Benefits of Foam Rolling

Benefits of Foam Rolling

Increases flexibility

Speeds up recovery time

Decreases muscle soreness

Increases blood flow and circulation

Releases tight muscles before exercise (releasing is essential because it shows that the foam roller can help with muscle tightness. When you stretch, you are lengthening your muscles, but if they are already short/tight, they do not need to be extended more.)

 Relieves pain and tenderness in joints:

Improves posture (When muscles are tight, especially around the hips, lower back, and hamstrings, this can create poor posture, making you stand taller with your shoulders rolled forward. Foam rolling can help to correct this by loosening those muscles and allowing you to stand up straight again.)

Relieves tension in the body (especially after sitting for long periods at a desk. You don’t realize it, but your muscles pick up the pressure just from sitting there and not moving around much, which tightens them)

Reduces cellulite (not sure where she got this information, but it sounds like she is trying to say that foam rolling breaks up fat cells in the body by increasing blood flow and circulation, which I think everyone can agree is true.)

Increases joint flexibility (This makes sense because if you are more flexible, you will be able to move through a more excellent range of motion, which is why relaxed people tend to be more injury-resistant. Joints need to move through their full range of motion for muscles and ligaments around that area to remain healthy and strong.)

Helps with recovery after a workout (Increases blood flow and circulation, which helps flush lactic acid from your body)

Improves coordination, balance, and stability (After foam rolling, your body is more relaxed, which will help you to be able to do everyday activities easier without being as clumsy or tripping over things)

Relieves back pain (If you have tight hamstring muscles, the tension might travel up into your lower/mid back, increasing your chances of developing back pain. Foam rolling can help release the tension in your hamstrings, which will alleviate some of that back tension.)

Improves body posture (improved blood circulation due to foam rolling means more oxygen is being pumped through your system, which helps you feel better overall)

How to foam roll:

The Roll Place the foam roller underneath your IT band. Cross one leg over the other, so only the actual IT band is on top of you are on top of it. Make sure that your knees are slightly bent to take pressure off them, and then slowly roll from your hip joint down towards your knee for about 10-15 seconds.

The Bend Place the foam roller underneath your glutes and slowly roll from one hip joint down towards the top of your knee.

The Butt Place the foam roller underneath your hamstring muscles (the ones near your glutes) and cross one leg over the other again. Slowly roll from your glute up to just below where your knee bends.

The Side  Place the foam roller underneath your hip muscles (on the side of where your glutes are) and cross one leg over the top of the other. Slowly roll from your glute up towards your midsection as close as you can get to the bottom of your ribs without causing pain in that area or going too low and touching your low back.

The Back:

Place the foam roller underneath your upper back muscles (just above where your bra is) and cross one leg over the top of the other. Slowly roll from your glute up towards the middle of your shoulder blades or as far down as feels comfortable for you. If you are getting into the lower back area, though, you might want to stop at your mid or upper back.

The Front:

Place the foam roller underneath your abdominals and cross both legs over so only your abdominals are being rolled on. Slowly roll from just below where your ribs meet until you get to around where your belly button is.

The Side And The Back:

These are self-explanatory. Just follow the exact directions for the “The Side” exercise but keep rolling on the other side of your glutes, too, to get both sides of that muscle group.

The Shoulder Or The Elbow: 

Do 1 or 2 of these exercises. They are both good for different things. The shoulder exercise is good for releasing tension in your shoulders and upper back area. The elbow exercise is good for relieving pressure on your forearms after a long day at the computer or doing lots of typing.

The Ankle:

These moves help increase flexibility in your ankles, decreasing the risk of ankle injuries during physical activity. Place the foam roller underneath your foot and slowly flex your foot up and down, then side to side, as well as rotate it in a circular motion.

Why does foam rolling hurt:

When foam rolling, it can be uncomfortable at first. But, with a bit of patience and the proper techniques, you’ll improve your foam-rolling experience and reap all of the benefits that come with it.

The discomfort you may feel while foam rolling is often referred to as “good pain.” It’s not pain-it’s just a sensation that means your body is working. Because this feeling can be unusual, it can cause some people to tense up when they first start using the roller. This may prevent you from getting the full benefits from your rolling foam routine.

The first thing you should know is that there’s a difference between good pain and bad pain. To help your body, you need to feel good pain, not the kind of sharp, intense pain caused by an injury while foam rolling. If what you think isn’t at least a little uncomfortable, it probably means you’re not doing anything at all.

Since it may be uncomfortable, some people avoid foam rolling altogether when they first start. However, this can mean that you aren’t giving your body the attention it needs to stay healthy and strong.

When you use a foam roller correctly, you’ll experience good pain almost immediately afterward. This is a sign that your muscles have been stretched and worked out of their tightness, which can improve your flexibility and mobility.

Benefits of foam rolling legs:

1. Foam rolling can help improve flexibility, mobility, and coordination:

Foam rolling compresses your muscles to stretch them out and provide your body with more flexibility. If you’re tight, foam rolling can help you maintain the range of motion in your joints so that they stay healthy for years to come.

2. They can relieve tension and release toxins:

Foam rolling can help increase circulation by pumping “old blood” out of your muscles. This will reduce the effects of stress on your body so that you aren’t dealing with chronic pain or discomfort.

3. Foam Rolling reduces the risk of injury & speeds up recovery time after exercise:

When you foam roll, you’re taking a proactive approach to your health and wellness. As a result, you’ll reduce the risk of injuries even if you only do it as part of a stretching routine after exercise.

4. You don’t need an expensive gym membership or trainer for this:

Foam rolling is extremely effective, but it takes very little preparation or equipment. You can do it at home or in the office with minimal effort. It doesn’t even require a foam roller – you can use a lacrosse ball, tennis ball, PVC pipe, or even a water bottle to get all of the same benefits.

5. Release endorphins that naturally make you happier:

When you exercise, your body naturally releases endorphins. When you add foam rolling to your stretching routine, you’ll get an added boost of positive energy that can make you happier and less stressed throughout the day.

6. You can do it while watching TV or listening to music:

Foam rolling is a great way to pass the time while getting something productive done. You don’t have to worry about taking classes or hiring a trainer, so you can do it while watching your favorite TV show or listening to music.

7. It’s not just for athletes:

Foam rolling is becoming more popular to relax and take care of yourself without having to go to the gym. If you’re tired, you can try foam rolling out before going to bed so that you sleep better.

8. It improves your balance and coordination:

When you’re in pain or uncomfortable, it’s hard to focus on things like balance and coordination. Self-myofascial release with a foam roller helps you move more comfortably so that you can concentrate on your daily activities.

Benefits of foam rolling back:

1. It breaks up knots and tension:

By applying direct pressure to your muscles, you can help break down “knots” that cause pain and discomfort deep in your tissues. This will relax the rest of your body so that you feel more comfortable overall.

2. Foam rolling can reduce stress and improve circulation:

Since many people deal with muscle tightness and discomfort due to stress, foam rolling will help you stay calm even if you’re in the middle of an anxiety attack. This can lead to better circulation throughout your body, which reduces inflammation and helps your muscles heal so that they don’t ache.

3. Self-myofascial release stimulates trigger points:

Trigger points can be harrowing. If you’re dealing with one, the self-myofascial release will help increase blood flow to the affected area so that it feels better and heals faster.

4. Foam rolling promotes flexibility:

When your muscles are tight, they can pull on bones and impact your range of motion. By rolling out your muscles, you increase the elasticity in your soft tissue so that your joints move through a larger range of motion. You can even use it to help with plantar fasciitis and other foot problems.

5. It prevents spasms:

Many people think that foam rolling is used primarily to treat injuries, but it’s a preventative measure. If you’re using it regularly, your muscles won’t get as tight, and you’ll reduce your risk of spasms.

6. It eases back pain:

Foam rolling is becoming more popular for relieving chronic back pain because it can target related muscles that often hurt when you have other problems in the lower half of your body. Because it helps your entire back relax, you’ll feel more comfortable when you sit or stand for prolonged periods.

7. It’s a cheap alternative to therapy:

If you have a lot of knots in your muscles from stress and tension, foam rolling can be a great way to release some of that pent-up anxiety without paying a fortune for a therapist.

8. Foam rolling contributes to a healthy immune response:

If you have trouble sleeping or feel chronically tired, foam rolling could be the cause. If this is the case, it’s a good idea to try and release some of that tension so that you can get back on track with your regular routine without feeling too tired to get out of bed.

9. It helps correct muscle imbalances:

If you have a part of your body that’s much stronger or tighter than the rest, you can use foam rolling to even things out without having to pay for expensive treatments like massage therapy. Over time, this will prevent further problems like chronic pain and shoulder injuries.

10. It helps with your posture:

Over time, bad posture can cause problems in your jaw, shoulders, hips, knees, and back. By releasing tightness in your muscles caused by tension and anxiety, you’ll be able to correct alignment issues so that you don’t have to worry about poor posture when you’re old one day.

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