Benefits of Parmesan Cheese on The Human Body

Benefits of Parmesan Cheese on The Human Body

Parmesan cheese is made of cow’s milk, and it belongs to the group of hard cheeses. Parmesan is one of the most popular Italian cheeses worldwide, famous for its slightly salty taste, its beige color with brown spots, and perfect harmony between the sweet flavor and delicate acidity.

When grated on your spaghetti or risotto, Parmesan transforms them into an aromatic delight! But there are many other ways you can use this versatile cheese in your cooking! Here are some interesting facts about Parmesan that will make you want to try it right away!

Skin benefits:

As strange as it may sound, applying a piece of Parmesan cheese directly onto your skin might help reduce wrinkles. A 2009 study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science concluded that applying a mixture of vitamin A cream and grated Parmesan cheese helps to reduce wrinkles. This is due to high concentrations of antioxidants found in Parmesan cheese, which help fight free radicals that damage collagen and elastin.

 Insect repellent:

As reported by the American Chemical Society, it turns out that Parmesan cheese is excellent at keeping insects away. Researchers have confirmed this after noticing a significant decrease in the number of Italian bugs, after being exposed to this tasty cheese! It is believed that insects dislike the smell generated when Parmesan cheese decomposes – so go ahead and sprinkle some on your summer salads!

Antifungal properties:

The high salt content of Parmesan cheese makes it an excellent choice for treating fungal infections. According to a study published in the journal Natura & Descobertos, people with athlete’s foot who applied VCO (extra-virgin coconut oil) and grated Parmesan cheese on their feet experienced great relief from itching and burning sensations after just one day!

 Better digestion:

Parmesan cheese is high in fiber, which helps improve your digestive function. It can also prevent constipation because of its high calcium content, which stimulates bowel movements. Make sure you buy authentic Parmesan cheese that comes in brine or salted water however since salt contains natural fibers that improve digestion!

 Natural preservative:

Vitamin A is the main ingredient found in Parmesan cheese. This vitamin enhances your immune system, strengthens your vision, and keeps your bones healthy. Researchers have also proved that this is an excellent natural preservative since it can help extend the shelf life of fish and other food items. So go ahead and sprinkle some on your next pasta dish – you will not be disappointed

 bone-strengthening benefits:

According to a study conducted by Loughborough University in England, calcium peroxide present in Parmesan cheese helps prevent bone loss. Participants who consumed high amounts of this substance showed no signs of osteoporosis after six months of follow-up. Parmesan cheese is also rich in vitamin K, which helps promote bone strength and prevents injuries that affect your bones.

Boosts the immune system:

Parmesan cheese contains high concentrations of selenium, an important mineral for boosting your immunity! Selenium can help fight free radicals and prevent damage to blood cells.

It is vital for male fertility since it regulates testosterone levels while encouraging spermatogenesis (production of sperm). Plus, this tasty Italian cheese keeps your heart healthy by preventing arteriosclerosis (the hardening of the arteries).

Better brain function:

A 2005 study conducted at Penn State University found out that cheddar cheese boosts memory because it contains tyramine and phenylethylamine, chemicals that stimulate the brain. These two substances help improve memory and increase alertness, which means you can perform better at school or work!

 A natural way to lose weight:

If your goal is to eat healthily but still shed a few pounds, go ahead and add some Parmesan cheese on top of your meals. This cheese is low in calories yet rich in nutrients: for example, did you know it has 40% less fat than Cheddar cheese? 10 grams of part-skim mozzarella contains just 80 calories; 100 grams of fresh whole milk Ricotta cheese contains 103 calories; while 100 grams of full-fat Parmesano Reggiano (the real deal!) brings only 126 calories!

 Allergies avoided:

Parmesan cheese is a good source of selenium, which helps prevent mucus build-up in your respiratory system. This substance, together with vitamin E and other antioxidants, protects cells from damage caused by pollutants. This means that if your allergies are acting up because of pollution or cigarette smoke, go ahead and add a little Parmesan cheese to your meals!

Stronger bones:

Did you know that 100 grams of Parmesan cheese provide 35 percent of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for calcium? This mineral is vital for keeping your bones and teeth healthy as it helps prevent autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and lupus. Plus, it strengthens your jawbone so you can keep those pearly whites intact!

 Healthier red blood cells:

Red blood cells help transport oxygen throughout the body – a process that increases energy levels. Studies show that proteins found in Parmesan cheese can neutralize toxins responsible for causing anemia – a condition known to lower hemoglobin levels. People who have iron deficiencies should go ahead and add some Parmesan cheese to their meals.

 Great for your heart:

Parmesan cheese contains amino acids that play an essential role in maintaining healthy endothelial cells. Endothelial health is vital because these cells form a thin lining between your blood vessels and the outer membrane. A strong endothelial system prevents diseases related to blood clots while promoting vascular smooth muscle relaxation so your heart can properly pump blood throughout your body.

 Prevents fractures:

A 2013 study conducted at Tufts University in Boston revealed that bone strength can be enhanced by eating grated Parmesan cheese on top of vegetables or pasta dishes once or twice a week. How does this work? Cheese contains calcium, which plays an essential role in strengthening bones and preventing osteoporosis.

Hair loss prevented:

Parmesan cheese fights hair loss by providing the body with folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin B12, and biotin. These nutrients are vital for preventing hair breakage as they promote healthy cell division, which is necessary to ward off baldness.

Since Parmesan cheese is low in calories but contains high levels of protein, it can stop excessive shedding without causing weight gain! Thanks to this combination of benefits, your skin will also benefit from the extra dose of vitamins!

Improved cognitive function:

Parmesan cheese contains a chemical called spermidine, which gives it a strong odor. This substance helps prevent age-related memory loss and neurodegeneration by preventing the agglomeration of proteins in the brain. In other words, Parmesan cheese helps your brain stay sharp!

Is parmesan cheese good for cholesterol?

The cholesterol-lowering effects of Parmesan cheese may be due to its high calcium content. Another possibility is that the fat it contains is mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which can help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels. A 2010 study published in Food Chemistry analyzed how different types of dairy influence lipid profile and antioxidant status during a four-week period.

Participants were divided into 3 groups: one group consumed cow’s milk, another replaced normal meals with yogurt drinks, and a third replaced meals with grated Parmesan cheese. Researchers found that participants who had eaten Parmesan cheese displayed lower triglyceride levels while their antioxidant capacity was more than 20% higher than the other 2 groups!

parmesan cheese vegetarian:

Parmesan cheese is non-vegetarian food. However, Parmesan can be made from vegetarian rennet which extracts the cheese using an enzyme in vegetable or microbial sources fermenting milk.

the harm of Parmesan cheese:

No health risk has been reported so far as a result of eating parmesan cheese. However, some allergic reactions have been seen such as vomiting and lip swelling which seem to be mild.

Parmesan cheese substitutes:

There are many Parmesan cheese substitutes available in the market which can be used as healthy substitutes for those who don’t eat dairy products. They come with many added benefits like complete protein and lower calories. Other than that they also contain no or very less amount of sodium and cholesterol which is usually found in traditional parmesan cheese.

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