Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

the most common symptom of stomach cancer is the occurrence of pain in the abdomen that lasts for a long time. The patient has no appetite and feels constant pain when eating or drinking.

symptoms of liver cancer:

one of the symptoms of this disease is a burning sensation in the stomach, chest, and back. With each attack, more severe abdominal pain may occur during attacks. In addition to discomfort from the disease often experience nausea or vomiting with an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

The cause of these diseases:

Both diseases are caused by the formation of excessive levels in our bodies due to alcohol consumption, food poisoning, taking drugs such as tobacco can also be a cause for constipation like coffee because it contains caffeine. But I think it’s wrong to blame coffee! Isn’t it? I think the most appropriate was the coffee! Ask anyone, they say coffee is one of the main causes of constipation.

Symptoms of colon cancer:

I knew that this disease is often found in many countries that consume a lot of meat like America and Britain. how can we find out that we have colorectal cancer? It is felt by our doctor when we undergo medical exams such as X-rays, radiography, or gastroscopy.

The cause of these diseases:

In my opinion, the main cause of colon cancer is eating meat and also red meat. This is because when we eat a lot of red meat it takes a long time in the stomach for digestion and this causes a backward flow into our intestines. Besides that, an excessive amount of fat in livestock will produce carcinogens that damage the cells in the body making them malignant. In addition to red meat, other meats such as mutton can also be another factor for colon cancer.

Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer:

The most common symptoms are jaundice or swelling in your abdomen or back pain without any apparent reason along with loss of appetite. Pancreatic occurs when the tumor begins to interfere with the functions of the pancreas that produces enzymes that help us digest food.

stomach cancer symptoms female:

The common symptoms of stomach cancer in females are pain, loss of appetite and weight, heartburn, indigestion, or bloating. All these can also be the signs of other digestive problems which may not be life-threatening.

People with these symptoms have a chance of having ulcerative colitis or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). While ulcerative colitis is a serious condition that affects the intestine lining but it does not spread to other organs and is usually cured with medication.

IBS on the other hand often has no cause and only requires simple lifestyle changes for alleviation. However, when there is a possibility that one might have stomach cancer than getting yourself checked up by your doctor is highly recommended.

The common symptoms of stomach cancer in females are below:

· Loss of appetite and weight

· Indigestion or bloating

· Bloating

· Nausea and vomiting

· Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)

· Sudden weight loss after long-term obesity

These symptoms become evident gradually with time. Depending upon the type, location, and extent of cancer, it may have advanced by the time you notice them. Having said that, women need to go through these symptoms themselves at home to know if they require medical attention or not. For example, a pain or lump on the back near the shoulder blade could indicate infection whereas an unexplained loss of appetite or fluid should not be ignored.

Stomach cancer in women is very rare, accounting for only about 1% of all cases. If you are female, chances are that your doctor will recommend an upper GI exam. It might reveal gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) or ulcers which can be treated with medication before any treatment is started for cancer. The other tests needed to confirm the presence of cancer include blood plasma alpha-fetoprotein test and CT scan.

stomach cancer symptoms male:

The common symptoms of stomach cancer in males are pain, loss of appetite and weight, heartburn, indigestion, or bloating. All these can also be the signs of other digestive problems which may not be life-threatening.

People with these symptoms have a chance of having ulcerative colitis or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). While ulcerative colitis is a serious condition that affects the intestine lining but it does not spread to other organs and is usually cured with medication.

In this case, if you experience any digestion disorder such as gas, indigestion, and bloating then see your doctor immediately. The treatment would subsequently involve prescribing medicine based on the kind of symptom which one has been suffering from and ultimately eradicating the condition itself.

The common symptoms of stomach cancer in males are:

· Loss of appetite and weight

· Indigestion or bloating

· Bloating

· Nausea and vomiting

· Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)

It is very important to understand that as men grow older, they develop a much higher risk for stomach cancer because it tends to be strongly linked with certain factors such as increasing age; having H pylori infection; eating more red meat; drinking alcohol regularly, and smoking tobacco. This does not mean that one should stop enjoying their daily meal or start worrying about food. It simply means that there is a need to pay more attention to the different changes in the body when it comes to digestive problems.

stomach cancer causes:

The risk factors for developing stomach cancer include:

· Age – People over the age of 50 are at a higher risk of getting stomach cancer.

· A diet high in salt, low in vegetables and fruits – People who eat diets high in salt or low in vegetables and fruits have an increased risk of stomach cancer.

· Smoking:

In people who smoke, there is twice the chance of getting stomach cancer as compared to those who do not smoke.

A weakened immune system:

People whose immune system is compromised, due to issues such as HIV or AIDS, liver disease, and cancer therapy (chemotherapy), may develop stomach cancer. These types of patients often need extra care when it comes to treating the condition to maximize their chances of survival.

stomach cancer treatment:

The treatment for stomach cancer depends upon the stage at which the tumor has spread; its grade; and if there are any other conditions in association with it like gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, etc.

For example: in the case of advanced stomach cancer where many organs have been affected then chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be used in combination with surgery for cure. In the situation when only the cancer cells are detected in the stomach but no tumor is visible, then chemotherapy is used to treat it.

stomach cancer treatment:

As far as treatment of stomach cancer is concerned, the surgical procedure used depends upon the stage of stomach cancer. The treatment can involve surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy as well.

There are however some cases where stomach cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage that cannot be cured with treatment. In this case, doctors mostly suggest palliative care to relieve the patient’s pain for a good quality of life till death.

stomach cancer prognosis:

The prognosis for stomach cancer depends upon the stage of the disease and several other factors as well. In some cases, early detection can provide a better outcome whereas in other circumstances, even with extensive treatment this condition is difficult to treat successfully. For instance, if the patient has no symptoms then it is very difficult to make a diagnosis and thus treatment of stomach cancer is very difficult.

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