Benefits of til Seeds and Good for Health

Benefits of til Seeds and Good for Health

Til (sesame) is a prevalent and essential ingredient of Indian cooking. It has a lot of benefits such as better eye health, suitable for diabetic patients too. It’s full of minerals like copper, manganese, iron and phosphorus, fiber, etc. Furthermore, it acts as an antioxidant and helps prevent cancer too. Let us see the detailed list:

Benefits of til (sesame):

Good for eyesight:

Sesame seeds contain a high amount of antioxidants that maintain our eyesight and reduce dark circles around the eyes due to their Vitamin A content. So add sesame seeds to your diet or boil them in milk and have this at night before going to bed daily for better eyesight.

Good for People with Diabetes:

Sesame contains a high amount of copper, which can control blood sugar levels. Hence it is suitable for diabetic patients too. It also regulates insulin production and reduces glucose absorption from the intestines. So people with Diabetes can have sesame regularly in their diet to reduce the chances of developing Diabetes. It’s a popular Indian remedy for treating Diabetes as well known as “Til Ka Tel” here.

Good for health:

As sesame is a rich source of minerals like copper, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium, thus the regular intake of sesame seeds helps prevent calcium deficiency, too, which prevents osteoporosis or bone density loss leading to fractures later in life.

 Acting as an antioxidant:

Sesame contains a high amount of antioxidants which remove free radicals in our body and thus reduce the risk of cancer by 40%, so it’s suitable for diabetic patients too to keep them away from cancer.

Prevents bad breath:

Chewing sesame seeds after every meal prevents terrible breath, so it is highly beneficial for people with bad breath problems like halitosis (gum disease), etc.

Toned up skin & hair:

People who consume sesame seeds daily generally look healthier because it improves your digestion, enhances your hair quality, and also gives you glowing skin tone naturally without applying any cream or makeup except oil massage on the face occasionally, which boosts the blood circulation in your face and removes the dead cells causing fine lines.

 Prevents cancer:

Sesame seeds contain a high amount of minerals like copper, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium, which boosts the immune system and prevents various types of cancers, including breast, liver, lung, etc. & also reduces high cholesterol levels by lowering bad LDL cholesterols and increasing antioxidants to prevent heart diseases too. 8. Calcium source:

As it has high contents of calcium than any other vegetable or grains, so sesame is suitable for children’s growth, and pregnant women can have sesame regularly in their meals to give better nourishment to the growing fetus in the womb during the pregnancy period too when they need extra calcium intake daily unlike regular days.

 Good for skin:

As sesame is full of minerals like copper, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium, it gives you healthy glowing skin naturally by its regular intake in your diet, which also reduces premature aging signs like wrinkles, etc. due to sun exposure too…

Reduces weight gain:

Regular intake of sesame helps reduce weight gain as it contains a high amount of fiber which is good for digestion & keeps you fuller longer as compared to other foods as well as preventing constipation problems. Thus people who have been trying hard to lose those extra kilos from their body can include sesame seeds in their daily diet to shed those extra kilos now naturally without going through strenuous workouts or crash diets only.

 Avoid stomach disorders:

Regular intake of sesame seeds prevents acidity, diarrhea, constipation, and other stomach disorders as it contains a high amount of fiber which removes the toxins from your body & also regulates the bowel movements also so people suffering from chronic stomach problems can have sesame regularly in their meals to avoid those conditions now naturally.

Good for liver:

Sesame seeds are suitable for the liver as they contain amino acids like methionine & cystine that helps reduce inflammation & swelling of the liver due to damaged cells by toxins or any infections too, thus enhancing the growth & function of cells producing bile juice which aid in the digestion process normally problem-free by preventing constipation…

 Prevents hair problems:

Sesame seeds help cure hair fall, dandruff, and thinning of hair when taken regularly in the diet as it is good for the growth of new cells on the scalp and enhances the blood circulation to nourish root follicles, thus preventing various kinds of hair problems quickly now naturally without going through harsh treatments like applying expensive serums or shampoos but eating them with roti or rice directly will do the trick.

Prevents diarrhea:

Sesame seeds prevent diarrhea problem as it is good for the growth of new cells on the lining of the intestines and to avoid constipation problems, thus keeping your bowel movements smooth & problem-free, which contains frequent stomach upsets.

Increases weight:

People who want to gain weight can add two teaspoons of sesame seeds with milk or sprinkle some sesame seed powder over roti while cooking that keeps you fuller for longer hours and provides high energy levels, which help gain muscle mass quickly naturally without going through strenuous workouts at the gym only but eat more veggies along with the intake of sesame seeds daily itself in meals generously.

Good for diabetics:

Sesame contains a good amount of manganese that helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body thus preventing Diabetes as well as regulating the secretion of insulin from the pancreas naturally without going through harsh treatments like insulin injections, etc. which makes it a good food for people with diabetes to have regularly now.

Black Sesame Seeds Benefits Male:

Reduce Hair Loss:

The high antioxidant properties contained in the black sesame seeds benefits male in slowing down or stopping the enzyme activity which is in charge to change tyrosine into Dopaquinone (DQ).

According to researchers, tyrosinase is one of the main reasons for gray hair because DQ destroys melanin (hair pigment). In order to prevent hair loss, you need to remove DQ from your body. Black Sesame Seeds Help in removing DQ, thus helping in reducing hair loss.

Promoting Hair Growth:

The high antioxidant properties contained in the black sesame seeds benefits male in breaking down melanin (hair pigment). It is very important for the growth of the hair because they are made of keratin, which contains large amounts of sulfur-containing amino acids that contribute to melanin production.

Those amino acids need antioxidants to be removed so that they can not participate again in melanin production. This is another way of having shiny and long hairs by consuming black sesame seeds frequently.

Healthy Skin:

The high antioxidant properties contained in the black sesame seeds benefits male in strengthening the regulatory T-cells which help to fight against cancer, infections & autoimmune diseases. That’s why consuming black sesame seeds regularly makes your skin healthy and strong.

Stronger Bones:

Black sesame seeds contain a high number of calcium, phosphorus, and iron; all essential nutrients for the formation of stronger bones. Consuming black sesame seeds regularly provides you with these minerals which make your bones stronger and healthier. And if you combine this consumption with the intake of vitamin D (contained in cow milk), then you get extra strength to your bones because vitamin D helps absorb calcium from foods.

Lower Cholesterol Levels:

The antioxidants contained in black sesame seeds benefit lower bad cholesterol levels in your blood while increasing good cholesterol levels.

This causes a decrease in the risk of cardiac diseases. The calcium contained in black sesame seeds benefits males is also essential for lowering LDL cholesterol levels because calcium makes less fatty acids and more bile acid, which is known as “the fat-eating chemical” and it helps regulate cholesterol levels.

Black Sesame Seeds Benefits Females:

Black Sesame Seeds Helps women in different ways like it reducing anxiety & stress, delaying menopause age, controlling blood sugar levels during a period or pregnancy, increasing estrogen hormones for better bone health, regulating menstrual cycles & preventing cancer.

All these reasons make black sesame seeds benefits females in a different way than men (just like black sesame seed oil benefits both males and female). So let’s discuss all these reasons one by one;

Reduce Anxiety & Stress:

By reducing the stress and anxiety level, black sesame seeds benefit females by helping them to remain more focused on their daily tasks. Thus making their day start with a good morning tea or breakfast with black sesame seed can help you reduce your stress levels and also help in developing self-confidence.

 Delay Menopause Age:

The high antioxidant properties contained in the black sesame seeds benefits female that causes a delay in menopause age, as it is known that antioxidants can protect cells from damage that causes aging and diseases related to aging.  Studies found that women who took 100 mg/ day of sesamin (one type of lignan contained in sesame), had less incidence of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

Control Blood Sugar Levels:

Black sesame seeds benefit females by helping them maintain blood sugar levels, which causes a better metabolism in females that helps in preventing cancer and Diabetes.

The high fiber content in black sesame benefits females with its low glycemic index value (which measures how fast carbohydrate is broken down into sugar in your body), it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels by releasing the energy slowly.

This also provides good sleep for females at night because when blood sugar levels are stable, you can have a peaceful sleep after having an evening meal containing black sesame seeds. Consuming it regularly regulates glucose tolerance, thus maintaining normal insulin sensitivity which reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Increase Estrogen Hormones:

The antioxidants contained in black sesame benefits females by increasing estrogen hormones, thus causing a positive effect on bone health and preventing cancer. Estrogen hormone is essential for women because it maintains the cardiovascular system, reproductive system and prevents osteoporosis (a disease that causes bone loss).

Regulate Menstrual Cycles:

The fiber and calcium content in the black sesame seed benefits females during their menstrual periods. Fibers help to maintain a healthy digestive system so that there will be no problem of constipation which can cause severe bloating and pain during your period days.

Calcium is essential for maintaining muscle contractions as well as normal blood clotting during menstruation. Studies found that consuming 30 grams/ day of sesamin can reduce the number of menstrual days, and this also reduces blood loss.

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