Disadvantages of Holding Urine

Disadvantages of Holding Urine

1. It depletes energy and vitality and brings about fatigue and general body weakness.

2. It may lead to cold, cough, fever, or urinary tract diseases.

3. A person who delays urinating for too long before passing water will not eliminate all the toxins in his urine due to its stagnation in his body resulting in poisoning, which can be harmful to one’s health.

4. If it is held for a very long time, pressure builds up in the bladder and urethra, thereby causing pain in the kidney region and making the person feel uncomfortable, especially when he tries to pass urine whereby an urge will develop, forcing him to empty his bladder urgently and uncontrollably which can cause him to wet his pants in public.

5. If it is held for a very long time, pressure builds up in the bladder and urethra, thereby causing pain in the kidney region and making the person feel uncomfortable, especially when he tries to pass urine whereby an urge will develop, forcing him to empty his bladder urgently and uncontrollably which can cause him to wet his pants in public.

6. It may lead to incontinence whereby the person involuntarily releases urine without any control or feeling of fullness, pushing it out forcibly leading to leakage or dribbling of urine, which results from weakness of the sphincter muscles that are located around the opening through which urine passes through from the bladder into the urethra (opening where water comes out).

7. It leads to the weakening of the muscles of the bladder and urethra, making them less elastic, which brings about a decline in sexual power, loss of vitality and strength, and reducing their working capacity.

8. The person feels intense pain, especially when he tries to pass water whereby he is forced to hold his urine for a long time which results in an increase of pressure on his urinary organs. This would then lead to inflammation that can also cause injury or death of tissues, thus resulting in permanent damage or incurable diseases or urological problems such as kidney stones, bladder infection, inflamed prostate gland, enlarged prostate gland, etc.

9. Since most urinary problems are caused by lack of exercise, it defeats the purpose of holding urine because it reduces the amount of water that can be passed through urination.

10. It wastes a lot of energy and time, primarily if it is held until nightfall, as this would then inconvenience other people and cause interference with night sleep or rest.

11. It deprives the person of passing urine, which provides relief from tiredness, fatigue, depression, headache, and general body pain, as well as being beneficial to those who have been working for a long time under the sun or scorching heat because it helps in cooling down the body thus relieving one from hot flushes or feverish sensations resulting from heatstroke due to exposure to heat.

12. Urinating regularly is beneficial against colds, coughs, and respiratory infections because it helps to expel excess mucus and phlegm from the bladder and respiratory tract.

13. It reduces the chances of developing urinary infections, i.e., bladder, kidneys, and urethra infection, which can be very dangerous to one’s health if not treated promptly because people usually ignore this type of infection at first until the pain becomes unbearable or until its advanced stages spread through other parts of the body resulting in death without giving proper treatment mainly when medical facilities are not available nearby hence high failure rate in recovery due to inadequate or non-availability of medication that is needed for effective cure of such ailments.

14. Holding urine causes accumulation of moisture on the body, especially during cold weather conditions, which make a person more susceptible to catching colds or catching a cough which can develop into pneumonia or other upper respiratory infections because it makes the body’s immune system become weak thus creating an easy entry for conditions.

15. It exposes the person to all kinds of diseases, especially when he passes urine in wrong places, which are usually infested with germs and bacteria that may cause different types of urinary tract infection through skin abrasions, cuts, or wounds on the body, especially on soft parts, i.e., hands, feet, armpits, and genitals than when one goes to a safe place such as in toilets, etc.

16. This type of behavior is demeaning, unhygienic, and un-Islamic. It is forbidden for both men and women not just because the mentioned symptoms can attend it but also because it suggests horrible taste, lack of modesty, and cleanliness.

17. It gives germs a chance to breed in human waste materials, especially when people pass urine at places that are not meant for this purpose, such as in open fields or anywhere that is not specifically designed for doing so, i.e., toilets or close to them, etc. which could be very harmful since these germs are transmitted through skin contact with other people who have no access to bathrooms or toilets.

18. Some religions consider urinating on the ground as an unforgivable sin because they regard it as dirtying God’s property which should not happen even if one has lost his way while passing water during travel, i.e., outdoors.

Home Remedies for Stomach pain after holding urine:

stomach pain after holding urine is a condition where a person feels stinging or abdominal pain. Having the urine can lead to stones in the bladder, which causes sharp pine in passing urine.

It could be due to some infections and urinary tract infections in females. At the same time, men may have this problem due to the enlarged prostate gland and inflammation around the urinary bladder. This is commonly seen with people who are above 40 years of age. The following home remedies will help you cure stomach pain after holding urine.

Stomach Pain After Holding Urine:

1:Take one glass full of lukewarm water and add 2 tsp of salt to it.

Mix well and drink this saltwater. It will provide relief from stomach pain.

2:Take one glass full of lukewarm water and add 1 tsp of ground nutmeg powder to it.  Now mix it well until the powder dissolves completely in water. Drink this twice a day regularly to get rid of stomach pain after holding urine for several months.

3:Take 2 tsp of dried mint leaves, 1 tsp dried coriander seeds, 1/4th tsp fennel seeds, one small piece cinnamon stick, ten cloves, three black peppers, and ½ tbsp rock salt or sea salt in a mortar pestle; whole spices are crushed into a coarse mixture with the help of grinder now put these ground spices in 2 cups of water and boil for 5 minutes on slow flame keep the pan covered while cooking.

Allow the mixture to steep until it becomes lukewarm. Filter this solution and discard solids. Add 1 tbsp honey to this decoction and drink two times a day before every meal to cure stomach pain after holding urine immediately.

4:Take ¼ tsp dry ginger powder, ½ tsp cumin seeds powder, half tsp fennel seeds powder, one pinch black pepper powder, half tsp coriander seeds powder, two cloves finely crushed with a bit of salt in a mortar pestle whole spices are ground into a coarse mixture with the help of grinder now put these crushed spices in 1 glass of warm milk add little sugar if you like have this milk before going to bed this will relieve you from stomach pain after holding urine.

5:In a saucepan, boil 2 cups of water, add 1 tsp of cumin seeds and ginger slices in it, stir for 5 minutes on slow flame now strain this mixture and add ½ tsp of black peppers and a little salt and drink it while it’s hot if possible have 2 to 3 cups of tea daily until stomach pain is resolved entirely. This home remedy will cure stomach pain after holding urine immediately.

6:Take 1 tbsp honey in a bowl, add a few drops of lemon juice, mix well (freshly pressed), add a few basil leaves (torn into pieces), make small pieces with the help of a knife, crush them well or put these torn leaves directly in the honey and then mix okay honey will absorb the liquid from leaves now put these basil leaves in this mixture and wait till they settle down at the bottom of bowl don’t stir it. Now drink 1 tsp of honey water every 15 minutes regularly to eliminate stomach pain after holding urine immediately.

Pain after holding urine at night:

If you feel stomach pain after holding urine for a long time and that pain increases at night, it could be due to stones in the bladder or gallstones. Those who drink much alcohol or soft drinks daily should avoid this habit and take much caffeine. Also, they shouldn’t take more salt in their diet. They can use the following home remedies to deal with such problems.

Take one glass full of lukewarm water and add 2 tsp of rock salt stir well, now filter this mixture put this saltwater aside, and let stand overnight, so all impurities settle down on the bottom. Now discard the solution and clean the container properly. Don’t use this same container for the next day. Use a new one for making fresh saltwater and repeat the procedure daily.

Take one glass full of lukewarm water and add 1 tsp of ground black pepper stir well, now filter this mixture put this saltwater aside, and let stand overnight, so all impurities settle down on the bottom. Now discard the solution and clean the container properly. Don’t use this same container for the next day. Use a new one for making fresh saltwater and repeat the procedure daily.

Drink 3 cups of dandelion tea daily to eliminate waste from kidneys as dandelion leaves contain diuretic properties that facilitate urination. This home remedy will immediately relieve stomach pain due to stones in the bladder or gallstones.

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