Plant-Based Eggs: A Nutritionist’s Take on Taste and Nutrition?

Plant-Based Eggs: A Nutritionist’s Take on Taste and Nutrition?

You’re not ever going to convince me that a plant-based egg is as good as the real thing. A fried “egg” made out of ground flax seeds, wheat gluten, and other stuff looks like an egg (kinda) but does not taste like an egg.

And I’m pretty sure it doesn’t contain anywhere near the nutrients of a real egg either. But some disagree with me; those vegetarians and vegans who can’t or don’t eat eggs for ethical reasons or because they have a medical condition that forbids eating eggs. For them, plant-based eggs may be the answer—sort of faux eggs – some vegan scrambled eggs.

The idea of plant-based eggs is not new. They’ve been around for more than five years now, though probably more as science experiments than commercial products. But these fake eggs are starting to show up in stores.

There are several brands of “eggs” made from grains, legumes, and other plants on the market—and some that you can make yourself at home using powdered egg replacer mixed with water or other ingredients.

plant-based eggs ingredients:

1. Soy protein:- 162g per 100g

2. Carrageenan (optional) :- 300-500mg per 100g (0,3 – 0,5%)

3. Supermarket egg (white, colorless albumin): 32-36 % by weight of the finished product; 1 whole egg = 454 IDA* g of liquid egg white IDA = international dehydration assessment ** for 100g if using vegan ingredients like soy protein isolate or sodium caseinate instead of egg white powder.

Some people don’t like to use sodium caseinate because it contains too much salt. Check package label. The lower the fat content, the less water it will hold and vice versa. This is why you need to adjust the amount of water to use.

4. Salt:- 2-3g per 100g (for high blood pressure, you can reduce it)

(All ingredient amounts are approximate.)

after mixing all ingredients, pour into a muffin tray that has been lined with cupcake paper or silicone baking molds. Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes. Let them cool before removing them from the mold.

(Each oven is different, figure out the best time and temperature for your range. )

Here are some pictures of my vegan eggs that I baked in a muffin tray. You can click on the photos to enlarge.

I used this recipe when I was running short on time. But it didn’t turn out very well because there wasn’t enough binding agent in it. I know what went wrong, but I won’t tell you because maybe someone else will make this mistake too! 🙂 Try using more baking powder or adding another binding agent like agar or xanthan gum or guar gum etc.…, next time you make them.

just egg nutrition facts:

All about egg:

1 large egg = 70 calories, 0g fat , 6g protein . choline  (138mg), riboflavin (1.6mg)

1 egg white = 17 calories , < 1g protein . Selenium (22.7mcg)

egg yolk nutrients :- choline  (25mg), zinc (0.8mg), vitamin B12 (0mcg). So it is recommended to eat only the egg whites and discard the yolks. The cholesterol from eggs has been shown not to increase blood cholesterol in most people, particularly those who do not carry genes for hypercholesterolemia. High blood pressure patients should be aware of this because eggs are high in salt.

Egg substitutes for baking :

1. applesauce  (100g) = 90 calories, 0g fat, 1g protein; In muffins – add an extra 2 Tbsp flour or another binder, reduce oven temp by 25 degrees F and increase baking time by 5 minutes. For pancakes and waffles – replace each egg with 3 Tbsp applesauce; for cakes – reduce oil and eggs by 1/4 cup (for each large egg) and add 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp soda to the dry ingredients (i.e., flour).

2. bananas (150g) = 105 calories, 0.3g fat, 2.3g protein; mash one large banana; for cookies, cakes, pieces of bread – reduce the amount of fat in the recipe by 2 Tbsp (for each egg).

3. pureed prunes (150g) = 80 calories, 0.3g fat, 0.8g protein; remove seeds and process until smooth; for fresh fruit pies only; reduce butter or margarine by 1/4 cup (for each egg), increase the liquid by 1 Tbsp per egg, reduce oven temp 25 degrees F and increase baking time 5-10 minutes.

Just egg cholesterol:

1 large egg yolk = 215mg . It has been shown that dietary cholesterol, in 1 egg per day, does not adversely affect plasma lipid levels in most healthy people. These findings are largely incompatible with a current view about the causality of atherosclerosis and related diseases.

Egg allergy symptoms :

1. skin rashes  (red, bumpy rash)

2. swelling of lips, tongue, or throat

3. difficulty breathing or swallowing

4. diarrhea, stomach cramps, or vomiting

5. hives 6. itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing

Just egg how much protein:

the protein in eggs is complete, containing all nine essential amino acids. The protein in eggs is high quality, meaning it has a high degree of ” biological value. ”

Just egg how many minerals:

Egg contains 2.5 milligrams (mg) of iron, 4 mg of magnesium, and 11 mg of phosphorus. It also provides 25 mcg of selenium and 0.6 mg of zinc per large egg.

Eggs for women:

Eggs are the only food that contains a natural supply of folate (folic acid). One egg yolk contains 123 micrograms (mcg), close to the recommended daily intake for pregnant women. Eggs also have an excellent source of protein, amino acids, choline, vitamin B12, and riboflavin. In addition, they are a good source of iron, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.

Egg for pregnant:

Eggs are the complete form of protein – containing all nine essential amino acids. Eggs also provide choline, which is needed for fetal brain development. Additionally, eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin — carotenoids that promote healthy eyesight in women before and after menopause  (found in green leafy vegetables).

Egg yolks also supply vitamin A, needed by the physical body to grow cells during childhood and puberty. Vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness.

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