Benefits of Bearberry Herb

Benefits of Bearberry Herb 

Bearberry (uva ursi) is one of the most common herbal remedies for urinary tract disorders. It contains arbutin, a substance that promotes dissolving and passing stones from the urinary system. Arbutin also possesses antibiotic properties as well as being anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

In addition, it has been shown that bearberry is a more effective antibacterial than cranberry juice and equally effective in preventing urinary tract infections. The Arctostaphylos UVA Ursi herb is related to the cranberry plant with similar antimicrobial action.

Bearberry contains hydroquinone, which has been shown to decrease oxalate absorption from the intestine and decrease the risk of kidney stones. This action can be helpful in preventing recurrent calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Bearberry has been shown to contain a number of chemicals with anti-inflammatory activity, including Vitamins C and E. Current research has not yet revealed all of the bearberry’s mechanisms in supporting urinary tract health, but further study promises to yield new insights into this useful herb.

Bearberry is safe for short-term internal use and can be used long-term if desired. For a small number of people, a reversible darkening or staining of the skin may occur as a result of taking bearberry. Over time, the urine will return to its normal color.

For best results, a combination of the whole herb with an extract containing hydroquinone is recommended.

Bearberry is most frequently used in combination extracts that combine it with other herbs such as corn silk or saw palmetto berry to help support urinary tract health and bladder function. In addition, it can be combined with many of the most popular Chinese and Western herbs, including.

Corn Silk (Zea mays):

A member of the grass family and a relative of maize, corn silk is an herb traditionally used in China for bladder disorders. Corn silk contains mucilage that swells when it contacts water; this gel-like material helps sop up excess fluid entering the bladder1, helping to relieve discomfort.

Saw Palmetto Fruit (Serenoa repens):

Saw palmetto is an herb native to the southeastern United States that has been used in folk medicine for centuries. It contains phytosterols that inhibit 5-alpha reductase, thus reducing the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone involved in the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Saw palmetto also contains fatty acids that help reduce urinary discomfort by exerting an anti-inflammatory effect on the bladder lining2.

Health benefits this herbal drink offers:

Helps in curing respiratory disorders like runny nose, asthma, bronchitis, and allergies.

It helps to ease urinary tract infections by flushing out toxins from the bladder. Bearberry tea also aids in preventing bacteriuria.

It helps in fighting cancer cells by depriving them of the nutrients they need to proliferate and function. One cup of this tea a day can help you stay hydrated, a helpful side effect for those who have diarrhea.

Prevents muscle cramps and spasms as it has anti-spasmodic properties. A cup of bearberry tea before hitting the sack helps in getting rid of insomnia. It can act as an antidepressant effectively with its sedative properties.

Bearberry tea is generally safe to drink even without a doctor’s prescription but there are certain cases when you should not drink it.

Do not take this tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. There is no scientific evidence proving the safety of bearberry tea in this case so it is better not to take any chances.

Do not drink it on an empty stomach as this may cause gastrointestinal problems like vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

If you have kidney stones or severe kidney disease, limit your intake of bearberry tea to three cups a day. Avoid having too much of this herbal drink if you are diabetic as it may alter the effectiveness of your medications or increase your blood sugar levels.

Bearberry tea should not be consumed excessively for more than two weeks. You can have up to 6 cups of a cup daily but after this period, its effects often wear off leaving you with no other choice than to discontinue drinking it.

Bearberry tea is not meant for long-term use so even if you feel its positive effects, it’s still best that you start taking a break once in a while. This period will help your body recuperate and restore its normal functions.

Do not drink bearberry tea that is not pure. Make sure you are getting the real deal by ordering it from reliable importers.

The best time to drink bearberry tea is in the morning or before going to bed. It is generally safe, but if you feel any discomfort after drinking this herbal beverage, stop immediately and see your doctor for further advice.

Bearberry tea has proven to be an effective herbal drink that can easily be integrated into your diet. So if you are looking for a healthy alternative to coffee or other caffeinated drinks, this is definitely the right choice for you!

Bearberry Benefits for Skin:

Bearberry improves the production of elastin and collagen, both of which are important for healthy skin.

It contains arbutin which helps to fight age spots. It is also rich in antioxidants that maintain the elasticity of your skin.

Bearberry helps to improve complexion by balancing its pH levels. It will keep your skin supple and clean. The anti-inflammatory properties of bearberry protect your skin from irritants like smoke, pollution, and dirt.

It helps to soothe redness in the skin due to its soothing effects on irritated skin cells. Bearberry extract helps with acne because it has antibacterial properties that prevent bacteria from accumulating on your skin.

It keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized because it has humectant properties that prevent water loss from the upper layers of the epidermis.

The antioxidant properties of bearberry help to reduce signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles caused by free radicals and environmental stressors. there’s no denying the medicinal benefits of bearberry for your skin!

Bearberry Tea Side Effects:

Bearberry can cause allergic reactions in some people. If you experience redness, itching, swelling, or rashes after consuming this herbal tea, stop drinking it immediately and consult with your doctor.

Do not consume too much bearberry tea because its effects may not be as effective when overdosed. Excessive consumption can lead to an upset stomach so you are advised not to have more than 3 cups of this herbal drink daily.

when taken in small amounts, bearberry tea has minimal side effects.


-½ teaspoon bearberry leaves

-2 cups distilled water or ½ cup dried apricots steeped in boiling water for 20 minutes.

Preparation:  Boil a pot of water and pour it over the bearberry leaves inside a heatproof container. Let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes before removing the plant material. If you’re using dried apricots instead, soak them for 20 minutes in a separate container with 2 cups of boiling water then strain before transferring the liquid to a mug and adding the bearberry tea.

tips:  You can also use 1 teaspoon of dried flowers if you don’t have any fresh plant material at hand.

Bearberry tea can be bought from health stores, herbal shops, and online.

You don’t have to prepare the leaves manually if you opt to buy the drink in supplement form. This is very beneficial for those with busy schedules because it saves time and effort.

Bearberry Medicinal Uses:

Bearberry is an astringent and diuretic beverage that helps with bladder infections and kidney stones. It can also be used for gallbladder problems like jaundice and bile duct issues like liver obstructions.

It has antiviral properties which can help fight colds, flu, tonsillitis, and bronchitis. The anti-inflammatory effects of bearberry can help with rheumatism, arthritis, and gout treatment.

It contains arbutin which is used in the treatment of skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema. It also helps fade freckles caused by sun exposure.

The antioxidants of bearberry can help boost the body’s immune system.

Bearberry is a good source of vitamin C which fights infections and boosts the production of collagen, a protein that keeps your skin smooth and supple.

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