Swimply Net Worth 2024 – Interesting Facts, Social Media, & What’s Next

Swimply Net Worth 2024 – Interesting Facts, Social Media, & What’s Next

Have you ever dreamed of lounging by a private pool on a hot summer day but thought it was out of reach? Enter Swimply, the innovative app that’s changing the game in the sharing economy. Let’s explore Swimply’s fascinating rise and current net worth.

Aspect Details
What is Swimply? Online marketplace for renting private swimming pools by the hour.
Founder Bunim Laskin
Shark Tank Pitch 2020; Sought $300,000 for 5% stake; Valuation $6 million; No deal offered.
Current Markets Over 125 markets in the US, Canada, and Australia.
Revenue (2023) $7-8 million annual revenue.
Valuation (2023) Approximately $30 million.

What is Swimply?

Swimply is like Airbnb but for swimming pools. It’s an online marketplace where pool owners can rent out their pools to people looking for a refreshing dip by the hour. The idea is simple but genius – it lets pool owners make money from their underused pools while allowing others to enjoy a private pool without the huge costs of owning one.

Who Is The Founder Of Swimply?

The brains behind Swimply are Bunim Laskin, a young entrepreneur from New Jersey. Laskin came up with the idea when he was just 20 years old. He noticed his neighbor’s pool was often empty and struck a deal to use it in exchange for helping with maintenance costs. This lightbulb moment led him to think bigger—what if he could connect pool owners with people who wanted to swim?

How Was The Shark Tank Pitch for Swimply?

In 2020, Laskin took his pool-sharing idea to the big leagues – ABC’s Shark Tank. He asked for $300,000 for a 5% stake in Swimply. The Sharks were intrigued but skeptical. Laskin’s valuation of $6 million seemed high for a company that had only made $215,000 in gross sales at the time. Despite his enthusiasm, all the Sharks passed on the deal. They thought the idea was exciting but too risky and overvalued.

Swimply Shark Tank Update: What Happened After?

Even though Swimply didn’t get a deal on Shark Tank, the exposure was huge. And then something unexpected happened – the COVID-19 pandemic. With public pools closed, people were desperate for safe, private swimming options. Swimply’s business exploded, growing by a whopping 4000%!


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Swimply Growth and Operations:

Since its Shark Tank appearance, Swimply has grown exponentially. It now operates in over 125 markets across the United States, Canada, and Australia. The app lists thousands of pools and has facilitated countless swims. Swimply takes a cut from the pool owners (15%) and the swimmers (10%) for each booking.

Year Investment Amount Investors
2021 Series A Funding Round $10 million Norwest Venture Partners
2021 Additional Funding Round $40 million Mayfield, Nate Blecharczyk (Airbnb co-founder)

Swimply Investments and Partnerships:

Investors who once overlooked Swimply are now jumping in. In 2021, the company raised $10 million in a Series A funding round led by Norwest Venture Partners. A few months later, they secured another $40 million from investors, including Mayfield and AirBnB co-founder Nate Blecharczyk. These significant investments show that Swimply is making waves in the tech world.

Swimply Challenges and Competitors:

It hasn’t all been smooth swimming for Swimply. They’ve faced challenges with local regulations in some areas. For example, Wisconsin tried to require pool owners to get public pool licenses. Swimply has had to navigate these tricky waters carefully. They’ve also had to deal with safety concerns and liability issues. As for competitors, while there are other pool-rental apps, Swimply remains the biggest fish in this pond.

Swimply Technological Innovations:

Swimply’s app is the heart of its business. It uses intelligent algorithms to match swimmers with pools and handle bookings and payments smoothly. They’re always working to make the app better and easier to use. Recently, they’ve expanded beyond just pools – you can now rent tennis courts, basketball courts, and even home gyms through Swimply.

Swimply Net Worth and Financial Performance:

So, what’s Swimply worth now? While exact figures aren’t public, we can make some educated guesses. As of 2023, Swimply reportedly brought in around $7-8 million annual revenue. Based on its funding rounds, the company’s most recent valuation was about $30 million. That’s a big jump from the $6 million valuation on Shark Tank!

Swimply’s Strategy for Marketing and Sales:

Swimply’s growth has been primarily organic, powered by word-of-mouth and press coverage. They’ve smartly leveraged social media, encouraging users to share their Swimply experiences. Their marketing focuses on their unique experiences – from pool parties to quiet, solo swims. They’ve also expanded their offerings to attract more users and keep people returning.

Swimply’s Social Media Presence:

Swimply is active on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. They share beautiful pool photos, user stories, and tips for hosts and swimmers. This helps market their service and builds a community around the Swimply brand.

Swimply Interesting Facts:

  • Swimply’s busiest day ever saw over 15,000 bookings!
  • Some luxury pools on the platform rent for over $200 an hour.
  • Swimply has expanded to offer “Swimply Spaces” – rentals for tennis courts and home gyms.
  • The idea for Swimply came from a teenage Laskin’s deal with his neighbor to use her pool.

What’s Next For Swimply?

Swimply isn’t content to tread water. They’re always looking for new ways to grow. Plans include expanding to more countries and adding more types of rented spaces. They’re also improving their tech to make bookings even smoother and safer.

Final Words:

Swimply’s journey from a young entrepreneur’s bright idea to a multi-million dollar company is terrific. They took a simple concept – sharing private pools – and turned it into a successful business. While they faced some choppy waters along the way, including a “no” from the Sharks, they’ve managed to stay afloat and thrive.

The company’s growth shows how a good idea, with some lucky timing and hard work, can pay off. Swimply tapped into people’s desire for unique, private experiences, especially during the challenging times of the pandemic. Their success also highlights the ongoing popularity of sharing economy platforms.

As we look to the future, it will be exciting to see how Swimply continues to grow and adapt. Will they become the go-to platform for all kinds of private space rentals? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure—Swimply has made quite a splash in tech startups and the sharing economy.

So, next time you’re longing for a dip on a hot day, remember Swimply. You might find your perfect pool just a few clicks away!

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