Benefits of Scrub For Oily Skin

Benefits of Scrub For Oily Skin

Scrub for oily skin – the best way to clean pores and improve skin

Excess sebum occurs as a result of many factors. Among them: hereditary predisposition, hormonal disorder, metabolic disorders, and violation of the body’s ability to remove excess sebum. Under such conditions, pores clog more often than they should be cleaned from dead cells and dirt. This leads to the formation of blackheads, pimples, and acne.

In order to get rid of these problems, people often resort to various means against oily skin, for example, mousses or creams with a mattifier effect. But this is not the only way to normalize the secretion of sebum.

Masks, peels, and scrubs have become a powerful means for those who want to cleanse the pores and reduce the production of sebum. Scrubbing well nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis and makes it more elastic, which reduces the formation of blackheads. Exfoliants normalize metabolism, accelerate cell renewal and remove the secretion of sebum that accumulates in the pores.

How to use face scrub for oily skin:

To get rid of excess oil on your face, you can make home good natural masks. It is necessary to prepare the ingredients beforehand because every mask will help you in care for different parts of the face. For example, the tomato mask will help lighten your complexion and smooth wrinkles, and the coffee scrub will help exfoliate your face.

Everything you need to make the mask is ripe tomatoes. It is best to use it in the summer when its flesh is much juicier, but if this fruit is not available, then the canned variety will be suitable. The tomatoes should be well washed and finely ground in a blender.

Then you need to apply the mask to your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After this, rinse your face with water or use cotton pads soaked in cold tea. This procedure will help to reduce excess fat on the skin surface and improve the tone of facial skin.

For oily skin, the scrub is necessary 2-3 times a week.

In the preparation of the scrub, you can use 3 tablespoons of brown sugar or coffee beans. Mix this powder with a little water and grind in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is achieved. To make the skin look brighter, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture. If your skin is sensitive, then it should be diluted with water.

To work the scrub, moisten your face with water and apply a small amount of the scrub to your skin. Rub in slow circular movements without applying too much pressure. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water or use cotton pads soaked with cold tea.

The sugar helps to exfoliate dead cells from the surface of the skin, while the lemon juice has a whitening effect.

In order to enhance the effect of this homemade scrub, it is recommended to apply a face mask after its use.

Do not forget about the cream for oily skin! It lacks hydration and dries out your skin even more. You can use non-comedogenic cream or cosmetic oil.

You will need ripe tomato, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar or coffee beans, 1 tablespoon of honey. Procedure: the tomatoes should be well washed and finely ground in a blender. Mix this powder with lemon juice and honey to make a homogeneous consistency. Apply it on your face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water or use cotton pads soaked in tea.

The tomato will help to lighten the skin and smooth wrinkles, lemon juice will help lighten and smooth out the skin, and honey will make the skin look brighter. If you like coffee, you can also take it: 3 tablespoons of coffee beans and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Procedure: Mix this powder with a little water and grind in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is achieved. The mask should be applied to the skin and left for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with cool or cold tea.

Coffee grains will help to easily exfoliate your face, while lemon juice will help brighten the skin.

Optional: you can add dairy cream to the mask for oily skin, which will moisturize your facial skin.

If you have dry skin, then it is better not to use coffee or sugar, because they are very aggressive ingredients that will only make your problem worse. And the honey in this case should also be replaced with vegetable fat.

Face scrub for dry skin (it is necessary to prepare 2-3 times a week) and suitable for all skin types: 2 tablespoons of milk or cream, 3 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Procedure: Mix this powder until a homogeneous consistency is achieved and apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water or use cotton pads soaked in tea.

Milk or cream will help moisten your skin, while honey will make the tone of facial skin brighter and lemon juice will help to lighten it. In addition, this mask has a moisturizing effect.

For dry skin should not be a coffee scrub! The skin needs hydration, not desiccation!

Procedure: Mix 1 egg white with 2 teaspoons of sweet almond oil. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and leave for 15 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add some lemon juice. Rinse off with cool or cold water.

Egg white will moisturize your skin, while almond oil works as a natural antioxidant, protecting cells from premature aging.

If you have oily skin, prepare a mask with 4 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt.

Procedure: Mix this powder until a homogeneous consistency is achieved and apply the mask for 15 minutes to your face, rinse with cool water, or use cotton pads soaked in tea. Oatmeal will help to easily exfoliate the skin, while sour cream or yogurt moisturizes facial skin.

If you have dry skin, then it is better not to use lemon juice in this scrub, because it can lead to desiccation of your facial skin. And in this case, you should replace the lemon juice with vegetable oil.

Homemade face scrub for glowing skin:

1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of cornmeal, 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous consistency and apply this mixture to your face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cool or cold water, use cotton pads soaked in tea.

Egg yolk will nourish your skin, honey will moisturize it and lemon juice will help to tone the facial skin.

If you have dry skin, then before applying this mask you should mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and apply the resultant mixture for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool or cold water. This remedy will help to moisturize and soften the facial skin.

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