Greta Thunberg Net Worth 2024- Career, Husband, Age, Height, and …

Greta Thunberg Net Worth 2024- Career, Husband, Age, Height, and …

Greta Thunberg burst onto the world stage in 2018 as a passionate teenage climate activist, capturing global attention with her blunt speeches and school strike movement.

In just a few short years, she has become one of the most recognizable faces in the fight against climate change, inspiring millions of young people to demand action from world leaders. Thunberg’s unwavering commitment to her cause, despite her youth, has made her both an icon and a lightning rod in the climate debate.

Who is Greta Thunberg?

Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg was born on January 3, 2003, in Stockholm, Sweden. She is the daughter of opera singer Malena Ernman and actor Svante Thunberg. From a young age, Greta showed a keen interest in environmental issues, becoming deeply concerned about climate change when she learned about it in school at age 8.

Thunberg was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism as a child. She has described her Asperger’s as a “superpower” that helps her see issues in black and white. This trait likely contributes to her laser-like focus on climate action and her ability to speak truth to power without hesitation.

Attribute Details
Full Name Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
Date of Birth January 3, 2003
Age (2024) 21 years
Birthplace Stockholm, Sweden
Parents Malena Ernman (Mother), Svante Thunberg (Father)
Siblings Beata Thunberg (Younger Sister)
Height 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm)
Build Slight
Hair Long brown, typically in braided pigtails
Diagnosis Asperger’s syndrome, OCD, selective mutism
Nationality Swedish

Age and Physique

At 21 years old (as of 2024), Greta Thunberg is still remarkably young for someone with such global influence. She stands at about 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) tall and has a slight build. Thunberg is often recognizable by her long brown hair, which she typically wears in braided pigtails. Her youthful appearance serves as a stark visual reminder of the generation that will inherit the consequences of today’s climate inaction.

Early Life and Education

Greta grew up in Stockholm in a family that valued the arts and creativity. Her mother Malena is a well-known opera singer in Sweden, while her father Svante is an actor and author. Greta has a younger sister, Beata, who is a singer.

As a child, Thunberg attended Franska Skolan, a private school in Stockholm. She was a good student but struggled with depression and an eating disorder around age 11, partly triggered by her concerns about climate change. After recovering, she became even more passionate about environmental issues.

Thunberg convinced her family to adopt lifestyle changes to reduce their carbon footprint, including becoming vegan and giving up flying. This led to her mother giving up her international opera career.


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In August 2018, at age 15, Thunberg began her school strike for climate action outside the Swedish parliament. This marked the beginning of her activism on a larger scale and eventually led to her taking a gap year from school to focus on her climate work.

Personal Life and Relationships

Greta Thunberg keeps her personal life relatively private, focusing public attention on her activism instead. She is not known to be in a romantic relationship. Her closest relationships appear to be with her family members, who have supported her activism from the beginning.

Thunberg’s parents have played a significant role in her life and work. They initially expressed concern about her climate activism but came to fully support her efforts. Her father often accompanies her on international trips, acting as both a guardian and an assistant.

Greta has spoken about how her Asperger’s diagnosis affects her personal life, saying it makes her see things in “black and white.” She views this as an advantage in her climate work but acknowledges it can make social interactions challenging at times.

Professional Career and Achievements

While Greta Thunberg does not have a traditional professional career, her climate activism has become her full-time work since 2018. Her major achievements include:

  • Founding the Fridays for Future movement, which has inspired millions of students worldwide to strike for climate action
  • Speaking at high-profile events including the United Nations Climate Action Summit and the World Economic Forum
  • Sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in a zero-emissions yacht to attend climate conferences
  • Being named Time magazine’s Person of the Year in 2019
  • Receiving numerous awards and honors, including an honorary doctorate from the University of Mons
  • Authoring several books on climate change, including “No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference” and “Our House Is on Fire”

Thunberg’s work has had a measurable impact on public awareness of climate issues and has put pressure on world leaders to take more aggressive action on reducing emissions.

Net Worth and Salary

Greta Thunberg’s net worth is estimated to be around $100,000. However, it’s important to note that Thunberg does not focus on accumulating personal wealth. She has stated that she does not accept any money for her appearances or speeches.

When Thunberg does receive prize money from awards, she typically donates it to charitable causes. For example, she donated the entire 1 million euro prize from the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity to climate-related causes.

Thunberg does not have a regular salary. Her activism is not motivated by financial gain, and she relies on her family to cover her living expenses and travel costs related to her work.

Attribute Details
Estimated Net Worth ~$100,000
Salary No regular salary
Prize Money Donated to environmental causes
Investments None
Real Estate None, rents a small apartment

Company Details and Investments

Greta Thunberg is not associated with any for-profit companies and does not have a portfolio of business investments. Her focus is entirely on non-profit activism and raising awareness about climate change.

Thunberg has been critical of companies that she believes are not doing enough to address climate change. She has called out major corporations and banks for their continued investment in fossil fuels.

In terms of organizations, Thunberg is closely associated with the Fridays for Future movement, which she founded. However, this is a grassroots movement rather than a formal company or non-profit organization.

Real Estate Investments

There is no public information about Greta Thunberg owning any real estate. As a young activist focused on minimizing her carbon footprint, it’s unlikely that she has made any significant real estate investments.

Thunberg lived with her parents in Stockholm during her school years. After turning 18, she began renting her own small apartment in Stockholm. Her lifestyle choices are guided by her commitment to reducing consumption and living sustainably.

Funding and Investments

Greta Thunberg does not seek or accept funding for her personal use. When she receives prize money or other financial awards, she typically donates these funds to environmental organizations and climate-related causes.

For example:

  • She donated her share of the Fritt Ord Award prize money to a lawsuit seeking to stop Norwegian oil exploration in the Arctic.
  • The 1 million euro Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity was donated to various climate and ecological projects, particularly in the Global South.

Thunberg is clear that she does not want financial gain to be a motivation for her work or to be used to discredit her message. She relies on her family to cover necessary expenses related to her activism.

Contact Details and Social Media Handles

Greta Thunberg is active on several social media platforms, which she uses to share her message and organize climate strikes. Her official accounts include:

  • Twitter: @GretaThunberg (5.5 million followers)
  • Instagram: @gretathunberg (14.2 million followers)
  • Facebook: @gretathunbergsweden (3.4 million followers)

Thunberg does not publicly share personal contact information due to the high volume of messages she receives and concerns for her privacy and safety.

For media inquiries or speaking requests, contact is typically made through her father, Svante Thunberg, or through the Fridays for Future organization.


Greta Thunberg’s rise to global prominence as a climate activist is a remarkable story of how one young person’s passion and determination can spark a worldwide movement. Despite her youth, Thunberg has become one of the most influential voices in the climate change debate, challenging world leaders and inspiring millions to take action.

Her focus remains steadfastly on her message rather than personal gain or celebrity. Thunberg’s impact demonstrates the power of clear, unwavering advocacy in the face of one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. As she continues her work, Greta Thunberg remains a powerful symbol of the younger generation’s demand for a sustainable future.

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