Funny Facts About Blackjack to Know

Without a doubt, blackjack is considered one of the most famous card games in the world. It is already several hundred years old, and during this time a lot of interesting facts about this entertainment have accumulated. From the moment of its emergence, blackjack began to stimulate people’s interest, because it had simple rules and made it possible to collect winning combinations in different ways. The facts presented in this article will seem interesting to both blackjack players and those who have never played it yet.

What is the homeland of blackjack?

Until now, there is no clear answer to where blackjack came from. However, experts believe that the card game first appeared in the 1700s in Italy. Then it spread throughout Europe, and finally around the world. Today, blackjack is considered one of the most popular gambling games in the United States: according to statistics, a third of the country’s population plays it. Today, you can even play blackjack with bitcoin, and withdraw your profit to the e-wallet.

Napoleon was very fond of blackjack

From historical notes, it became known that Napoleon Bonaparte loved blackjack most of all. Moreover, he was well versed in the rules of the game and made up his own tactics to win. Historians write that he often defeated his soldiers and could sit at the gaming table for hours. Many other historical figures were also into blackjack, and at one time this game was only available to influential people. Today, anyone can play it.

Game ban

Back at the beginning of the last century, blackjack was banned in the United States. Nevertheless, this only increased the interest of citizens in the game. In the 19th century, blackjack tournaments were regularly held in different states, usually in some kind of underground clubs. The ban was officially lifted only in 1939. Since then, all gambling has been legalized in Nevada.

Connection with baseball

When blackjack came to the USA, various slang expressions immediately began to appear in it. Since baseball has always been an insanely popular game in the States, some terms were taken from there. For example, the player to the left of the dealer is at first base, and the one to the right is at third. Experienced players often prefer the third base. The terminology with bases came to blackjack from baseball and is used by Americans to this day.

Hall of Fame

Since the game is very popular all over the world, the blackjack Hall of Fame was created. All members of the Hall of Fame can live in certain casinos for free and eat in the local restaurants while playing in these institutions is strictly prohibited for them. The Hall of Fame was established in California in 2003.

Big profits

Oddly enough, blackjack is considered not only the easiest gambling game but also the most profitable. The fact is that only in this card game casino customers can get an advantage over the house. This is not the case in any other game, and in some types of roulette, in general, the casino has more chances to win than the players. However, this fact is relevant only for blackjack in land-based casinos, as in online clubs all cards are mixed by using a random number generator. As a result, the chances of winning at an online casino become equal.

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