Benefits and Harm of Celery Juice

Benefits and Harm of Celery Juice

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a plant most frequently used in Chinese medicine to treat several diseases including cancer. It has many benefits, some of which are very important for the treatment or prevention of certain cancers. Celery is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, and essential oils that help reduce secondary cancer.

Cancer, in addition to being a serious disease, has several secondary negative effects when not treated or when the treatment is not effective. In many cases, conventional treatments cause adverse side effects such as loss of appetite, anemia, and neutropenia among others that significantly affect the patient’s quality of life. Therefore there is a great interest in the development of new therapies for cancer treatment.

Recent studies carried out by researchers at the University of Illinois have shown that plants like celery, which are traditionally used to treat several diseases may help reduce adverse side effects associated with conventional treatments.

The study focused on evaluating the dietary intake of patients receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. The research team conducted a study with 24 patients who received chemotherapy and were recommended not to eat fruits or vegetables.

These patients were divided into two groups. One was advised to follow an eating plan that included fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants rich in celery, while the other group followed a low fruit and vegetable diet without antioxidant supplements.

The results show that those who followed the celery-rich diet had a better quality of life compared to the group that did not eat vegetables. Also, these patients presented fewer adverse effects attributed to chemotherapy, such as weight loss, nausea, and vomiting.

Benefits of celery juice:

1. It is a natural diuretic

2. It has a cooling effect on the body which helps overcome heat-related issues

3. Contains minerals and vitamins A, B6, C, and K

4. Contains antioxidant properties thus helps to combat cell-damaging free radicals in the body

5. It has a high water content which helps flush toxins out of your system

6. Contains many anti-inflammatory compounds that are beneficial for people suffering from arthritis pain or joint aches

7. Ideal for weight loss regimen as it is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that help to boost the metabolic rate

8. Helps lower blood pressure

9. It is an extremely rich source of folic acid which is important for fetal development during pregnancy

10. Helps reduce the severity and duration of migraine headaches

11. Aids in digestion by promoting peristalsis which helps to push waste through your system quickly

12. Contains anti-inflammatory compounds that are useful in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis

13. Promotes healthy kidney function

14. Helps to relieve symptoms of depression by providing your body with the feel-good chemical serotonin which regulates mood, appetite, and sleep

15. It has a high calcium content making it beneficial for those suffering from osteoporosis as calcium helps to strengthen the bones

16. It has anti-tumor properties

17. Helps to reduce inflammation in the body

18. Promotes relief from certain types of cancer like breast, colon, and prostate cancers by inhibiting angiogenesis.

19. Contains phytonutrients which are a natural antibiotic

20. Helps to prevent gallstones formation by increasing the solubility of bile in the intestines

21. It is an excellent diuretic that helps to reduce bloating, water retention, and swelling in your body

22. It may help reverse signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines due to its antioxidant properties

23. Helps ease menstrual cramps by relaxing the uterus muscles

24. Lowers high cholesterol levels which reduces your risk of having a heart attack or stroke

25. Its gentle laxative effect helps to relieve constipation, bloating, and gas problems

26. Removes toxic heavy metals from the body like lead, mercury, and aluminum

27. It is beneficial for heart health by preventing the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol

28. It helps to protect against blood clots which may cause heart attacks or strokes

29. Helps maintain healthy bones due to its rich calcium content

30. Contains well-known anti-cancer compounds like luteolin, selenium, and apigenin

31. It is a good source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant vitamin A compound beneficial for your skin health

32. Promotes oral health by protecting teeth against the buildup of bacteria that causes dental plaque, cavities, and gum disease

33. You may benefit from its anti-cancer properties if you are diagnosed with bladder, breast, colon, kidney, or ovarian cancer

34. Contains high levels of potassium which helps to regulate heart functions and lower blood pressure

35. It is beneficial for people with osteoarthritis as it reduces pain and inflammation associated with the condition

36. Helps to prevent PMS symptoms like cramps, irritability, and bloating

37. It is beneficial for people who suffer from allergies as it helps to reduce the production of histamine.

38. Contains compounds that can help fight ulcerative colitis by inhibiting leukotrienes which are associated with inflammatory bowel diseases

39. It helps to relieve symptoms of asthma by preventing inflammation in the bronchial tubes

40. Contains lutein which may play an important role in eye health by promoting protection against age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma

41. Promotes healthy skin structure and function due to its high levels of vitamin C and flavonoids

42. Helps detoxify the liver by increasing bile flow which helps the body get rid of toxic substances

43. It is beneficial for weight management as it has properties that curb your appetite and boost metabolism

44. Promotes wound healing due to its high levels of vitamin C

45. Helps to prevent chronic fatigue syndrome by boosting your immune system

46. Contains cooling properties that help to stimulate blood circulation which in turn helps reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes

47. It can help relieve symptoms associated with arthritis-like stiffness, swelling, and pain

48. It has anti-parasitic properties against tapeworms

49. Promotes healthy respiratory function by thinning mucus, decreasing inflammation, stimulating ciliary activity, and increasing mucous membrane movement

50. Contains compounds that are anti-mutagenic which helps to fight cancer formation

51. Promotes healthy skin structure and function due to its high levels of vitamin C and flavonoids

52. It may help treat chronic fatigue syndrome by boosting your immune system

53. Contains cooling properties that help to stimulate blood circulation which in turn helps reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes

54. It can help relieve symptoms associated with arthritis-like stiffness, swelling, and pain

55. It has anti-parasitic properties against tapeworms

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