Keith Gill Net Worth 2024- Career, Wife, Age, Height, and …

Keith Gill Net Worth 2024- Career, Wife, Age, Height, and …

Keith Patrick Gill, better known by his online personas “Roaring Kitty” and “DeepFuckingValue,” is a name that echoes through the halls of Wall Street and internet forums. This unassuming financial analyst turned internet sensation sparked one of the most dramatic stock market events in recent history.

Gill’s journey from a regular guy posting stock analysis videos on YouTube to becoming a central figure in the GameStop short squeeze of 2021 is a tale that captivates both finance enthusiasts and casual observers. His story is one of David versus Goliath, where a retail investor’s conviction in an undervalued stock led to a seismic shift in the financial world.


Who is Keith Patrick?

Keith Patrick Gill is an American who became famous for talking about stocks online. He was born in 1986 and grew up in Brockton, Massachusetts. Keith wasn’t born rich or anything—he was just a normal kid who liked running and learning about money.

He went to college and got really good at track and field. After college, he worked different jobs, but he always loved looking at stocks and figuring out which ones might be good to buy.

Keith became super famous in 2021 when he posted online about how he thought GameStop stock was worth more than people thought. He put his money into GameStop stock when it was cheap, and then it went up a ton! This made a lot of people pay attention to what Keith was saying.

He wasn’t trying to trick anyone or get rich quickly—he just believed in the stock and wanted to share his ideas with others who liked discussing stocks online.

Attribute Details
Full Name Keith Patrick Gill
Date of Birth June 8, 1986
Age (2024) 38 years old
Place of Birth Brockton, Massachusetts, USA
Nickname Roaring Kitty, DeepFuckingValue
Education Stonehill College
Occupation Financial Analyst, Investor
Net Worth (2024) Approx. $230 million

Age and Physique

Keith Patrick Gill was born on June 8, 1986, which makes him 38 years old as of 2024. He’s not a big, muscly guy or anything – he’s just a normal-looking dude. But don’t let that fool you! Keith was super good at running when he was younger.

He set some records for running at his college, Stonehill College. In 2008, a big track and field group named him the indoor athlete of the year. He could run fast – he did the 1,000-meter race in just 2 minutes and 24 seconds! And get this – he could run a mile in about 4 minutes. That’s super fast!

Even though Keith doesn’t look like a typical Wall Street big shot, his brain is his real strength. He’s really good at looking at numbers and figuring out if a company’s stock is a good deal. So remember, you don’t have to look like a superhero to do amazing things in the stock market!

Personal Life and Relationships

Keith isn’t just about stocks and money – he’s a family guy, too! He married his wife, Caroline, in 2016, and they have a kid together. Keith comes from a regular family – he was the first to attend college and get a four-year degree. Sadly, he lost his sister in 2020, which must have been tough for him and his family.

Keith likes to keep his personal life pretty private. He doesn’t post a lot of family stuff online or anything. But from what we know, he seems like a regular, down-to-earth guy who cares a lot about his family. Even when he became famous and made a lot of money, he didn’t go crazy buying fancy cars or big houses. He just kept being himself—a regular guy who is good at picking stocks.

Attribute Details
Marital Status Married
Wife Caroline Gill (married in 2016)
Children One child
Family Background First in the family to attend college
Tragic Events He lost his sister in 2020

Professional Career

Keith’s job history is pretty interesting! After college, he worked at a few different places. He helped out at a friend’s startup in New Hampshire, where they were making a computer program to help people pick stocks. Then, he worked at LexShares until 2017.

In 2019, Keith got a job at a big company called MassMutual. He wasn’t a stockbroker or anything – his job was to help make classes that would teach people about money. While working there, he posted videos on YouTube and wrote on Reddit about stocks, especially GameStop.

Keith was really good at analyzing companies and determining whether their stock was a good deal. He got a special certificate called CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), which shows he knows a lot about investing. But his big break came when he started talking about GameStop stock online. He thought the stock was worth way more than people were paying for it, and he turned out to be right!

Keith became super famous after the GameStop stock went way up in 2021. He even had to talk to Congress about what happened! He left his job at MassMutual in January 2021, and since then, he’s been focusing on his investments and sometimes posting updates online.

Net Worth and Salary

Okay, get ready for some big numbers! Keith’s net worth has gone up and down a lot because of his GameStop investment. In January 2021, when GameStop stock was at its highest, Keith’s investment was worth almost $48 million! But remember, that was just on paper – the stock price constantly changes.

As of June 2024, Keith owns about 9 million shares of GameStop. With GameStop’s stock price at about $25, his GameStop shares are worth around $225 million! He also has some cash in his account – about $6.3 million. So, if you add it all up, Keith’s net worth is probably around $230 million or more!

We don’t know precisely how much Keith made as a salary when he worked at MassMutual or his other jobs. But it’s safe to say that most of his money now comes from his wise investment in GameStop stock.

Company Details and Investments

Keith isn’t running his own big company or anything. His primary focus has been on investing in stocks, especially GameStop. He started repurchasing GameStop stock in 2019 when it was only about $5 a share. He kept buying more over time because he believed the company was worth more than people thought.

Besides GameStop, Keith recently bought a large chunk of Chewy stock. In June 2024, he bought about 9 million shares of Chewy, which was worth about $245 million at the time. This made him one of the biggest owners of Chewy stock!

We don’t know much about Keith’s other investments, such as real estate or other companies. He seems to focus mostly on buying stocks in companies he thinks are undervalued.

Investment Details
GameStop Invested since 2019, owned ~9 million shares as of 2024
Chewy Bought ~9 million shares in June 2024, valued at ~$245 million
Investment Strategy Value investing focuses on undervalued stocks

Investment and Funding

Keith’s investment style is what people call “value investing.” This means he looks for stocks that he thinks are worth more than their current price. He doesn’t try to make quick money by trading stocks fast. Instead, he does a lot of research and holds onto stocks for a long time if he thinks they’re good.

His most significant and most famous investment is in GameStop. He started with about $53,000 in 2019, and at one point in 2021, that investment was worth almost $48 million! Even though the stock price has gone up and down a lot, Keith has kept most of his GameStop shares.

Keith doesn’t get funding from big investment firms or anything like that. He invests with his own money. This is pretty unusual for someone with such a big investment, but it shows how much Keith believes in his stock picks.

Contact Details and Social Network Handles

Keith is private, so he doesn’t share his contact info online. But you can find him on some social media platforms:

  • Twitter/X: His username is @TheRoaringKitty. He posts memes and sometimes talks about stocks here.
  • YouTube: His channel is called “Roaring Kitty.” He used to post videos about stock analysis here but hasn’t made new videos in a while.
  • Reddit: His famous username is “DeepFuckingValue” on the WallStreetBets subreddit. He sometimes posts updates about his GameStop investment here.

Keith is super busy and gets many messages, so he might not respond to everyone. Also, be careful of fake accounts pretending to be Keith – always check for the official, verified accounts!

Keith’s story shows that regular people can sometimes beat the big Wall Street firms at their own game. He didn’t use any tricks or insider info – he just did his homework and stuck to what he believed in. Whether you’re into stocks or not, Keith’s journey is inspiring!

Platform Username/Channel Content
Twitter/X @TheRoaringKitty Memes, stock talk
YouTube Roaring Kitty Stock analysis videos (no recent updates)
Reddit DeepFuckingValue Updates on GameStop investment


Keith Gill’s story is one of David versus Goliath, where an ordinary guy with a keen eye for value took on Wall Street and won big. His journey from a modest financial analyst to a multimillionaire has inspired countless retail investors and changed perceptions about the stock market.

While Gill’s success is extraordinary, it’s important to remember that investing always carries risks. Not every undervalued stock will see the kind of explosive growth that GameStop experienced. Gill’s story, however, serves as a reminder of the power of thorough research, conviction, and the democratizing force of the Internet in finance.

As Gill continues to make waves in the investment world with his recent moves in GameStop and Chewy, many will be watching to see what this unlikely financial guru does next. One thing’s for sure – the legend of “Roaring Kitty” is far from over.

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