so are the titanium straps for Apple Watch from Lululook

The Apple Watch straps are a very personal item. To the point that, in addition to the official ones, a whole variety of straps from other manufacturers have emerged. A collection impossible to cover, but in which from time to time you come across one that is worth it.

In the last few weeks we have tested two titanium Apple Watch straps from the Lululook brand. In our experience, have stood out for their robustness and lightness, larger than you would expect from a metal strap. Of course, a minimum of initial dexterity is required to be able to place them in the right size for our wrist.

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iOS 14 is already in 9 out of 10 compatible iPhone in its first 7 months of life

Comparisons are always hateful but the truth is that the Android ecosystem and the iOS ecosystem behave very differently when it comes to updates. Although the release rates of versions are very even, the long list of manufacturers and models on Android, together with the laxity in Google’s demands, make that maintenance in iOS is much higher and it has become clear again with iOS 14.

The Apple ecosystem, with few models to control and with the dominance of both the hardware and the hardware section, favors the generation of figures like the one we bring you now, which are not less surprising because they are common. According to the data extracted by Mixpanel, 9 out of 10 iPhones compatible with iOS 14 have already updated, and only 10% remains in previous versions.

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So you can download WhatsApp stickers that are not in your country

WhatsApp has a kind of sticker store where it offers stickers created by the company itself. Some are universal and others are only distributed in certain countries and without appearing available in the rest. But there is a way to install the limited ones: just access its direct download link.

First there were emoticons, that set of characters that has been transmitting emotions since the first typewritten texts. Emojis added much sharper color, variety, and gestures. The stickers or stickers arrived for lighten the weight of images and gifs bringing complete collections of emotions. And the catalog of them that WhatsApp has is much broader than it seems since there are stickers that are only distributed in certain countries.

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