Everything You Need To Know About The 21st Episode Of Attack On Titan Season 4: From You, 2000 Years Ago

Everything You Need To Know About The 21st Episode Of Attack On Titan Season 4

Season 4, Episode 21 of Attack on Titan was a terrifying work of absolute perfection. “From You, 2000 Years Ago” (also known as Episode 80 on various streaming services) eventually revealed the origins of the Titans (or at least, how they were first created in this iteration, as far as we know.)

The investigation into Founder Ymir’s past was both tragic and terrifying. The revelation of Eren’s ultimate answer, on the other hand, was equally surprising.

Attack On Titan Season 4 Release Date

In the 21st episode of season 4 of ‘Attack on Titan,’ Zeke realizes that Eren has been manipulating their father by only revealing him the memories that will lead him to entrust his son with the Titan’s power and destroy the Reiss family.

The anti-hero even persuades Ymir to hand up the Founding Titan so that he can mold the world’s future as he sees fit. Eren’s chopped skull transforms into the Founding Titan in the actual world as she finally frees the royal family after 2000 years of slavery.

Certain narrative milestones in series are never crossed since they radically disrupt the premise and demand the show to prove that it has something to say beyond an appealing hook.

The last several episodes of Attack on Titan have been one big game of Uno between the Jaeger brothers, with each sibling playing the Reverse Card just when the other appears to be winning.

“From You, 2000 Years Ago” opens with Zeke in command, but it soon becomes clear that Eren has one more Reverse Card up not only his sleeve but also a +4 Card that has been compounding interest for generations.

Where to watch AOT season 4?

Every week, a new episode of the series is released. Episode 21 was released on February 6, 2022, given that there were no delays due to any unforeseen circumstances.

Attack on Titan Season 4 Trailer Subbed (HD)

Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Funimation will have the most recent episodes accessible. A few hours after the NHK broadcast, the subtitled episodes will be available. The following are the release dates for the various regions:

  • 8:45 p.m. in the United Kingdom
  • 9:45 p.m. Central European Time
  • 3:45 p.m. Eastern Time
  • 2:45 p.m. (Central)
  • 12:45 p.m. Pacific Time

Final Words

It had been an emotional and action-packed roller coaster. While some flashbacks depicted Grisha Yeager to be a loving father, others revealed Eren time-travelled and forced his father to transform into a Titan.

As this narrative loop concludes, it’s incredibly wonderful to see how this frightening piece of symmetry underscores how Eren has always been the series’ main character, even when he didn’t realize it.

“From You, 2000 Years Ago” looks at the breadcrumbs Eren has left for himself to follow down through the centuries and how they’ve become the very cornerstone of Attack on Titan’s continuous struggle.

It’s a rich, instructive, and frequently terrifying episode that pushes the final season to even greater heights as everything is set to burn down.

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