Benefits of Matcha, Helps Maintain Healthy Bones

Benefits of Matcha, Helps Maintain Healthy Bones

High level of catechins:

catechins are antioxidants.  Antioxidants act as scavengers, seeking out and neutralizing free radicals (unstable molecules).  Free radicals may be responsible for cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, arthritis, etc.  Because of matcha’s high level of catechins, it has been shown to have more antioxidant power than other green teas.

10x the antioxidants:

The process used to make matcha powder is what makes it unique.  The whole tea leaf is ground into a fine powder and then whisked with hot water during the processing.  This process produces a cup of matcha that contains ten times the amount of antioxidants that make traditional steeped green tea.

lower in caffeine than coffee:

If you are looking for an afternoon tea, matcha is definitely for you!  The whole leaf used to make matcha contains a much lower level of caffeine than coffee beans. Therefore, the amount of caffeine in matcha is closest to that found in decaffeinated tea and unsweetened cocoa.

 a good source of vitamin C:

Matcha is an excellent source of vitamin C, containing nearly four times as much as fresh orange juice.  Vitamin C is essential in building collagen, which keeps the skin healthy and helps wounds heal faster.

Rich in dietary fiber:

One of the most surprising benefits of matcha is its richness in dietary fiber.  Dietary fibers are associated with lowering cholesterol, helping with weight loss by suppressing appetite and reducing blood sugar.  Also, the deep feeling that matcha gives helps slow down the absorption of sugars and fats into your system.

 lowers cholesterol:

Matcha has been shown to help lower total and LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) levels in people with slightly high cholesterol.  The daily intake for this benefit is three cups of matcha a day.

Rich in the amino acid L-theanine:

L-theanine is known to promote relaxation and reduce stress without inducing drowsiness.  It may also be suitable for boosting concentration and focus due to its ability to increase alpha waves in the brain.

Rich in the mineral potassium:

A single serving of matcha contains more than five times the amount found in a banana.  Potassium is essential for cardiovascular health, controlling high blood pressure, and reducing stroke risk.  Potassium also helps your body maintain fluid and electrolyte balance.

a rich source of all the essential amino acids:

The amino acid content of matcha is about 100 times greater than that of brewed green tea.  Of the 16 amino acids contained in matcha, 11 are essential–and therefore must be supplied by food because they can’t be synthesized in your body.

 Rich source of fluoride and calcium:

The human body needs fluoride to prevent tooth decay.  In addition, calcium is vital for bone health and muscle function.  Matcha has been shown to contain both of these minerals in a healthy proportion.

 Rich in beneficial phytochemicals:

Phytochemicals are compounds that have been shown to fight cancer.  The type of phytochemicals found in matcha can help with a variety of different cancers and some infectious diseases.

Decrease tumor growth:

Studies on mice have indicated that the risk of developing tumors from drinking coffee or green tea decreases with regular use. In addition, the bioactive molecules in matcha have been shown to help prevent tumor growth.

a rich source of the carotenoid lutein:

Lutein accumulates in the retina, protecting against oxidative stress and free radicals.  It has also been shown to reduce age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.

a rich source of the carotenoid zeaxanthin:

Zeaxanthin is shown to protect against AMD; it also accumulates in several parts of the eye.

Helps maintain healthy bones:

The high magnesium content of matcha may help prevent osteoporosis. Magnesium is a crucial component of healthy bones, and the extra magnesium from drinking matcha may help maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

Helps maintain healthy skin:

The high magnesium content in matcha is also shown to help prevent psoriasis, a skin condition in which patches of skin become extremely dry and irritated. Magnesium is essential for healthy skin because it regulates the activity of over 300 enzymes that help maintain moisture, giving your skin a smooth appearance.

 Helps prevent tooth decay:

The fluoride content in matcha appears to prevent tooth decay by avoiding denaturation of enamel proteins and strengthening tooth minerals.

Helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease:

Studies have shown that a specific phytochemical in green tea called EGCG can affect the brains of mice genetically altered to develop symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

provides healthy energy:

Matcha contains up to five times more caffeine than traditional green tea, so it’s perfect for a midday pick-me-up.  Additionally, the L-theanine in matcha promotes healthy energy levels and alertness without causing jitters or restlessness.

Helps prevent colds and cases of flu:

People who drink green tea regularly tend to get sick less often than people who don’t. This is most likely the result of increased immunity.

Antiseptic properties:

The high levels of catechins in matcha are believed to be responsible for their antimicrobial properties, which can kill a wide range of common germs.

Control blood pressure:

In addition to having beneficial amounts of potassium and magnesium, matcha contains small amounts of calcium and sodium. Studies have linked a high intake of these minerals with lower blood pressure.

Help lose weight:

Combining caffeine and catechins in matcha speeds up metabolism just enough to help you burn an average of 70 extra calories per day.

Helps maintain proper digestion:

The combination of caffeine and catechins in matcha stimulates your intestines to move things along. Since healthy digestion is essential for overall health, sipping matcha can help you maintain proper bowel function.

 Boost brainpower:

Studies have shown that the combination of caffeine and L-theanine found in matcha helps improve focus and memory.

Prevents Parkinson’s disease:

Studies have shown that the same EGCG found in matcha effectively prevents the development of brain lesions common among people with Parkinson’s disease.

Help treat acne:

Matcha contains an impressive amount of zinc, an essential mineral that plays a critical role in developing healthy skin. For example, zinc promotes healing and fights infection, making it useful in the treatment of acne.

Boosts the immune system:

The combination of antioxidants and caffeine found in matcha may help prevent colds and flu. In addition, the L-theanine in matcha may also help prevent the flu by boosting immunity.

 lowers cholesterol:

Matcha contains large amounts of catechins, a type of antioxidant that has been shown to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and promote heart health. For example, one study found that drinking four cups of green tea per day was linked to a 41 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol levels.

improves bone strength:

Matcha contains large amounts of calcium, which plays an essential role in maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis. In addition, studies have found that people who regularly drink green tea are more likely to maintain healthy bones as they age than those who don’t drink green tea.

Helps prevent heart disease:

Matcha contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by relaxing blood vessels and improving their elasticity. This same study found that green tea was linked to a lower risk of death from all causes when compared with black tea.

 Helps prevent cavities:

The same study that found matcha to be an effective bacteria-killer was particularly good at killing the type of bacteria responsible for causing tooth decay. This makes sipping on some hot green tea after eating an excellent way to protect your teeth against decay and cavities.

 lowers blood sugar:

Matcha can help lower your body’s glycemic response, the amount of insulin needed to break up glucose in the bloodstream. This can protect against Type 2 diabetes and other forms of metabolic syndrome.

“matcha green tea”:

Matcha is a powdered form of green tea, which contains caffeine and its properties are the same as that of green tea. Matcha powder has been used in Japan since the ancient period to make protein shakes. In addition, our ancestors used to add matcha powder in Japanese curry and other food items.

“Health benefits of drinking matcha tea”:-Matcha tea has the following benefits:

1. It makes you energetic:

Drinking matcha tea is better than other teas because it contains a high level of caffeine, and this caffeine will make you energetic and improve your mental health.

2. It controls obesity:

Drinking matcha tea can stop you from gaining weight because of the caffeine content that is present in it. Consuming caffeine can increase your metabolic rate, and consuming matcha tea regularly will make the process faster. Matcha tea is considered one of the best weight loss drinks.

3. It improves immunity system:

Matcha tea contains a high level of Vitamin C, and drinking matcha tea can improve your immunity system. You can fight against common immune and other health issues by adding matcha tea in your daily life.

4. It increases bone strength:

Drinking matcha tea can increase your bone strength because it contains a high vitamin D and calcium content.

“How much matcha green tea should I consume to lose weight or gain muscle?”:-

You can drink 2-3 cups of matcha tea per day to get the following benefits:-

1. It reduces weight:

Drinking 1-2 cups of matcha tea per day can help you in losing weight. Matcha green tea contains caffeine that helps reduce your body carbohydrate and calorie intake. It also increases thermogenesis which helps you in getting rid of extra fat in your body.

2. It controls blood pressure:

Drinking matcha tea can lower your blood pressure. Caffeine present in matcha tea can control blood pressure, and it relaxes your blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in the blood pressure level.

3. It regulates insulin level:

Drinking matcha tea also controls insulin levels because caffeine present in this green tea is a known anti-diabetic agent that helps lower the insulin level in your blood.

4. It increases energy:

Matcha tea contains caffeine responsible for providing you with the required energy to perform all of your tasks. You can feel active and energetic throughout the day by drinking matcha green tea regularly.

5. It reduces free radicals:

Matcha green tea also controls free radicals because it contains catechins and EGCG that are known antioxidants. Antioxidants can stop the process of free radical damage, and they also protect your cells from the damaging effect of free radicals.

6. It improves memory:

Caffeine present in matcha tea helps you to improve your memory, and it makes you mentally alert. Caffeine can improve your memory by increasing the blood flow to your brain.

7. It prevents Parkinson’s disease:

Matcha tea also helps prevent Parkinson’s disease because caffeine present in it can reduce the risk of this disease. Symptoms of Parkinson’s are related to low dopamine levels, and caffeine is known for its ability to increase dopamine levels in the brain.

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