Tabula Rasa Season 2 Expected Release Date: Is It Renewed For Another Season?

Before Netflix made it available around the world, Belgian television began airing the Flemish psychological thriller Tabula Rasa. The premiere of the show was on October 29, 2017, although it wasn’t made available online until March 15, 2018. They are the brainchildren of Malin-Sarah Gozin and Veerle Baetens.

Audiences and critics alike found the series bewildering, audacious, and utterly compelling even before Netflix made it more widely available. The movies “Memento,” “Unknown,” and “Before I Go to Sleep” are similar to “Tabula Rasa,” so you might enjoy them. Continue reading to find out more about this program.

Tabula Rasa Season 2 Renewal Status

The reception to Tabula Rasa was very positive. The drama received a 7.9 rating on IMDB. The lead actors’ performances have also been lauded. Therefore, Season 2 of Tabula Rasa has the reception factor on its side. In addition, Tabula Rasa managed to successfully instill its fad among its devotees. As a result, it’s possible that production will resume on Season 2 soon. On the other hand, Netflix only recently began airing it. In certain cases, this signals bad news to the fans’ dismay. However, Tabula Rasa has not been extended for a second season.

Tabula Rasa Season 1 Recap

Thomas Spectre was last seen with Annemie D’Haeze before he vanished forever, prompting Officer Wolkers to launch an investigation. Mie was committed to the asylum after a mysterious car accident. Because of her amnesia, she has no recollection of her previous existence. The foundation of this drama-thriller is Mie’s history! We can’t deny that Mie’s husband, Benoit, has been physically and verbally abusive towards her from the beginning of their marriage. The cop is obviously overlooking something important. Mie couldn’t remember everything that occurred on Halloween.

Mie will experience every step of the mystery investigation, from being brought into the forest to being hypnotized by the doctor. Wolkers will spare no effort in spreading the truth. He has a sneaking suspicion that Mie is the real bad guy. Only by retrieving Mie’s recollections will he be able to identify Thomas Spectre as the perpetrator. There was also an instance where he implied that Mie was lying about her forgetfulness. Mr. Wolkers has given up hope, while Mie has trouble putting her faith in humanity at large. Hopefully, the next chapter of this puzzle will be available shortly.

Tabula Rasa Season Cast

  • Veerle Baetens as Annemie D’Haeze
  • Stijn Van Opstal as Benoit D’Haeze
  • Jeroen Perceval as Thomas De Geest
  • Gene Bervoets as Inspecteur Jacques Wolkers
  • Natali Broods as Dr. Mommaerts
  • Cécile Enthoven as Romy D’Haeze
  • Ruth Beeckmans as Karen
  • Hilde Van Mieghem as Rita
  • Peter Van den Begin as Vronsky
  • Lynn Van Royen as Nikki
  • François Beukelaers as Walter
  • Marc Peeters as Boswachter
  • Tom Audenaert as Olivier
  • Gregory Frateur as Jackson
  • Bilall Fallah as Mozes
  • Jan Debski as Schilpadman met bokaalbril

Tabula Rasa Season 2 Expected Plot

Mie is the protagonist of Tabula Rasa. She was taken to the hospital after sustaining serious injuries in a car crash. Since Mie’s amnesia was triggered by the accident, she has been hospitalized in a mental health facility. Whenever she needed to recall a certain event, she would write it down. Mie had no real goals because she didn’t understand anything about her environment. However, her life was completely halted by the tragic accident. Inspector Wolker paid a visit to the hospital after the tragic event. Wolker traveled to Mie to inquire about Thomas Spectre’s disappearance.

Whenever Thomas disappeared, the inspector insisted Mie was the last one to see him. It was crucial that the woman collect her recollections in order to solve the case. It appears that she is a prime suspect. Therefore, it was impossible to discharge her from the hospital. But every time she estimated something, the enigma would get deeper. She became more perplexed as she dug deeper into the past. Mie, too, had trouble deciding who to trust. Thus, the narrative switched back and forth between the present and the past. However, law enforcement officials never seemed to believe the information she supplied.

Season 2 has plenty of material left to explore. The destiny of the play will be determined by the scary visions and bizarre occurrences. Season 2 of Tabula Rasa will go even further into the mystery. In addition, the story’s ghostly elements could be explored. But Mie’s confusing recollections and views will always be intriguing.

Tabula Rasa Season 2 Release Date

If you’re here because you can’t wait for Season 2 of Tabula Rasa, you’re at the right spot. We’ve been anticipating Netflix’s release just as much as you have! It was a compelling drama series, so we’re writing to ask that it be continued. Tabula Rasa’s debut season premiered in 2017, and the following year, the show was added to Netflix’s streaming lineup. Considering the show’s high ratings, we believe there is still plenty of room for Tabula Rasa Season 2.

Let’s cross our fingers that Netflix approves the second season by the year’s end. As we’ve already mentioned, the well-known SVOD service has been silent on Season 2 of Tabula Rasa. But we’d want to maintain optimism; according to our calculations, Season 2 of Tabula Rasa should premiere by the end of 2024, most likely in the autumn.

Tabula Rasa Trailer

The first season of “Tabula Rasa” now has a trailer. If you haven’t seen the series and like suspenseful dramas, you should definitely check it out.

Tabula Rasa: Season 1 – Trailer (Dutch with English subtitles)

Tabula Rasa Season 1 Review

Tabula Rasa is a slow-paced tale of a (possibly) haunted mansion. It twists and turns like a pretzel, serving as both a mystery and a home drama, a noir crime story, and a mind-fuck thriller.

The point is that it is numerous things, each of which has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. It’s surprising to find a show that takes its time and will likely be best digested just an episode or two at a time (there are nine total episodes) in this era of peak TV when showrunners continually unload every narrative trick they can think of as fast as they possibly can just to keep us hooked. It takes four episodes of Tabula Rasa before the show fully commits to the horror genre, and even then there’s still a mystery to be solved, possible marital adultery to uncover, and the lingering issue of whether or not the terror is real.

There is perhaps no greater horror than a mother who forgets her own daughter, and while the show has branched out into various genres, this primary drama has never been far from the show’s focus.

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