Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

1. Heart health

2. Reduced risk of stroke

3. Reduces blood pressure

4. fights depression

5. Prevents tooth decay

6. Good source of antioxidants

7. Helps in weight loss

8. helps to improve eyesight

9. boosts the immune system

10. improves sexual performance and libido

11. reduces wrinkles

12. helps to fight cancer cells

13 .improves brain function

14. strengthens bones

15 .helps to fight stomach infections

16. helps restore skin elasticity

17 .easier to digest

18 .helps with PMS symptoms

19. improved liver function

20 improved fertility

21 decreased rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

22 improvements of normal bowel functions

23 .more energized

24. better sleep

25. nausea relief

26. helps to control asthma

27. prevents gallstones

28 .helps with oral health

29. enhances athletic performance

30. reduces inflammation

31. helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

32. helps fight colds

33. hormone regulation

34. improved zinc and copper levels

35. better heart function

36. improves eyesight

37. improves kidney function

38. reduces age spots

39. reversal or prevention of tooth decay

40. protects against radiation

41. reduced appearance of varicose veins

42. brain protection

43.cardiovascular health

44 .anti-aging

45. lowers LDL cholesterol

46. lessens PMS

47. cognitive improvement

48. kills bacteria

49. reduces phlegm production

50. skin health

Benefits of dark chocolate for skin:

Chocolate is a guilty pleasure for people of all ages. Who doesn’t like to indulge in this gooey, delectable treat every now and then? But you may be surprised at some of the benefits of chocolate which can be reaped by your skin too.

Gratefully, it isn’t just good for your tummy! Dark chocolate contains antioxidant properties that help fight signs of aging and prevent damage from harmful UV rays. It can also feed the skin with essential nutrients such as iron and magnesium. So here’s a list of five amazing ways chocolate can boost your complexion –

Rich in Antioxidants:

Dark Chocolate consists of flavonols that fight free radicals due to their antioxidant properties. These antioxidants protect the skin from damage and minimize signs of aging.

Prevents Sun Damage:

Chocolate contains a powerful antioxidant called Flavanol, which is also present in tea and red wine. It combats the free radicals to reduce the chances of sunburns and pigmentation and prevent damage due to harmful UV rays by triggering synthesis of melanin in the body.

Replenishes Collagen:

Chocolate is rich in Vitamin B3 (also known as Niacin), which helps increase collagen levels in the skin; thus making it appear supple and soft. The luscious treat can help to banish fine lines and wrinkles keeping you looking young for longer!

Great Moisturizer:

Reaper Chocolate is rich in antioxidants as well as magnesium and iron, which work together to keep the skin moisturized. You can mix a few pieces of chocolate with aloe vera gel and honey to create a cooling paste, which works as a great moisturizer for dry skin.

 Fights Dark Circles:

Cocoa powder has been used since time immemorial as a remedy to cure dark circles. Simply mix some cocoa powder with milk or cream and apply it under your eyes before going off to sleep for a fresh-looking puffy eye contour in the morning!

Dark chocolate is a guilty pleasure for people of all ages.  Who doesn’t like to indulge in this gooey, delectable treat every now and then? But you may be surprised at some of the benefits of chocolate which can be reaped by your skin too. Gratefully, it isn’t just good for your tummy!

Dark chocolate contains antioxidant properties that help fight signs of aging and prevent damage from harmful UV rays. It can also feed the skin with essential nutrients such as iron and magnesium. So here’s a list of five amazing ways chocolate can boost your complexion.

Rich in Antioxidants:

Dark Chocolate consists of flavonols that fight free radicals due to their antioxidant properties. These antioxidants protect the skin from damage and minimize signs of aging.

 Prevents Sun Damage:

Chocolate contains a powerful antioxidant called Flavanol, which is also present in tea and red wine. It combats the free radicals to reduce the chances of sunburns and pigmentation and prevent damage due to harmful UV rays by triggering synthesis of melanin in the body.

Replenishes Collagen:

Chocolate is rich in Vitamin B3 (also known as Niacin), which helps increase collagen levels in the skin; thus making it appear supple and soft. The luscious treat can help to banish fine lines and wrinkles keeping you looking young for longer!

Great Moisturizer:

Reaper Chocolate is rich in antioxidants as well as magnesium and iron, which work together to keep the skin moisturized. You can mix a few pieces of chocolate with aloe vera gel and honey to create a cooling paste, which works as a great moisturizer for dry skin.

 Fights Dark Circles:

Cocoa powder has been used since time immemorial as a remedy to cure dark circles. Simply mix some cocoa powder with milk or cream and apply it under your eyes before going off to sleep for a fresh-looking puffy eye contour in the morning!

Dark chocolate consists of flavonols that fight free radicals due to their antioxidant properties. These antioxidants protect the skin from damage and minimize signs of aging.

Chocolate contains a powerful antioxidant called Flavanol, which is also present in tea and red wine. It combats the free radicals to reduce the chances of sunburns and pigmentation and prevent damage due to harmful UV rays by triggering the synthesis of melanin in the body.

Chocolate is rich in Vitamin B3 (also known as Niacin), which helps increase collagen levels in the skin; thus making it appear supple and soft. The luscious treat can help to banish fine lines and wrinkles keeping you looking young for longer!

Reaper Chocolate is rich in antioxidants as well as magnesium and iron, which work together to keep the skin moisturized. You can mix a few pieces of chocolate with aloe vera gel and honey to create a cooling paste, which works as a great moisturizer for dry skin.

Cocoa powder has been used since time immemorial as a remedy to cure dark circles. Simply mix some cocoa powder with milk or cream and apply it under your eyes before going off to sleep for a fresh-looking puffy eye contour in the morning!

What percentage of dark chocolate is healthy:

The healthy percentage of dark chocolate will vary on the quality, brand, and ingredients used.  The ingredients are usually cocoa beans, cocoa butter, sugar or sweeteners, milk or milk solids, and vanilla or vanillin.  If you look at the label of these ingredients it comes out to about 65-75% of dark chocolate is healthy for consumption.

Dark chocolate is good for health but it has the following disadvantages:

1)  It contains caffeine which can affect your nervous system.  However, the amount of caffeine in dark chocolate is about 1/3rd that in coffee.

2)  It also has sugar which can lead to obesity if intake exceeds the recommended limits.

Maximum benefits of chocolate are observed when it is taken in moderation with a healthy lifestyle:

The maximum benefits of chocolate are observed when it is taken in moderation with a healthy lifestyle.  Dark chocolate gets digested faster than milk hence causing fewer problems to diabetics as compared to milk chocolates.

A number of studies have concluded that eating dark chocolate does not increase weight or fat around the belly.  However, if you start eating large quantities of dark chocolate then it will add calories to your body and lead to weight gain.

Milk chocolate is less healthy than dark chocolate but it does not cause any life-threatening problems.  The ideal solution would be to take a balanced diet with a small number of chocolates including both milk and dark chocolates.

Wheat Chocolate:

wheat chocolate is made by using flour in the form of wheat, cocoa butter, and milk or milk solids which are mixed together to make a creamy delicious snack.  Wheat chocolates are processed more than dark chocolates but it does not lose their weight loss benefits like other snacks.

Some health benefits of wheat chocolate are as follows:

1)  It can lower down the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer without causing any harm.

2)  The high fiber content in wheat chocolate forms bulk laxatives that help to improve digestion, reduce constipation and even detoxify your body.

3)   It has essential minerals such as iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.  Those who do not have time for exercise can eat wheat chocolate to restore the lost minerals that are removed during perspiration.

4)  It also contains antioxidants that work as anti-aging agents by limiting facial wrinkles and fine lines.

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