How to Treat Spinal Deformities?

How to Treat Spinal Deformities

Spinal deformities: A lousy posture and lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle and poor postural habits, such as using a computer for long periods or carrying heavy bags on one side of the body, can cause spinal deformities. Poor postural habits, such as sitting with crossed legs, standing with feet pointing in different directions, sleeping on the stomach, or hanging the head while reading in bed, can also lead to such problems.

If such practices continue for several years without correcting them, they may give rise to spinal deformities like kyphosis (hunchback), lordosis (swayback), and scoliosis (crooked spine). These conditions could affect not only your appearance also your health. Swimming, yoga, and breathing exercises are good ways to treat spinal deformities.

Visible Signs of Spinal Deformities:

A patient suffering from spinal deformities finds it difficult to stand erect with good posture or sit comfortably. Such patients also have difficulty bending forward or twisting, lifting weight, climbing stairs, etc. Since scoliosis often affects the trunk, arms and legs may feel fatigued quickly while walking up a slight gradient. Writing on a desk with elbows touching the desk is not possible with this condition.

There is a lack of space in these regions for muscles to work correctly, so they become weak, leading to pain and discomfort. Such patients are always advised bed rest, but their bodies are observed in different positions to determine their condition during the examination.

types of spinal deformities:- lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis

Symptoms:- pain around the neck, back, and shoulders.

Muscles affected:- pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus

Side effects:

muscle weakness in the arms will cause trouble picking objects up from the floor. There are two types of epidural hematoma noncommunicating and communicating. Noncommunicating is an early form. It has minimal chance of rebleeding. The patient is not paralyzed but may have a sensory loss on one side of his face. If bleeding occurs, brain cells start to die due to a lack of oxygen.

The patient also loses consciousness after some time if not treated immediately. After 6hours or so, if the patient gains consciousness, he may need a decompressive craniectomy. In this procedure, a skin flap is raised and removed to expose the brain patient may also have a sensory loss of one side of his face. This can be corrected by neurosurgery after some time.

 spondylolisthesis causes:

in this, the forward growth of the spine has exceeded the rear growth. In adolescent girls, it is expected that lateral disc wedging is also common in these patients.

There are various types of scoliosis – correct thoracic scoliosis, left thoracic scoliosis, right lumbar scoliosis, and left lumbar scoliosis. There are different exercises for these cases which can be done at home to correct these deformities.


another type of spinal deformation is kyphosis .this too can be updated by doing proper exercises or bracing up. Lordosis is another type of spinal deformity that can be corrected by doing exercises.


in this, the spine has an anterior curvature. It is common in women, especially during pregnancy. Tight hamstrings are known to cause lordosis. Lordosis is also seen in older people after a fracture or surgery on their lower back region. Scar tissue formation after a fracture can cause muscle weakness and thereby lead to lordosis .also, obesity causes tightness of hamstring muscles, leading to loss of balance and falls, eventually leading to lordosis.

Curved spine lower back:

this is caused by muscles on one side of the divide is very tight and those on the opposite side being overstretched. a patient may feel mild discomfort, or he can also be in great pain.


is the displacement of one of the vertebral arches from its position. This may narrow the spinal canal, causing pressure on nerve roots and the spinal cord, which leads to pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness.


Back pain may radiate to the arms if the nerves are impinged .weakness in the legs will be present due to a lack of nerve impulses traveling downwards through upper motor neuron tracts.

scoliosis causes:

scoliosis is seen more frequently than any other spine deformities, both ithic cases and genetic causes. It may run in families as well. The reason for scoliosis is unknown and can affect anyone at any age. There are various types of scoliosis – right thoracic, left thoracic, right lumbar, and left lumbar. Correction of these deformities requires proper exercise and treatment.

spinal abnormalities in adults:

spinal abnormality is a deformity of the spine. It can be congenital or acquired after birth. genetic abnormalities are more common than acquired ones and may cause low back pain, leg pain .scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, and spondylolisthesis are the most common types of spinal deformities

What is lordosis?

Lordosis is an abnormal inward curvature of the lower back primarily seen in women, especially during pregnancy. Tight hamstrings cause lordosis .lordosis also occurs in older people after fractures or surgery on their lower back region.

Scar tissue formation after a fracture can cause muscle weakness and thereby lead to lordosis .also, obesity causes tightness of hamstring muscles which leads to loss of balance and falls, eventually leading to lordosis .lordosis can be corrected by doing proper exercises or bracing up.

Types of spinal deformities:

spinal abnormality is a deformity of the spine. It can be congenital or acquired after birth. genetic abnormalities are more common than acquired ones and may cause low back pain, leg pain .scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, and spondylolisthesis are the most common types of spinal deformities


kyphosis is a posterior convexity of the spine in adults. It causes abnormal height curvature of upper thoracic vertebrae, leading to an increase in height. It starts from around age 40 and progresses with age, though its severity depends on lifestyle habits like smoking and diet.

cubitus valgus:

cubitus valgus is a condition in which the elbow is outwards rotated. It causes the elbow to be pushed towards the side of the abdomen, and sometimes it also leads to lordosis.


is an abnormal slippage of one vertebra over another, mostly occurring at the lowest lumbar spine .it can lead to degenerative changes in spinal discs and joints and nerve injury if not treated properly. Exercises that increase the flexibility of hamstrings muscles help in correcting kyphosis. A combination of practices and medicines is required to treat spondylolisthesis.

spine diagnosis:

The presence of scoliosis, lordosis, neck stiffness, neck region, and pain at the back with every step taken is common spinal abnormalities symptoms. Scoliosis can be diagnosed by X-ray, which shows an S shape. Sometimes MRI or CT scan is done to diagnose the condition .lordosis is seen when there is a lateral curvature present along with an anterior prominence on the upper lumbar vertebrae.

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