What Time Is It In Knoxville, Tennessee :
The time in Knoxville, Tennessee, is currently. There is a time change of -1 hour.
Knoxville is located in the Central Time Zone in the United States. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is observed in the area. The current time zone offset for Knoxville is UTC/GMT -6 hours.
The time zone abbreviation for Knoxville is “CST.” Daylight Saving Time (DST) for Knoxville lasts from Sunday, March 10, 2019, at 2:00 AM to Sunday, November 3, 2019, at 2:00 AM.
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is when clocks are set forward one hour from Standard Time to Daylight Time. This allows more daylight hours in the evening or morning hours.
Knoxville, Tennessee, will be 1:00 PM (13:00) on Saturday, March 16. The time change is UTC/GMT -6 hours. The time difference with Knoxville is (-1 hour).
There are 14 cities located within 100 miles of Knoxville, TN; these include; Athens TN, Bristol TN-VA, Chattanooga TN-GA, Cleveland TN, Cookeville TN, Crossville TN, Greensboro NC, Jefferson City Tn, Johnson City Tn, Jonesborough Tn, Morristown Tn, Sparta Tn and Sparta Ky . Major cities closer to Knoxville than 100 miles include Birmingham AL, Knoxville TN, Nashville TN, St Louis MO-IL, Chattanooga Tn and Memphis Tn.
It is also possible to contact the local police department by phone at (865)215-7000 during nonbusiness hours or dial 911. Knoxville/Knox County Tennessee website has a list of services on their website. A visitor can find more information for events in Knoxville like concerts, festivals, tours, walking trails, and walking maps. For employment opportunities, the city lists many options on its site.
Where does the time zone change in Tennessee on I 40:
A stretch of I-40 from North Carolina through Tennessee goes from Eastern to Central time.
Tennessee is divided into three zones. Moving west from easternmost Rutherford county, the zone changes as follows: Eastern Time Zone (east of the TN River), Central Time Zone (west of the TN River and east of Dandridge), and Mountain Time Zone (Dandridge on up).
Nowhere in this state will you see more than a 2-hour difference between any two given points, though, no matter what the sign says! That’s worth repeating… as long as you stay within our borders, you’ll never experience more than a 2-hour difference between any two cities/counties no matter where you are or which way you’re traveling!
This means that if you’re driving from east to west on I-40 in Tennessee, the time zone will change twice as you cross the state line. As soon as you enter Tennessee, the clock will switch from Eastern Time to Central Time.
Then, when you reach Dandridge (the westernmost point in the Central Time Zone), the clock will switch again to Mountain Time. Finally, when you leave Tennessee and enter North Carolina, the clock will hit back to Eastern Time.
The time zone change in Tennessee can be a little confusing for out-of-state visitors, so it’s always a good idea to check the time before you hit the road. And don’t forget to adjust your watch or your clock’s time display when you enter or leave the state.
The Central Time Zone is the second-largest time zone in the USA, behind only Mountain Time (Arizona and Colorado). It covers parts of 12 states, including central and western Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota (the Dakotas), eastern Missouri (east of St. Louis), southern Indiana (south of Indianapolis), and northern Kentucky (north of Lexington).
The Central Time Zone does not observe Daylight Saving Time; during that period each year, these areas are on what is called “standard time.”
One reason there are multiple zones lies in history. Before making standard time zones nationwide, individual cities would have their own time based on the sun. Noon would be when the sun was at its peak in that city.
As trains and other transportation became more common, it became increasingly difficult to track what time it was in different cities. So, in 1883, the US government created four standard time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific.
A few years later, in 1918, Daylight Saving Time was introduced to conserve energy during World War I. It was initially observed for just a year, but it proved so popular that it was permanent in 1942. The dates for Daylight Saving Time change each year and vary by state; for example, Arizona doesn’t observe Daylight Saving Time while most of Indiana does.
Currently, in the US, there are nine official time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaska Time Zone (in Alaska), Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (Hawaii and part of Aleutian Islands west of 169° 30′ W. longitude), Samoa Time Zone (American Samoa), Chamorro Time Zone (Guam and Northern Mariana Islands) and a proposed DST-observing Atlantic Time Zone which would include Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
The only minor exception is that American Samoa does not observe Daylight Savings Time.