The anime from Edens Zero follows Shiki Granbell, who spent his entire life alone on a planet inhabited by robots. Until he meets Rebecca and Happy and joins their spaceship for Shonen-flavored adventures.
Serially published in Shuukan Shonen (Kodansha) magazine since 2018, the manga original Edens Zero, unlike Rave Y Fairy Tail, has a great focus on science fiction topics. With characters created by Hiro Mashima who use special powers called Ether Gear.
However, many characters that appear in Edens Zero have their character designs based on past characters from the creator. As such, longtime fans will feel right at home and will be able to enjoy the shonen series without any hassle.
Release date and where to see Edens Zero
In Japan, Edens Zero will air on Nippon TV every Sunday at 00:55 JST. Converting to other time zones, that’s Saturday 11:55 AM ET / 8:55 AM PT / 16:55 GMT. Episode 1 will air this Saturday, April 10. However, outside of Japan, Netflix got the rights anime streaming.
Netflix, unlike Funimation, Crunchyroll or other anime streaming services, they do not stream simultaneously. Instead, it adds to catalog all episodes as a “season” when at least one cour (between 10 and 13 episodes) aired in Japan.
Edens Zero premiere on Netflix
The anime series will have a release date of fall 2021 on Netflix. This will be once at least two courses (around 26 episodes) have aired in Japan. As usual, The Truth News knows that many Edens Zero fans are not happy and this also happened with the Nakaba Suzuki anime, Nanatsu no Taizai.
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