Struggling to Lose Weight Properly? Here are 4 Tips for A Successful Weight Loss Journey

Are you struggling to lose weight? If so, you are not alone. A 2022 study published in Nutrients confirmed that more than half of individuals, or 67.5%, struggle with motivation when adhering to weight loss programs. Various obstacles are cited, including lacking motivation, not having a prescribed diet, experiencing joint pain, getting tired or bored of dieting, and battling laziness. Worse, these individuals are already diagnosed with obesity, a chronic condition with various potential health consequences, from cardiovascular problems to diabetes.

These findings underscore the complexity of the weight loss process and highlight the critical need for effective strategies to overcome them. Below, we present four practical tips to help individuals effectively navigate their weight loss journey.

Establish your motivation

While initiating weight loss marks the beginning, the ability to sustain progress truly matters. Hence, the crucial first step in embarking on a successful weight loss journey lies in establishing a solid foundation of motivation. Your weight loss motivation must go beyond external factors like social pleasure. Internal motivations, such as improving health or feeling comfortable in your clothes, tend to lead to longer-lasting changes.

From this initial point, you can set specific, achievable goals as milestones along your journey. It’s best if these goals aren’t all related to your weight; for instance, you can include lowering blood pressure, improving sleep quality, or taking up a new physical activity as your milestones. Non-weight-related goals provide alternative measures of progress and help maintain motivation during fluctuations in weight loss.

Address the roots of emotional eating

Many individuals tend to have underlying emotional issues related to food and body image, which makes them susceptible to stress and emotional eating. Acknowledging these to start recognizing and coping with your emotional triggers is essential. To start, you can keep a food diary or practice stress management techniques, from mindfulness meditation to relaxation activities like yoga.

For individuals struggling to manage emotional eating on their own, seeking professional help through supportive psychotherapy is highly beneficial. Studies have found that this can better maintain weight loss changes in the long term. Here, individuals can explore deeper emotional issues, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and gain valuable insights into their relationship with food and body image.

Practice mindful eating

Mindful eating involves being fully present and engaged during meals, allowing individuals to develop a healthier relationship with food and make more conscious eating choices. To start practicing mindful eating, first focus on the visual aspect of your meal. Take a moment to observe the food on your plate, paying attention to its colors, textures, and arrangement. Then, as you take each bite, engage your senses fully.

Notice the aroma, texture, and flavor of the food, and be present in the moment as you chew and swallow. By tuning into each sensory aspect of eating, mindful eating promotes greater awareness of your hunger and satiety signals, ultimately contributing to sustainable weight loss. This routine serves as a practical starting point for those seeking to cultivate a deeper understanding of mindful eating practices.

Learn to count calories properly

With a solid foundation of motivation and mindfulness in place, it’s time to turn attention to the numerical aspect of dieting: calorie counting. By creating a calorie deficit — consuming fewer calories than the body burns — weight loss becomes achievable.

While the exact number of calories needed varies depending on factors such as age, metabolism, and activity level, establishing a calorie target provides a tangible framework for success. You can use online calorie calculators to help. From there, tracking food intake and monitoring portion sizes can help individuals stay within their calorie goals and make informed dietary choices.

With these tips, individuals can overcome barriers and achieve sustainable weight loss. Remember, consistency and perseverance are key, and each step taken brings you closer to your goals.

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