Benefits of Yarrow

Benefits of Yarrow

yarrow is a tasty addition to salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.

Yarrow also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may be useful in the treatment of arthritis or other inflammatory conditions. It has recently been found to contain wormwood which aids digestion, fights bacteria, assists with colds, makes you calm. Yarrow works well with Saint Johns Wort, German Chamomile, and lavender.

Yarrow or Achillea Millefolium or achillea Millefleur as it is also called has been used for centuries to heal physical wounds. Yarrow is not to be confused with Arnica which should only be used topically and not internally.

Yarrow can be made into an ointment for topical use on the skin to help wounds heal faster. It also helps prevent infection of the wound and helps to reduce scarring of the healed area.

1. Yarrow is anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, astringent, diaphoretic, styptic, stimulant circulatory agent, and analgesic

2. Yarrow stops bleeding and aids in blood clotting when applied topically, internally, or both. When taken internally it is used to stimulate the release of bile from the gall bladder. It is also a mild laxative that stimulates peristalsis and can cause diuresis (increased urination).

3. Yarrow stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid that can suppress inflammation and enhance immunity as well as many other functions of the body.

4. Yarrow also contains chemicals called flavonoids which have been reported to have antioxidant properties

5. Yarrow reduces fever by promoting sweating, which allows for a faster reduction of body temperature.

6. Yarrow can increase urination and is a diuretic which means it helps rid the body of excess fluids by increasing urine output.

7. Yarrow is an insect repellent

8. It has been used as a vasodilator, which means that it widens blood vessels, allowing for increased blood flow throughout the body.

9. Externally, yarrow can be applied to help control bleeding from minor cuts and scrapes, as well as nose bleeds.

Internally it has been used to treat menstrual pains and hemorrhoids. It is also beneficial for treating stomach cramps, diarrhea, nosebleed, heavy menstruation, and lactation problems.

Externally it can be used as a wash for skin disorders such as bug bites and stings, rashes, eczema, acne, boils, nettle rash (urticaria), insect bites, infections of the mouth and throat, vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids, hemorrhaging wounds, sores on the scalp and dandruff, and as a compress to aid in wound healing. Additionally, it can be used as an antidote for poison ivy, oak, and sumac

10. Yarrow is also effective when taken internally to aid in reducing fevers during the onset of colds or flu.

11. The leaves of yarrow contain flavonoids which are anti-inflammatory agents.

12. It is believed that the leaves of yarrow may help to decrease blood sugar levels in diabetics by acting upon the pancreas to stimulate insulin secretion.

13. Yarrow contains phytochemicals, which are known for their antimicrobial effects against bacteria or fungi.

14. Yarrow is an abundant source of vitamins K and C which are both powerful antioxidants that fight free radical damage in the body, boost immune function, improve cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, protect skin from UV damage, promote brain health, stabilize moods, prevent fatigue and stress-related illnesses, strengthen bones, slow down the effects of aging, and help with detoxification by flushing out toxins from the body.

15. Yarrow is effective against mild infections because of its antibacterial properties

16. It can also be used as an antiseptic for wounds, insect bites, sores on the scalp, acne, boils, and abscesses. The leaves are best used fresh as a topical treatment.

17. Yarrow can be used as an analgesic for pain relief and as a stimulant to the circulatory system, improving circulation and lowering blood pressure.

18. Yarrow is also said to have diaphoretic properties which means that it stimulates perspiration and helps to induce sweating on a hot day or during a fever. It can also be used to reduce the symptoms of colds and flu, such as body aches and headaches.

19. Yarrow is a natural antihistamine and antibiotic  anti-inflammatory which means it soothes any kind of allergy or infection

20. Yarrow may have benefits for people with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases because of its antioxidant activity.

Yarrow root:

Yarrow root is a strong and powerful alternative. Alteratives, as we know, are herbs that cause the blood to flow freely through all parts of the body. They also remove impurities from it at the same time. It should be used as such:

Yarrow root tea is an excellent medicine for everyone who wants “to cleanse the system of impurities.”

An ounce or two of the root may be boiled for an hour or more in a quart of water, and this proportion is employed in all cases. A wineglassful should be taken every half hour for several hours; after which time periods it may be repeated three times daily.

A tea made by steeping the fresh root an hour in the water, and then straining, is as active as the decoction.

As a purifier of the blood, yarrow root is often successful where capsicum has utterly failed. When there is a chronic disease of the kidneys or bladder it will be found serviceable, but it should not be given to those who have an already torpid condition of these organs.

It succeeds wonderfully in chronic rheumatism and neuralgia and is often all that can be employed when there is heart disease present, but it should not be given in such cases until the other remedies indicated have been tried without relief, as it will do no good otherwise.

The yield of the whole plant is a little more than two percent. That of the root is from 0.30 to 0.35%.

Benefits of yarrow tea:

It deals with deranged and torpid conditions of the kidneys and urinary organs, and thus is valuable in dropsy, gravel, and its painful accompaniments.

It improves the appetite and digestion and excites a healthy flow of bile; which is another reason why it should be given in rheumatic affections for rheumatism is more or less a derangement of the digestive organs and their functions.

It stimulates the skin and thus helps to relieve pain in some kinds of neuralgic affections.

It relieves toothache if used with a little alum or salt in it; but do not make the mistake of going out immediately after drinking yarrow root tea, as you may find that the toothache (or earache or headache) is worse than ever.

Yarrow root will relieve colds and sore throats, but do not give it in time of epidemic for colds. It is not a germicide and therefore has no place in such diseases except as a tonic after they are broken.

It tends to produce natural perspiration and will thus keep down the temperature of fever if given freely by the mouth or in doses of ten grains at a time; but it may be given through the skin also (in the form of foot-baths, for instance) because such action is not likely to cause any bad effects.

Yarrow root has no equal remedy for colds, chronic nasal catarrh, hay fever, croupous pneumonia, pleurisy with effusion into the cavity of the chest in which latter case it should be given in combination with lobelia.

Yarrow benefits for hair:

The most common use of yarrow is for its effect on the digestive system. Many people experience relief from gas and bloating when they drink a cup of yarrow tea. Yarrow is considered a carminative herb, which means that it helps to prevent the formation of intestinal gas by promoting healthy peristaltic action.

In addition, a yarrow can help heal stomach ulcers. The astringent properties of the herb are useful in treating diarrhea, as well. Drinking yarrow tea can also treat sore throats and mouth sores.

For thousands of years, healers have used this herb to promote the production of bile secretion in the liver. A compound in the leaf has been shown to be 30 times more effective than cholestyramine in inhibiting cholesterol absorption.

Yarrow benefits for skin:

Yarrow can be used as a compressor an external application for bruises, sprains, and swellings.

Yarrow is a great help in healing wounds because it contains chemicals that stop bleeding and reduce inflammation.

In folk medicine, yarrow was used to treat acne, burns, sores, and ulcers. A paste made from its leaves was used to relieve toothache.

Yarrow benefits for the respiratory system:

The herb is beneficial in the treatment of various lung problems, including bronchitis and tuberculosis (TB). Its soothing effects are useful in treating conditions associated with coughing, such as whooping cough. Drinking yarrow tea can also help bring down a fever.

Yarrow root is an effective treatment for whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis, and other pulmonary complaints.

Yarrow root may also help prevent the formation of phlegm in the lungs. This herb is highly valued in Europe as a folk remedy for this condition.

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