Sam Raimi has confirmed that he will re-adapt a comic in ‘Doctor Strange: In the multiverse of Madness’, which was called to be the first horror movie in the Marvel Kinematic Universe. And it is that the director of ‘Infernal Possession’ (Evil Dead, 1981) had abandoned his beloved Spider-Man after the tepid third part. But first, he achieved what is today one of the few superhero films that can be considered a masterpiece of its genre: ‘Spider-Man 2’ (2004).
The doubts remain after the departure of Scott Derrickson, who did see the sequel to his film as a genuine horror film, but the statements of Kevin Feige, stating that it would be an adventure film, with “Some intense scenes”, I foresaw what ended up happening. Derrickson left the project due to creative differences to be replaced by Raimi, which despite its horror film heritage, is more likely to deliver lighter work, in which his humor and comic book visual inventiveness soften the darker vision planned.