowers your immunity against various infections that disturb the reproductive system, particularly uterine muscles reducing its strength to carry a baby during pregnancy. So, always keep away from stressful environments or situations to avoid infertility risks later on.

3. Quit smoking or drinking alcohol:

Smoking and drinking alcohol is not at all good for the health. It also reduces fertility by increasing testosterone levels in females and decreasing the secretion of necessary oestrogen hormones, both of which are essential for female reproduction.

4. Reduce intake of processed foods:

Reducing intake of processed food like soft drinks, chocolates, pastries etc…helps decrease insulin resistance that prevents ovulation to occur regularly.

5. Lose weight if obese or overweight:

Losing weight helps you give birth to a healthy baby as obesity disturbs hormonal functions causing infertility problems among women by reducing egg quality during their early 30s. Obesity can increase chances of miscarriage too.

6. Quit smoking cigarettes and weed:

Smoking cigarettes or weed reduces the level of oxygen in your body which can interfere with sperm mobility and uterus functions. Smoking also causes infertility by increasing free radical formation that damages cells, tissues and DNA, especially in male reproductive organs.

7. Avoid using lubricants before sex:

Using lubricants while having intercourse affects sperm motility that decreases their ability to swim towards eggs for fertilisation. Instead, use natural ways of lubrication like saliva or simply foreplay.

8. Quit taking contraceptives:

Hormonal contraception is one of the most common infertility factors among women due to the reduced secretion of oestrogen hormones needed for the ovulation process. if you want to increase fertility naturally, then stop contraception and instead use condoms to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

9. Eat more soy products:

Soy contains phytoestrogen that helps in increasing fertility among women because it enhances the production of oestrogen needed for regular ovulation. On the other hand, men benefit from eating soy by increasing their sperm count and motility because consuming too much estrogen reduces male fertility potentials by lowering testosterone formation in males.

10. Get rid of stress to increase fertility:

It is a commonly known fact that infertility can be caused due to emotional disturbances like anxiety or stress, both of which negatively affect your ability to conceive naturally especially if you are stressed out about something continuous causing psychological problems like depression etc…

11. Quit smoking pot:

Smoking weed causes infertility by reducing sperm count in men and ovulation rate in women due to its chemical components like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is responsible for causing low sperm counts in male smokers, while phytoestrogens found in female smokers hamper their menstrual cycle by decreasing LH hormone secretion that interferes with fertility potentials.

12. Use your partner’s semen externally:

Using your partner’s semen externally helps you get pregnant faster because it contains sperms rich in progressive motility that find their way towards eggs quickly when applied topically over the cervix without being absorbed in the body through the vagina during intercourse. Apart from this, sperm swims faster when it comes in contact with the seminal fluid that protects them from acidic conditions within the female reproductive tract.

13. Use acupuncture to increase fertility:

Acupuncture has a great impact on increasing fertility by boosting the production of oestrogen hormone levels along with testosterone formation, which helps stimulate the regular ovulation process and sperm production respectively leading you to have a healthy pregnancy after a few months. However, be careful while choosing acupuncturists as some of them use non-valid techniques for effective results.

14. Quit addictions:

Some addictions such as addiction to smoking pot and cigarettes, alcoholism etc… can lower your fertility when consumed in high doses over a long period of time by affecting the entire hormonal system in the body that specifically targets the female reproductive system, which decreases ovulation rate and oestrogen hormone secretion leading to infertility in women and men respectively.

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