Joan Season 1 release date, cast, storyline, trailer release, and everything you need to know

Joan Season 1 release date, cast, storyline, trailer release, and everything you need to know

“Sophie Turner is taking on the role of a lifetime as the infamous Joan Hannington in the upcoming ITVX and CW crime drama series Joan.” This six-part thriller promises to take viewers on a wild ride through the gritty underworld of 1980s London, following Hannington’s transformation from desperate housewife to master jewel thief.”

“Based on Hannington’s explosive memoir, Joan offers an exhilarating yet deeply human portrayal of a woman caught between her criminal ambitions and her role as a devoted mother. Turner’s raw talent and a stellar supporting cast position this series as ‘award bait’, poised to captivate audiences on both sides of the pond.

Joan Season 1 Release Date:

While an exact premiere date has not been announced, Joan Season 1 is expected to debut in the UK on ITVX in autumn 2024. American audiences can look forward to the series hitting The CW Network in late 2024 as part of the 2024–2025 television season.

Filming for the six episodes wrapped in the UK in summer 2023, with portions shot on location in Birmingham, Herne Bay, Leamington Spa, and Malvern. This meticulous production schedule suggests the creative team is taking excellent care to bring Hannington’s unbelievable true story to life.

Joan Series Storyline Overview:

Joan begins her journey in the brash, aspirational world of 1980s London, introducing viewers to Joan Hannington in her 20s. Trapped in an abusive marriage to a violent criminal named Gary, Joan is also a devoted single mother struggling to regain custody of her young daughter Debbie after a bout of petty crime.

When Gary goes on the run, Joan seizes her chance to escape her miserable circumstances. Fueled by her fierce love for Debbie and a relentless ambition for a better life, she begins a high-stakes journey, adopting new identities and making unlikely allies in London’s underground.

What starts as small-time thefts soon escalates into an incredible string of high-profile jewel heists as Joan’s skills as a chameleon and criminal mastermind emerge. At its core, Joan is the thrilling story of one woman’s fight for autonomy and security for her family—by whatever means necessary.

Joan Season 1 Expected Storyline:

We expect Season 1 of Joan to dramatize the early, whirlwind years of Hannington’s criminal awakening in the eighties. Viewers are likely to witness Joan grappling with the harsh realities of life as a single mother and succumbing to the adrenaline rush of her new illicit career.

Key events from Hannington’s memoir will likely make it to screen, including her first daring heists, run-ins with local criminal enterprises, and the constantly looming threat of her violent ex discovering her new life of crime. The non-linear structure may employ flashbacks to Joan’s unhappy former life to underscore her motivations.

With the first season announced to have only six episodes, the creative team will have to be selective in which characters and character relationships get the spotlight. But you can certainly expect Joan’s indomitable spirit and fierce love for her daughter to be central driving forces.

Joan Series List of Cast Members:

  • Sophie Turner as Joan Hannington
  • Frank Dillane as Boisie
  • Kirsty J. Curtis as Nancy
  • Gershwyn Eustache Jr. as Albie
  • Tomi May as King
  • Laura Aikman as Val
  • Alex Blake as Bernard
  • Harry Pittard
  • Lankesh Prasad
  • Nick Blood
  • Jack Greenlees
  • Caroline Faber
  • Dorothy Atkinson

Joan Season 1 List of Episodes: 

We have not yet officially released the episode titles for Joan Season 1. As it is a 6-episode season, we can speculate that the episodes may be named after major events, characters, or Joan’s assumed identities based on her memoir, but details are still forthcoming.

  • Episode No. 1: TBA
  • Episode No. 2: TBA
  • Episode No. 3: TBA
  • Episode No. 4: TBA
  • Episode No. 5: TBA
  • Episode No. 6: TBA

Joan Series Creators Team:

Joan is the brainchild of acclaimed writer Anna Symon, who met with the real Joan Hannington multiple times while crafting the adaptation of her explosive 2004 memoir, I Am What I Am. Symon is known for her work on the plays Mrs. Wilson and The Essex Serpent.

Helming the director’s chair is the incredibly talented Richard Laxton, a BAFTA award winner for films like Rain Dogs and Mrs. Wilson. Laxton’s skilled hand will be crucial in bringing the tension and grit of 1980s London to life.

The production team includes executive producers Ruth Kenley-Letts, Jenny Van Der Lande, and Neil Blair from Snowed-In Productions, the company behind hits like Strike and You Don’t Know Me. Producer Paul Frift (Good Omens, Anansi Boys) is on board.

With this accomplished group of writers, directors, and producers, Joan has a creatively stacked team elevating the already compelling source material.

Where to Watch Joan Season 1?

For UK audiences, Joan Season 1 will make its debut on the new streaming platform ITVX from ITV in autumn 2024. This allows viewers to binge-watch the full season at their leisure.

American viewers can catch the gritty crime drama when it airs on The CW Network in late 2024 as part of the 2024–2025 broadcast season. The CW’s current output deal suggests episodes may drop weekly, building suspense.

Joan Season 1 Trailer Release Date:

As of now, Joan Season 1 has not released an official trailer. With the UK filming wrapping up in summer 2023, a first teaser trailer could potentially arrive by late 2023 or early 2024 to start building hype.

The completion of final post-production will likely determine the timing of the trailer release. Expect an action-packed, stylish preview playing up the series’ female anti-hero angle and Sophie Turner’s dynamic performance.

Joan Season 1 Final Words:

Based on the impressive pedigree of talent attached, Joan is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated new drama series of 2024, based on her impressive talent pedigree. Sophie Turner’s raw charisma and knack for complex characters make her the perfect anchor for this thrilling cat-and-mouse story.

With the real Joan Hannington’s unbelievable life as the source material, the series seems poised to offer a multilayered, antihero-driven drama in the vein of shows like Ozark and The Serpent Queen. Gritty, bold, and undeniably binge-worthy – Joan is a crime series fans won’t want to miss.

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