How to Treat Heel Pain

How to Treat Heel Pain

Treating heel pain is not easy. It does not have a single medical treatment in most cases as there may be multiple reasons behind this problem. Heel pain or plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain and occurs when the band of tissue that connects your toes to your heel becomes inflamed, causing foot pain.

The best way to treat heel pain is by adopting a homeopathic treatment plan and a complete change in lifestyle and footwear habits. First, go for natural remedies like yoga and meditation, which relieve stress and help one recover soon without any side effects on health.

Natural remedies can help you achieve good results within days but if natural methods do not show satisfactory results, go for surgery or medical treatment for heel pain.

Homeopathic Treatment Plan of Heel Pain:

1) Hot Foot Baths:

Take two liters of water and add half a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda, one tablespoon each of salt, and Epsom salts to it. Put your feet in this mixture for ten minutes daily. Soak a hand towel in the solution and apply it to the painful area if you cannot do this. Repeat the process three times a day till you get relief from heel pain.

2) RICE therapy:

When there is swelling due to inflammation, follow the below procedure twice daily until recovery-

Ice or cold compress- Wrap ice in a cloth and place it on your heel for ten minutes.

Compress- Wrap the ice in an elastic bandage and wear it on your foot

Elevate feet- Prop up your feet on a stool if sitting.

3) Massage with Essential Oils:

Mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil in one tablespoon of carrier oil like olive or coconut oil. Apply this mixture to the affected area before going to bed at night or after waking in the morning. It will reduce inflammation in the feet, thus relieving Heel Pain.

4) Use Foot Braces/ Orthotics :

Use Custom made Orthotic insoles designed according to your foot type to help relieve plantar fasciitis pain.

5) Strengthening exercises:

To heal Heel pain quickly, it is advisable to do these strengthening exercises for Plantar Fasciitis at least three times a day-

I ) Raise on your toes and hold the position for 3 seconds

ii) Slowly lower down your heels into a comfortable stretch

iii) Repeat this exercise ten times for three sets on both feet. If you cannot perform this exercise due to severe heel pain, then you can put a pillow under your heels while doing this exercise.

6) Wear Comfortable Shoes:

Wear supportive sneakers or shoes that have good arch support, cushioning, and shock absorption capabilities to help you continue your day-to-day activities without any pain.

Surgical Treatment for Heel Pain:

1) Surgery is usually recommended as a last resort if all other treatment options have failed to relieve heel pain.

2) various surgical procedures can be performed depending on the cause of your heel pain-

I) it If the plantar fascia is tight, then the surgeon will cut and release

ii) If there is a bone spur, then it will be removed

iii) If the Achilles tendon is tight, then it will be lengthened

iv) If there is a cyst or tumor on the heel, it will be removed.

3) Surgery should only be considered after trying all other conservative treatments available.

4) Surgery will provide relief in pain, but there are chances of recurrence, which is why it should be considered only after trying all other conventional treatments.

5) You can opt for surgery under local or spinal anesthesia, depending on the type of surgery you will get done.

Wearing comfortable shoes with proper cushioning and arch support reduces pressure on the plantar fascia ligaments and Achilles tendon, thus reducing heel pain known as plantar fasciitis. In addition, yoga helps relieve stress and help you recover soon without any side effects on health.

Natural remedies can help you achieve good results within days but if natural methods do not show satisfactory results, go for surgery or medical treatment for heel pain.

Heel pain exercises:

1) Heel stretch:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and slowly bend your knees, lowering yourself toward the ground. Stop when you feel a stretch in your heels. Hold for 30 seconds before standing back up. Repeat three times.

2) Towel stretch:

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Place a towel around the ball of your left foot and hold onto each end of the towel. Gently pull the towel toward you, feeling a stretch in your heel. Hold for 30 seconds before releasing. Repeat three times. Do the same with your right foot.

3) Foot flexion:

Place a resistance band around a sturdy object and lie on the floor so that the band is running under your feet. While keeping your knees slightly bent to protect your back, slowly pull both legs up toward you as far as possible. Hold for a count of five and then slowly release. Repeat three times.

4) Heel drop:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold onto a sturdy object such as a railing or chair if you need support. Raise one foot behind you until it’s about 8 inches off the ground (or as high as you can put it while maintaining good form).

Lower yourself by dropping that heel down and then raise it again. Continue alternating between heels for 1 minute before moving on to the next exercise. Do two sets on each leg if needed.

5) Single-leg balance:

Standing on the affected leg, cross your other leg in front of you and hold onto a sturdy object such as a railing or chair if needed. Slowly stretch your arms out in front of you for balance. Bend your knee slightly and lift yourself onto your toes. Hold for 30 seconds before standing back down. Repeat twice more, doing two sets on each leg if needed.

6) Pick up marbles with your toes:

Sit on the edge of a chair or sofa with small objects (such as marbles, paper clips, hairpins, etc.) scattered across it. Put one hand behind you for support and use the other to pick up the objects with your toes. Try to do as many as you can in a minute.

Heel pain prevention tips:

1) Wear supportive shoes:

Choose shoes with good arch support and a heel cup to keep your heel in place. Make sure the shoes fit well and aren’t too tight or too loose.

2) Stretch your feet and calves:

Stretching your feet and calves regularly can help keep them flexible and less likely to experience pain. Try these exercises: Heel stretch, towel stretch, foot flexion, and heel drop.

3) ice it:

Apply ice to the affected area for 15 minutes, up to four times a day. The cold will help reduce inflammation and pain.

4) Keep moving:

If you keep active and continue exercising your feet, the tendons and muscles will become stronger over time. If you experience pain, don’t stop exercising; do exercises that don’t cause an increase in distress, such as swimming or biking (instead of running). If it’s uncomfortable to exercise with plantar fasciitis, try taking a break for a few days and then slowly starting back up again.

5) Elevate it:

Elevating the affected foot can help reduce swelling and pain caused by standing or walking too much. Try sitting on a stool that’s higher than usual at work or getting into bed on the highest level, so your feet aren’t touching the floor.

6) Massage it:

Massaging the affected area can help improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation and pain. Try using a golf ball or a frozen water bottle to massage the heel for a few minutes at a time, up to three times a day.

7) Take over-the-counter medication:

If you’re experiencing a great deal of pain, taking over-the-counter ibuprofen or aspirin can help relieve some of the discomforts. Talk to your doctor before taking any medication if you’re pregnant or have other health concerns. Remember that medication can help reduce pain but won’t treat the actual problem, which is plantar fasciitis.

8) Wear a night splint:

A night splint holds your foot and ankle at 90 degrees while you sleep to keep the plantar fascia stretched and discourage it from contracting overnight. Sleeping and keeping the affected area still helps alleviate some inflammation and pain. You can buy this splint at most drugstores or sports stores; make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper fitting.

9) Use a heating pad:

Placing a heating pad over the painful area for around 15 minutes every few hours will help ease discomfort and relax muscles and promote blood flow, which will help speed up the healing process.

10) Get a massage:

Getting a massage is soothing, but it can also have therapeutic benefits depending on which area of your foot or calf that’s massaged. Ask your doctor for another referral to see if they know where you could get one.

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